Total Lunar Eclipse Effects
October 29, 2004
Dear Readers:
It's still too early to be seeing the full effects of this morning's
total lunar eclipse, unless of course you're a baseball fan. In fact you don't
even have to be much of one to appreciate the stunning World Series victory by
the Boston Red Sox over the Cardinals (and, in the playoffs, the Yankees before
them). Unlikely, even rare things happen during eclipses. (People who 'hate'
baseball, please stop yawning.) The rivalry between these teams has been
legendary, and the Red Sox have ever been the underdogs; the last time they won
the Series was when Babe Ruth played on their team, in 1918. Then he went to
the Yankees and the rest is history.
I am not much of a baseball fan myself these days, but the
Babe Ruth chart is one to look at -- maybe after the election. I will say this,
he has a lot of Venus and a lot of Moon in that chart.
The energy of the prior Full Moon in Aries exactly one month
ago, and then the solar eclipse two weeks ago, were among about the maddest,
wildest and woolliest -- and most effective -- solar-lunar events I've ever
felt. I have been doing my best to maintain my journalistic objectivity and not
get too personal (yet), as I don't want to cloud people's experiences, only
maximize them -- however, the energy felt like a tidal wave. They did their
job, that much I can say.
The job of eclipse is akin to what hurricanes do: flood and
cleanse the land, in this case, consciousness.
Now, as I have been mentioning, there is a series of bonus
eclipses coming up. By bonus eclipses, I mean a series of planetary
occultations. That's when the Moon makes an exact eclipse to a planet rather
than to the Sun. To see these you need a tool called Raphael's Ephemeris, which
is one of the very few commercial ephemerides that mentions this kind of event.
It is indicated by a little conjunction dot, filled in -- the symbol of a solar
But here is the basic sequence:
Nov. 9 -- Moon Occult Jupiter, at 10 degrees Libra
Nov. 10 -- Moon Occult Venus, at 15 degrees Libra
Nov. 11 -- Moon Occult Mars, at 30 degrees Libra
Nov. 14 -- Moon Occult Mercury, at 14 degrees Sagittarius (on something called
the Great Attractor).
I was talking to my buddy Rick Levine of last night going over
the election charts, and I told him about this. He's been an astrologer a lot
longer than I have. He said, "That's really weird, right?" Um, yep.
I've been following Raphael's since around 1995 -- not so long, I know -- but
I've never seen anything vaguely resembling this. I would say this is a normal
number of occultations for six months or so, all clustered into four days, and
four days right after the election and two other eclipses.
A lot else in Libra suggests that -- with all eyes on the
"We shall see what we shall see."
Readers: I am blogging at least twice a day at and
will be closely tracking events, astrological and otherwise, associated with
the election in the coming days, at times hour by hour. Please tune in!
Here are some of your questions this week.
Peace & Passion
Eric Francis