Astrology Secrets Revealed by ERIC FRANCIS

Annual New Moons in Sun Signs


August 27, 2004


Dear Eric:

I am a Taurus born on 19 May. I understand that this year the New Moon in Taurus was on the 19 May. What do the annual New Moons in the various signs signify? And what does it mean when the New Moon in your sign falls on your birthday?

Regards, Sham



Dear Sham,

Before I go into some of the technicalities of your question, I would like to address the word "mean", and add a bit of caution. In our society, we generally look for a quick fix on meaning; something means this, but not that. What does that scientific study mean? What does that court order mean? We think of meaning as the bottom line. Yet meaning is a process of gaining understanding, and it is much more subtle than a bottom line. Your question potentially suggests that there is a single meaning to any of the events or charts you describe, and there are in truth many, and many layers.


In fact, your question is a fine place to begin the entire study of astrology. Following the Sun and the Moon for some months is a great way to feel the heartbeat of the planets, and the rhythm of nature - the regular, dependable pulse of the lunar cycle. This is a more feminine and intuitive way to study astrology than boring into books and ideas; it is more natural; and likely, it's more effective.


The best way to get some depth as to what these events are about is to look at New Moon charts for a couple of years, and see what you notice. New Moons make up nearly half the charts in my main notebook. I use them to write monthly, weekly and at times daily horoscopes and incorporate ideas I get from them into those pieces of writing. They can be very evocative. Each event is different. Each tells a story not just about the month that it commences but also about the times in which we are living, because in addition to the New Moon itself, there are numerous other placements and these reflect all the astrology of our era in history.


The New Moon and the Full Moon are part of the same story. Once you have taken a look at a New Moon chart, you can look at the Full Moon two weeks later to see how the story develops. You can also look at the people around you, and at the story of the world as it unfolds. The astrology of any given moment is often nicely reflected in the news and the stories that people tell us.


I would remind everyone that these events are not merely charts. They are celestial experiences and we can feel them very directly, if we tune into them. It happens that this article is posting just before a Full Moon, one that may be very obvious in its presence because it's conjunct the planet Uranus.


Some astrological traditions put a lot of emphasis on the New Moon. Many Vedic (Indian) astrologers consider the New Moon in your sign to be your birthday chart. I would say that if you have a New Moon on your birthday, that is, at least, personal message from the cosmos, and very likely a personal blessing of some kind, and a symbol of profound renewal.