Unaspected Sun
October 8 2004
Hi Eric (wherever you may be...)
Apparently, I have an unaspected Sun in my chart. Could you clarify what this
means for me and how I may best work with it? My data is 30th March 1960, at
4:45 a.m. in
Oceans of Warmth
Lily x
Dear Lily,
I've had a look at your chart. I'm not sure who told you that you have an unaspected
Sun, but that's not what I'm looking at. First, I see your Sun (in Aries) makes
quincunxes to both Neptune and Pluto, and is thus at the point of a yod
pattern. That is about as aspected as you can get. I also see that your Sun is
square Jupiter in Capricorn. I see that it's trine Uranus (true, by 8 degrees,
but that's quite enough for the Sun making a trine, and the Sun is applying to
Uranus in Leo, meaning it has a lower degree number -- greater emphasis). Your
Sun is also square Saturn, again this is an 8 degree aspect but more than
enough for the Sun. It makes a close sextile to Ceres, the first 'asteroid',
really a full-on planet. And one of its closest aspects is a square to the
minor planet Vesta (see edition from two weeks ago for more on Vesta). I have
not searched minor aspects or additional minor planets, but you would find
plenty going on if you did.
Thanks for taking the time to write. And by the way I'm in