Astrology Secrets Revealed by ERIC FRANCIS


What Will Happen?


March 11, 2005


Hi Eric!


I was born (at least in this life) on March 31st, 1957, at 6:15 am in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I've been told that career and financial success is something that will more than likely happen for me in the last half of my life (whatever that is). Also, that success in career will come first, followed by a successful relationship with a significant other. My question is, do you concur with this? Quite frankly, I feel like things are about to kick off for me in ways it never has before with my career and wanted to get your input. By the way, I love your website.





Dear Maria,


It's not my style to look at the chart and start making predictions. Some astrologers do it much better than me. Even in my horoscope columns I do my best to be an armchair psychologist and offer some of grandma's common sense rather than try to be Nostradamus.


You certainly have an exciting chart, in that you are not the kind of person to sit around and wait for life to happen. With eight major points in the fire signs, including six in Aries, nothing is likely to stop you in this life, not even the biggest mountain range. Certainly, your optimism will be well rewarded and you have a lot to be thankful for: you are inventive, creative and truly passionate about life.


And the forthcoming eclipses, one of which involves Aries, will stir the pit a bit and get you thinking about who you are, what you want, and who you want to be.


I would say that your chart is so full of creative initiative, that you would just be wise to take the good tidings of the astrologer you spoke to, and go out and get the life you want going. You could spin gold from dross, and you have an excellent way of being self-aware and self-supportive that helps others do the same.


So share your wealth, and spread the good vibes.