December 17, 2004
Hello Eric:
My question for you is about twins. I was just visiting a friend with twins, a
boy and a girl, born only three minutes apart. (14 January 2004 at 20:00 and
20:03 in
Dear Angela,
This is one of the most common questions put to astrology. And there are some
astrological techniques you can use that carefully distinguish between the
charts even given three minutes difference and birth time. I've done a twins
question earlier in this series. As a side note, twins are not usually born
three minutes apart, unless it's by C-section. So we have a bit of the modern
world intruding on the biological and astrological process.
For example had the second twin been born
as early as 8:31 pm, we would have two different rising signs (Virgo rising in
the second birth, as opposed to Leo rising in the first).
The real answer, though, is that they are
different because they are different people. They have very similar charts, but
they are going to live those charts out each in their own way. One is a boy and
one is a girl, and sometimes these seem like different species. This is a
reminder to astrologers that the chart is a set of potentials rather than a
measure of destiny.
It will be interesting to see how they
distinguish themselves as they grow up, and how they seem to be on the same
wavelength. Much of the story has yet to be told. They have some very interesting
aspects in their charts, and are likely to be talented innovators of some kind.
The family must, however, be careful of the influence of religion on their
lives (i.e., imposed morals), as such a program could work out to be quite
destabilizing on their relationships when the parents plan for it to have quite
the opposite effect.