Astrology Secrets Revealed by ERIC FRANCIS

Mercury Retrograde


December 11, 2004


Dear Readers:

The Mercury retrograde stories have been pouring in. My favorite (perhaps of all time) was one day last week; the French government was running training drills with its bomb-sniffing dogs (who, unfortunately, I did not get a few hours to socialize with). They were using a bit of plastic explosive (115 grams, or around five ounces) for this purpose and, in a true stroke of French intellectual brilliance, put the explosives into the suitcase of a passenger -- so the dogs could then find it.


But what then happened was -- they didn't. And nobody in the law enforcement crew did something basic like, er, maybe, perhaps, record the barcode on the bag that was used for the little experiment. Hey, how about it guys?? So it got onto any one of 90 flights, to anywhere. The explosives were never found.


Fortunately, they are “harmless” without the proper detonation device, so somebody just ended up getting a really cool souvenir from their trip to France.

This has Mercury retrograde written all over it. And now somebody is the proud owner of five ounces of plastic explosives, for which he easily could have been arrested had a different country's dogs sniffed it out, or made him go through a routine customs check.


(This is an argument for using little plastic tabs to seal your baggage; locks are now illegal, but at least you'll know whether your bag has been opened, and you can bring this to the attention of customs officials if you are checked.)


However, what was demonstrated in the process is how easy it is to move this chemical around the world. So for everything that goes wrong with Mercury retrograde, something is revealed: a weakness in the system, and at times, shocking information that would have remained in hiding, save for some interesting turn of events that led to its discovery. Look for the same in your own life.


Mercury retrograde often has that feeling of what happens when the mind meets technology and things go weird. True, sometimes it's all about technology; but more often than not, human error is involved, such as the situation where a friend in Paris brought his computer in to have the operating system reinstalled. The technician then erased his entire hard drive without asking, and said, "Oh, I thought you had a backup." About half the data could be recovered by a computer lab, though not his email and address book.


With human error so prominent in Mercury retrograde debacles, I suggest you take the time to do it right. Worry about what matters; when in doubt, make a backup, or make the follow-up call yourself. I strongly advise making major computer changes during this phase, and don't buy what you don't absolutely need.


In other astrological news, we are heading into the New Moon in about five days, a powerful lunation that occurs, conjunct the meaningful and potent planet Pluto, in Sagittarius. Not that world events have failed to be interesting (if heart-rending), but this particular New Moon, on Dec. 12, will bring with it a wave of intrigue and news that will in some way change the world noticeably. And wherever you happen to have Sagittarius in your chart, you will be granted a sense of renewal and an opportunity to begin over.


Mercury goes direct on Dec. 20, and the Sun enters Capricorn (Winter Solstice) the next day, Dec. 21. From then on, the days get longer here in the Northern Hemisphere, shorter in the Southern.


Much more in information on this subject is at Planet Waves Weekly, my subscriber e-journal. This is a truly worthwhile astrological investment, with a weekly horoscope each week, a birthday report and many detailed essays each month, as well as an extra horoscope each Monday, and an extended annual horoscope for subscribers. My essays give a truly personal slant on the news, and helps us orient ourselves on how to respond at this rather intense and critical point in history. Have a look -- I think you'll like it a lot.


Learn more at:


And here is a Postcard from Paris:


Here are some meditations on your questions this week.