Telling Astrology
November 5, 2004
Readers in Kingdoms Far and Near:
Many of us are left scratching our heads
with the seemingly solid re-election of George W. Bush to the U.S. presidency,
and many on the east side of the Pond and in Oz are wondering what it means for
the world.
Let's remember the astrology, because it
is telling, and many are wondering.
election happened in the wake of a total eclipse of the Moon in Taurus,
signifying an issue with values. This blindsided me, personally: I never
even considered the possibility, as is being widely reported in the media, that
the anti-gay-marriage initiatives actually carried the election. Taurus is
about our most personal values (and not coincidentally sensuality, and sex),
but an eclipse opens up the discussion into the collective realm, bringing in
the mass public. Hence, we saw an election carried by a values-related theme,
which the U.S.
press (always preferring to use familiar words that nobody understands!) is calling
election happened under a Sun-Neptune square, which I've been whining about for
10 months or so. This is an astrological sign from heaven
that says slippery when wet. Neptune is making its way on a long journey (begun
right before the Clinton
impeachment) across Aquarius, a sign that is involved with the public and also
with technology (i.e., voting machines). When you think of Neptune
in Aquarius, think of Prozac turning up in the drinking water supply. Or lots
of people thinking that Jesus wants us to kill Iraqis. Neptune,
under stress and even when it's working beautifully, warns of deception,
delusion and misplaced idealism. To work Neptune
properly is a little like going out onto the ocean in a sailboat. You have to
know what you're doing, or you get swallowed by the sea. If there is a square,
that's like saying there's a stiff wind and some weather, so you need to be an
experienced sailor. I am mixing my car and boat metaphors here, but I think you
get it.
of seas and sailboats, here's one I have not mentioned, but noticed with some
astonished curiosity when I did my essay on the USA Sibley Chart in this space a
few weeks ago. The progressed Sun in the first-ever
chart for the United States
changed signs from Aquarius to Pisces on Nov. 1, 2004, that is, on Monday.
(That is not a misprint; you read it correctly.) The progressed Sun stays in a
sign for about 30 years. This is roughly 10,956 days. It just so happens that
THE day the Sun changed signs was Monday before this election. This occurs
three times per century and thus a total of about eight times in all of U.S.
history, and it happened to happen again the day before this election.
I don't have a quick and dirty
interpretation, except to say that the progressed Sun changing signs is a time
of significant change. A long cycle of history is over. And any astrologer
would say that the change to Pisces brings in the Neptune
factor again. But it also does something else: Pisces time will work to
dissolve many of the patterns that emerged during the Aquarius phase, which
spans approximately from the Nixon resignation, through the Reagan / Bush /
Clinton / Bush era. Remember, Aquarius makes patterns and Pisces dissolves
them. Pisces, at least, will focus some people on beauty and pleasure. In the
realm of human experience, that's healthy, because it gives us something to do
besides brood over war.
was trine Saturn in the election chart. Look this up in any
astrology book and you will read all variety of sweet and cuddly things, about
how mature and open-minded it is, and so on. However, Mercury trine Saturn is
the primary aspect in the Sept. 11 chart. Mercury was rising in that chart (in
Libra). Mercury is prominent in just about every chart that has anything to do
with the Bush administration, including the chart for his first
"election," which happened in the throes of a Mercury retrograde
(also in Libra). A lot is happening in Libra right now, stirring up those
charts. However the current Mercury trine Saturn went from Scorpio to Cancer.
Mercury has now changed signs to Sagittarius.
still have a major factor in this election coming, which I mentioned last week:
a series of four planetary occultations between Nov. 9 and 14. Now, I was
excited when I found out that this was in the range of an Ohio recount. And even though Kerry has
conceded the election to Bush, those votes will be counted. Besides which,
occultations, by their nature, deal with something mysterious or hidden. I
mentioned these last week. What I did not mention was that the two recent
examples of historic news events being revealed the day of occultations include
the death of David Kelly (Moon occult Mars) and the election of Arnold
Schwarzenegger in that California recall last year (again Moon occult Mars).
I have
described the horoscope of the presidential inauguration, Jan. 20, 2005 at noon
in Washington, DC, as the "chart from hell." I wish I
were exaggerating, but with all due respect to everyone on the political
rainbow, including the president himself, I'm very glad that this is not the
chart for John Kerry taking office. Interesting that Chief Justice William
Rhenquist, who is sick, is unlikely to administer the oath of office. I am
pretty sure that he can no longer speak. I will post my interpretation of the
inauguration chart to my web page this weekend -- please see the blog.
Here is a bit of linguistic research on
the word "occult" as discovered by Tracy
in Liverpool, in an etymology dictionary.
Remember that in applying ideas to astrology, the action can go in either direction,
i.e., a planetary occultation can reveal something that is occulted in another
sense of the word. Words are great. Language is a virus from outer space. Begin
quote: First use documented in 1533, occut means "secret, not
divulged," from Latin, occultus
"hidden, concealed, secret," pp. of occulere
"cover over, conceal," from ob "over" + a verb related to
celare "to hide," from PIE base *kel- (see cell). Meaning "not
apprehended by the mind, beyond the range of understanding" is from 1545.
End quote. Tracy
adds: The association with the supernatural sciences (magic, alchemy,
astrology, etc.) dates from 1633.
Will we ever know if the election of 2004
was messed with electronically? We shall see what we shall see.
Here are few of your questions this week.
I've taken it a little lighter than usual, it's been one very bush (oops, I
meant to type busy!) week.
By the way -- I am still blogging every
day at,
and Planet Waves Weekly,
my subscriber newsletter, is running nice and hot these days. Check out the
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