New York, Nov. 15, 2020 | View as Webpage | Help Create PWFM
Season Finale Planet Waves FM: Jupiter-Pluto, Mars Direct

Dear Friend and Listener:

This week's Planet Waves FM is the last before Thanksgiving. The program is hosted on our new website. Please sign up for a free registration! Extra treats for all who do.

I recap this most unusual Mars retrograde, and continue my tribute to Betty Dodson with one of her other students, Planet Waves Textiles Bureau Chief Cheryl Corson. And we have a visit from investigative reporter Whitney Webb, who makes a few connections for us.

For the Thanksgiving holiday, I'll be taking a one-week break from the program. We'll reissue the music specials from previous years. I'm taking a year off from that but the three Bob Dylan specials we've done have been rather beautiful. Bob Dylan appears on Planet Waves FM courtesy of Special Rider Music and Jeff Rosen. Check for a letter Wednesday night or Thursday.

Planet Waves FM is an independent, not-for-profit radio project, affiliated with Pacifica Network.

We have no advertisements, corporate sponsors, or weird political sponsors — just you: my listeners, astrology clients, and friends. We continue to be sponsored exclusively by your one-time and monthly contributions. All donations from within the U.S. are tax-deductible.

Thank you for listening.

With love,

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