Relationship Age-Gap
November 19, 2004
Hello Eric:
I am a 41 year old woman, divorced from my husband for 4 years now. I share
custody of my young child with his father. In March of 2004, I started dating a
man who is old enough to be my father. We were friends and our relationship
started out as a curiosity and a need for affection that has now turned quite
intimate. I have genuine feelings for this man. He is warm, kind, loving and understanding.
He is 79! We are both very reluctant to divulge our clandestine relationship
since he has a grown family who is very much involved in his life. I have a
young child and we all live in a small town where everyone knows each other's
families well. My father and this man are friends. My father would be upset if
he found out. I do not want the gossip hurting my child if our relationship
were ever exposed. I know this relationship has no future because of his
advanced age, and also the social unacceptance of our age difference. I want so
much to find someone who I can have a legitimate relationship and hopefully
another child. This man has a significant amount of financial security.
Although that is not a reason I see him, I can't help but think that I would
not be included in his financial plan if anything should ever happen to him,
and that thought brings me feelings of resentment. What does my future hold
regarding this man? Should I terminate it now? Will I find a new love? My
birthdate is 24 Jan. 1963 and his is 5 June 1925. Thank you,
"Desperately Seeking Your Advice"
Dear DSYA,
Social unaccptance of your age difference?
I would say that would be a more important issue if you were
14 and he was 28. I think you're probably projecting: you're worried about what
you think about what you think other people may think about your relationship.
That's complicated! But don't blame them for your fears, or you'll never get
rid of them.
As for your respective families being upset? If this were
the sole criteria by which the world were run, all the wars would stop because
I am upset about them. At some point you're entitled to live your life your
way, and last time I checked, that was at the age of 18. By the time you're 41,
your parents, kids and friends have to live with your decisions. Touch noogies.
They will still love you, and if they don't, they never did.
I know that deep within the human psyche we all have a need
to be accepted by our tribe. But if your tribe is going to reject you for
loving someone, then maybe you need to find a new tribe.
And "no future"? Have you noticed lately that he's