New York, June 24, 2018 | View as Webpage | Order 2018 Spring Reading
Are You Ready for the Sacred Space of Self?

You may view your sign's Spring Reading sample video from this link.

Dear Friend and Reader:

It's not for everyone. It may be for you. Are you ready for a journey into your astrology, and the astrology of our times? Are you ready for a full-spectrum view of Mars retrograde?

This event is in Aquarius, the sign of society and its patterns. I have done something truly shamanic, which is to be transported deep into the shadowy underworld of what is going on, right beneath the level of appearances, and the level of technology. I have witnessed and experienced things I can barely describe.

All that I've learned, I've shared in the Sacred Space of Self. This reading covers Chiron in Aries, Uranus in Taurus, and Mars retrograde in Aquarius -- all of which are directly related events. (Mars is the classical ruler of Aries, where Chiron is, and Uranus, now in Taurus, is modern planet associated with Aquarius). We are working out an energy pattern.

Planet Waves
Eric recording the Taurus Spring Reading video.
Everyone feels the need for change, sometimes to an urgent depth of necessity. These readings (12 of them, plus a supplemental one on Chiron in Aries) are a guide to moving through, working with, and experiencing these energies in a creative way.

I have designed a guide to change, as society changes.

In this letter, we have three offers for you: for the readings as stand-alone, or combined with a written reading a discounted membership or extension; and then with either my written The Art of Becoming reading, and a membership. Those are listed below.

We can customize a purchase for you, though that is easier by phone. This will also get you an opportunity to talk with Amy or Ellen, and if I'm in the office, with me.

Here are your options:

Option One -- The Sacred Space of Self video readings, all 12 signs, one purchase per household (i.e., share with your kids); or individual signs. These are 40-50 minute readings, applicable to your Sun sign, rising sign, Moon sign and the astrological ideas you have of others. I consider it ethical to 'research' possible viewpoints of others as a means of improving communication.

Option Two -- The Sacred Space of Self plus a year of Core Community membership, whether new, an extension, or upgrade and extend. Core Community gets you all of our publications, website access, and The Oracle divination tool (and intelligent horoscope archive). This includes daily, weekly and monthly horoscopes. Also included is a Planet Waves diary (beautiful new pink ones arrived) or personalized astrology kit.

Option Three -- The Sacred Space of Self, plus Core Community, plus The Art of Becoming Annual Reading. This is if you are super curious, and you want to catch up. The Art of Becoming will always be relevant, though I propose you want the information that it contains right about now, or as close to now as possible.

Remember, if you're confused or want some other options, or need help on the financial end, call us at (845) 481-5616. If you leave a message we will get right back to you.

Thank you for your business, and for trusting me as your astrologer.

With love,

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