Getting Married Under a Full Moon
July 9, 2004
I plan to get married about a year or year and a half from now. I'd like to
have an outdoor wedding on a clear night, with lots of moon and starlight. Is
it a good idea to get married on the night of a Full Moon? I'd like to plan it
for a time when the planets will promote romance and serenity; both on the
night of the ceremony and also for the duration of the honeymoon. Can you make
some suggestions, or direct me to some easy to use resources for further
research? We are open to the seasons of spring, summer, and fall.
With Warm Appreciation,
Michelle (and Steve)
Dear Michelle,
It's a fine idea to use astrology as a way of choosing a wedding date. This has
been done since time immemorial. But it's complicated by two factors: one is
finding an astrologer capable of the work; and the second is that there are so
many factors in choosing a wedding date that many people who actually do what
is called an 'electional' chart for their wedding cannot use the data because
(for example) the catering hall or church are not available. Still, there is no
way on God's green Earth that I would get married without choosing the date
astrologically; in my view that's just common sense.
While it may seem romantic to have the Full Moon rising over
your wedding, I don't personally think it's particularly auspicious marriage
astrology. Marriages are a beginning; the Full Moon is the culmination of a
story -- the peak of something, in this case, the peak of the lunar cycle, and
from that day forward, the Moon begins to wane, that is, to shrink -- not to
grow. It is like using astrology to put the middle of the story before the
beginning of the story, or beginning a football game in the third quarter.
While it's not easy to coordinate everything else that has
to happen around a marriage with the astrology, I would recommend getting
married some time between the New Moon and the first quarter. If you get
married around the 3rd through 5th nights of the Moon you'll have a dramatic
new crescent setting right behind the Sun, assuming you don't have clouds that
It is possible to make a case for a Full Moon wedding chart
by saying that the male principle and the female principle are in balance and
are in their full points of expression. But it's not a very compelling
argument. I can't imagine any farmer or gardener who uses astrology to plant
their crops would plant at the Full Moon, not if he wanted a good crop. The
'new' side of the lunar cycle is the seeding moment.
There are other factors involved if you want to do a proper
wedding electional chart -- two of which should be the positions of Venus and
Mars. It can take quite a bit of juggling, and weighing and balancing of the
cycles to come up with a good wedding date -- but it can be done, particularly
if you are flexible, and you can convince your friends and family to humor you
I wish you the best, and a joyous wedding.