This is a sample issue of the Planet Waves subscriber edition. This is published every Friday. If you would like to explore your subscription options, please check here. Or you may get a free trial subscription here. Onward, Inward, and the Unseen Guide
Dear Friend and Reader: I have been boycotting the news lately, devoting myself entirely to the study of psychological and spiritual astrology for LISTEN, the 2013 annual. I have been studying my annotated 2013 charts, about 100 of them, since early July, and now is when I pull many planets and aspects together into a series of coherent narratives that offer some guidance for growth and living.
I started to feel something verging on cynicism at the end of all of that; the sensation that I had been played. Yet I have no regrets about taking certain issues seriously -- one in particular, the threat to women's reproductive rights, the blatant misogyny and the truly vicious homophobia that were so boldly exhibited in the election cycles of both 2010 and 2012. Election or not, that needed an airing out. This was, however, political material that pointed us inward, as the astrology has been doing through the past year, particularly the retrogrades of Venus and Mars. In the public arena, what we witnessed was the emergence of political material focused not on actual discussion of right and wrong, or how society should be run, or how to handle global crisis, but the eruption of a dark, controlling, self-serving impulse that basically views the life force, and particularly being female, as inherently immoral. We can't wage a political campaign against that, but we can do our best to recognize the problem and seek healing. The underlying problem is ultimately personal, not one of policy. On some level, in order to take the kind of abuse that the political system doles out so generously, it's necessary to have been conditioned to feel wrong for being alive. What we call spiritual or psychological growth, or healing, is about coming to terms with that conditioning and then doing what we can about it. And there is plenty we can do. The problem is that it's inconvenient, defying the thought patterns, beliefs and ideas that support a way of life, yet one that doesn't necessarily support us back. And perhaps most of all, we are conditioned to be dishonest with ourselves, and with others, and often rewarded for being so. The transits of the next two years are calling us to get beneath that conditioning, and to do what we can to resolve it. The result would be freeing up creative energy to do whatever we want, and there is plenty to do. There's plenty we're all saying we want to do. Transcending the Obstacles Many obstacles stand in the way, besides mere inconvenience. One is guilt. It is guilt that says, "It's your fault that you feel this way, and you're wrong for wanting to claim yourself back." Make a note: guilt about wanting to heal is evidence that something was done to you, and that you have internalized the oppressor or attacker as a guilt-inducing mental script. This can manifest as many different forms of negative self-talk, self-sabotage and inviting others to do further damage to us, often under the guise of good intentions.
That double bind alone is evidence that a crime has been committed, and among other things, it's a crime against trust. This can make it difficult to take one of the most important steps in the healing process -- learning to trust others enough to allow in some help or guidance. Then there is the double bind, "If I admit something was done to me, then I am a victim, and that's not allowed." Under this logic, going for therapy is evidence of being messed up, rather than evidence that you want to feel better. Another obstacle is the sensation that there is so much to deal with, we'll never get it done. Another is relationship patterns that pretty much guarantee that the sexual/emotional material is intractable, since the rules of the relationships tend to prevent the discussion, and then often repeat the injury. A diversity of social rules support people in sticking with relationships that don't work, in part by failing to support us in being autonomous people. Dr. Wilhelm Reich had a term for this -- he called it the emotional plague. Let's put it this way. To get out of this loop, you have to really want to. It is possible. It is necessary, even if many don't get around to it. Yet it takes focus, determination, time, willingness and resources. It takes cultivating selflove and patience. It does not happen 'by itself'. And it's not realistic to expect there to be one magical relationship that will come along and save you. That expectation is a big part of the problem we face. Pluto in Capricorn: Rearranging Reality The astrological aspects that have developed the past few months -- a pattern that will hold in various forms through 2014 and into 2015 -- offer a map to the territory I'm describing. Pluto began its ingress into Capricorn in 2008, signaling an end to the 'post-9/11' world (though arriving with another manufactured catastrophe, the banking collapse at the end of the Cheney/Bush administration). That was a news alert that we were embarking on many structural changes that are described by the unstoppable force, Pluto, encountering a form of the immovable object, Capricorn (ruled by Saturn). This was the selling out of the American dream -- the home.
Contributing to the problem was that many people signed for mortgages they could not afford, and where the banks lacked the integrity to care. They were moving product. On a much smaller scale, tens of millions of people find themselves in debt they cannot deal with -- a complex problem related to real wages going down steadily since the 1970s. (This is one reason why so many people need three jobs. If everyone wants the 99-cent breakfast, you can be sure the people making it aren't going to be paid much to flip the eggs.) The energy of Pluto always goes somewhere, and via Capricorn, where it's going is into changes that reach the patterns we live, the structure of society and the foundations of our beliefs. Pluto in Capricorn can work two ways. One way is the impulse to dive deep into what we are dragging along from the past, recovering what works and transforming what does not. The other way is the concentration of power, ranging from control drama to blind ambition. To work the healing side of the Pluto-in-Capricorn equation we need to be mindful of the power-oriented side of the equation. The evolutionary impulse of Pluto can quickly turn destructive, especially if one tastes something one thinks of as power, and wants more. Pluto in Capricorn is a long process (lasting until 2024), and it's going to leave no stone unturned, no cave unexplored, no mountain unclimbed. This is a journey deep into shadow, into the core of the psyche, entering what you might think of as the collective unconscious. Pluto in Capricorn is not strictly about an individual process. It's something that's collective property, collective responsibility and which will require cooperation. Saturn in Scorpio: Enforced Growth More recently (in early October 2012), Saturn arrived in a sign associated with Pluto -- Scorpio, where it will be into 2015. Scorpio and Pluto are associated; Saturn and Capricorn are associated. Here we have two of the most potent psychological forces in astrology occupying one another's signs, and for many months to come, dancing in a sextile aspect. Think of the sextile as the option to cooperate, and as entities close enough to reach one another for a common purpose. Saturn is a maturing influence. It represents the principle of the boundary, the necessity, the limit and the maturing impulse. Saturn represents the passage of time and the time limit, and prior to the discovery of Pluto was considered a significator of death.
On a more intimate level, Scorpio is the place where two people meet on the level of an exchange, and also admit the transience of their bond in this world. Saturn in Scorpio is about understanding the nature of the exchange, creating a safe container for it to happen in, and most of all, is a reminder that this is an exchange and not a total merging of interests. Seen another way, Saturn in Scorpio is about compelling a level of maturity on all of these topics. We can really use it, and we know it. Part of that maturity includes addressing what we fear, which seems to be a morph of sexual shadow and all things related to intimacy. Part of this includes the fear of abandonment and the fear of aloneness, which are integral to the intimacy crisis we face. It does not help that we teach our children dependency rather than autonomy, and often push our peers to be dependent on, rather than independent of, dysfunctional and even dangerous situations. One reason why abusive relationships are so wildly popular is because they provide a hedge against intimacy. The abuse, the drama, the standoffs and the lack of empathy render intimacy impossible, so in this respect the dramas serve those who are afraid to be close to others. Yet it goes deeper -- I am fond of the definition of intimacy offered by my friend, the poet Jason Blickstein -- into-me-see. The fear of intimacy is also the fear of seeing into oneself, to address what might be there. And this is what Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn are inviting us to do. For many, inward looking is terrifying; hence, the persistent emphasis on appearances, on status, on money, on everything but the actual content of who a person is. One resulting shadow side of both of these transits is emotional fear resulting in knee-jerk conservatism, denial and withdrawal. Such is almost always directed at sex and its creative power, and that is much of what Pluto and Scorpio are describing. If the reactionary thinking is recognized for what it is, there will be an obvious invitation to healing.
But when planets occupy one another's signs and can, therefore, be seen to switch places, that transports in time as well. Pluto in Scorpio takes us back to the dawn of the modern AIDS crisis, when much of the present sexual neurosis took hold -- all based on the obsessive connection between sickness, death and sex. This was so persistent that it could only be denied, and denial is what we now live with most of the time. Saturn in Scorpio takes us to the same era, when religion-based social conservatism was on the march, supported by fear and driven relentlessly into government policy. So, with this setup, we get a chance to visit the late 1980s and early 1990s, and heal what was done then, including the values and attitudes that were put into place, and which most people accepted without questioning. One of those simply must be abstinence-only sex indoctrination in public schools, which I believe has done far more harm than we recognize. This must be replaced with honest, socially tolerant and most of all, science-based sex education. A Presence Within the Darkness There is one last detail that I have been observing and dialoging with in the process of doing the 2013 readings. Saturn in Scorpio is making a long conjunction to a point called Poseidon. This is a hypothetical point, one of the eight trans-Neptunian points that were developed in Germany early in the 20th century. Its use is considered controversial outside of Uranian astrology, though from years of observation I have learned to respect these points. Poseidon is like a super-Neptune, offering the vision and inspiration without the delusional side effects. It is associated with mirrors and windows, and therefore with reflectivity and transparency. It has a psychic quality and can help spread ideas through an etheric conducting medium. Saturn-Poseidon will offer the opportunity to challenge the religious dogma of our times, as well as the persistent image-over-substance crisis that has itself become a form of religion. On the most personal levels, I think this placement goes deeper. I view Poseidon's role in this setup as an unseen guide through all of the issues I have described.
Yet awareness of the spiritual presence manifests in direct proportion to the commitment to healing. If one commits oneself in earnest to understanding and resolving their shadow material, then the guide makes itself known. If one does not, the guide is still there, but one is unlikely to be aware of it. Said another way, we are not being asked to go through any of this alone. Indeed, the sense of being alone, and even the reality, is a direct consequence of the isolation caused by the initial injury, and not being able to say anything about it. For a time, the company we are offered will manifest as an inner presence rather than as an outer one; it is this inner presence that will make other forms of companionship more meaningful. Indeed, it's vital that we set aside the company of others who deter us from our mission, once we have committed to it, and invite in only those willing to be supportive. This can require making decisions that seem difficult at first, but obvious in retrospect. We need to remember this, as the astrology of 2013 is in many ways a deeply introspective journey into the heart of what troubles us the most. This is not a task for the faint of heart. Courage and the cultivation of self-respect are required. If we focus the goals of liberation, resolving the causes of pain, self-knowledge and nourishing pleasure, I believe we will know what to do. There's a reminder from A Course in Miracles that I would offer you, which places a lens in front of the astrology we're experiencing. "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. It is not necessary to seek for what is true, but it is necessary to seek for what is false. "Every illusion is one of fear, whatever form it takes. And the attempt to escape from one illusion into another must fail. If you seek love outside yourself you can be certain that you perceive hatred within, and are afraid of it. Yet peace will never come from the illusion of love, but only from its reality." Lovingly, ![]() Photo selection by Sarah Bissonnette-Adler. ![]() Over the next few days, we experience a reminder that Mercury was indeed retrograde for three weeks in November, and there may be unfinished business that comes up for review now.
Neptune is in very early Pisces; on Monday, Mercury re-enters Sagittarius, and that means the two planets will be in a square aspect (exact Tuesday). One translation is: what is true? What are you denying and why? What is your definition of true, and does it include some denial? There may be something precise involved, that is to say, this is not a general philosophical question but rather something relating to a specific topic or set of facts. One clue is that you may be feeling self-critical about something, or avoiding certain specific data because you're not sure what it will reveal. The chart also suggests that you may have the feeling that if one little bit of the truth gets out, something will give way and there will be no getting control of the situation. When it comes to talking about family material, alcohol, concerns about sex, or the generally demolished state of personal integrity that many people live with, well, we humans are not so good at getting the conversation going. Yet this is one that may start on its own. I suggest you take the initiative and speak first -- acknowledging what's up for you inwardly, and then initiating the conversation where necessary. After Mercury squares Neptune, it moves on to square Chiron. That's a reminder -- there is no truth but the whole truth. ![]() A small but promising study suggests that the therapeutic use of the party drug MDMA -- also known as Ecstasy -- may be a highly effective treatment for people suffering with severe PTSD. The condition, which is a common consequence of extreme trauma, is closely associated with war veterans. This study focused on an even more common population with PTSD: long-term survivors of rape.
During the MDMA session, patients were asked to focus on their sexual assaults. Dr. Mithoefer found they were able to work through their problems and make progress with much less fear, and in ways they could not before. The study reinforces something that two Planet Waves FM guests touched on this summer when discussing tantra and healing sexual/emotional pain: to work through it without simply reinforcing the trauma, it’s important to stay present in pleasure. Dr. Mithoefer’s work with MDMA seems to open a space in which some serenity and sense of safety, if not pleasure per se, is available to those with PTSD. For more information on MDMA, visit the Vaults of Erowid. ![]() If you've been reading Planet Waves for more than a week, you know that the world does not 'end' on Dec. 21, and the Mayans never predicted that it would -- that date simply marks their calendar turning over. But do your kids understand this? Apocalyptic predictions have been around for ages, but with the Internet and other media latching onto the Mayan End-times meme, a lot of kids are genuinely afraid. A post on the U.S. government's blog (picked up by Huffington Post) is careful to dispel this and other popular doomsday ideas:
In fact, one Planet Waves staffer says that she has heard similar comments from kids, and just this week heard of a suicide by a middle-aged man that may have been related to this fear. The misconceptions and hysteria are not limited to children or Americans. Over the weekend, The New York Times reported that Russia is also taking steps to keep people from panicking: "[Russia's] minister of emergency situations said Friday that he had access to 'methods of monitoring what is occurring on the planet Earth,' and that he could say with confidence that the world was not going to end in December. He acknowledged, however, that Russians were still vulnerable to 'blizzards, ice storms, tornadoes, floods, trouble with transportation and food supply, breakdowns in heat, electricity and water supply.'" Speaking of which: our planet faces far greater risk from global warming and various human activities, although the effects are likely to be far more gradual than the turning over of a very long calendar on a single day. Regardless, check in with your kids (and anyone else in your sphere who may be showing subtle signs of distress) on what they have heard about the Mayans, the end of the world or Dec. 21, 2012. Be ready to hear their concerns with compassion and have some facts at your fingertips so you can reassure them that despite the edge of uncertainty underlying all the Internet joking, the Mayan calendar is simply a feat of early mathematics -- and the solstice is mainly a reason to celebrate a little more light and a little less darkness the next day. ![]() Students at a number of U.S. colleges are mounting a campaign to get their schools' endowments to divest from stocks in fossil fuel companies -- and there is an Internet campaign to make sure the story goes viral.
Unity College in Maine has already voted to get rid of fossil fuels, and Hampshire College in Massachusetts has adopted a broader investment policy to do so. It's easier at small schools such as these; the 'big kids', with endowments over $1 billion (Harvard's is $31 billion), aren't budging. The movement echoes the student-led push to divest from South Africa in protest over apartheid in the 1980s; many administrators fear heated boardroom standoffs as happened then. But students see the South Africa divestment as proof it can be done. Several organizations have been working on the divestment angle for over a year. But it was Bill McKibben's group, 350.org, and an article he wrote for Rolling Stone magazine this summer, which finally fanned the spark into a flame. You can add to its momentum by reading The New York Times coverage here, then clicking the 'Email' button to send it to your friends. By getting the story on the newspaper's 'most emailed list', you can help send it as far as possible, as fast as possible. ![]() On Tuesday, members of the Archangel Ancient Tree Archive planted two saplings cloned from one of the largest stumps in the world, plus 28 other clones from California's biggest, oldest coast redwoods and giant sequoias, near the Oregon-California border. The area, a little further north than the trees' normal range (to hedge against global warming), will eventually be populated with another 248 cloned saplings. Archangel is attempting to create an old-growth forest from its storehouse of rooted cuttings from the tallest, oldest and largest samples of each species it can find. The theory is that these 'champion' trees may have lasted so long partly because of genetic superiority. David Milarch, co-founder of Archangel, began his quest after a near-death experience, after which he received the message that the big trees were dying, and to "build an ark that will hold the genetics of the greatest trees on Earth." Redwoods and sequoias are among the best at capturing carbon dioxide. The Archangel project is neither a sure bet nor a quick fix, but there is enough possibility to make propagating trees that are thousands of years old worth trying. The Archangel project planted its ancient saplings during the second week of the U.N. climate talks in Doha, Qatar -- and in a week in which the most southerly typhoon ever recorded in the western Pacific has claimed the lives of 477 people in the Philippines. Hundreds more are still missing and at least 200,000 have been displaced after the high winds and flooding of Typhoon Bopha destroyed their homes. The reach of the typhoon underscores that even slightly higher global temperatures are already altering lives with dramatic and tragic effects. ![]() In a controversial move, Kenya has become the latest country to ban GMO food imports, until the health effects of such food can be verified. The Kenyan cabinet asked Public Health Minister Beth Mugo to provide scientific proof of the safety of GMOs, and government agencies must immediately comply with the directive to enforce the ban.
Not everyone in Kenya agrees with the wisdom of the ban. Some scientists believe that the ban will lead to food shortages otherwise mitigated by modern technology and that it will disrupt university biotechnology research. "The essence of GMO research is to provide a product that can complement efforts towards food security. This ban will discourage research, as the product for which the research is being conducted has been placed on import ban," said Richard Okoth, a biotechnology scientist at Kenyatta University, Nairobi. Kenya has joined Ireland, Japan, Egypt and Peru in banning the import or cultivation of all GMO crops. Peru last week began a 10-year moratorium that prevents the import, production, and use of GMOs. Earlier this year, Russia suspended imports of Monsanto's GMO corn after a French study linked the corn to cancer; France also has a temporary ban on the corn. ![]() The sharply divided Congress has been able to agree on one thing at least -- that the word "lunatic" should be purged from federal legislation. The 13th-century word means "affected with periodic insanity, dependent on the changes of the Moon," which happens to influence millions of people. Just ask any waitress, cop, EMS worker, astrologer or member of the congressional staff. The House of Representatives voted 398-1 on Wednesday to strike the term from all federal legislation, after the Senate did the same in May. Having completed this important work, the House adjourned for a five-day weekend. The bill will now go to Pres. Obama for his ssignature. Then, if you call up the FBI because the lunatic next door (who gets really weird around the time of the Full Moon) is hoarding 50,000 rounds of Glock 19 ammo in his garage, you will have to use a different term, such as "presumably insane person." "Lunatic" still appears in some parts of federal law -- a section of financial regulation, for example, addresses the power of a bank to act as a "committee of estates of lunatics." The only 'no' vote came from Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert, who said it was lunacy for lawmakers to waste time on such a measure when more high-profile issues loomed, such as the fiscal cliff, which a bunch of zombie-werewolves are pushing the country toward every hour. ![]()
Prepare to be in awe of how vast and how miniscule our universe is, and where we fit in terms of relative size. Twins Cary and Michael Huang have created a funny, meditative and scientific interactive site called Scale of the Universe 2. By scrolling in and out and clicking on images for more information, you can bend your mind out to the estimated size of the universe and then zoom your awareness down to quantum foam, one of the smallest theorized things. Somewhere in between are those human-scale things (like ourselves, and beach balls) that we take for granted -- though you might not after this. Oh -- and make sure the sound is on. ![]() Is There Really a 2012 Alignment? In this week's edition of Planet Waves FM, I take on the "2012 alignment" on Dec. 21, 2012. Many people have been asking about this, and there are numerous theories as to what really is lining up on this day. Before I get into that, I cover the astrology of the next week or so, which includes the Sun's alignment with a deep space point called the Great Attractor, and then subsequently the Galactic Center. These are difficult points to explain...I hope I did it adequately, though if you are curious, I do have some writing on the topic available. The Great Attractor is one of the biggest things known in the known universe, which is saying a lot. The Great Attractor is called that because it's vacuuming a million or so galaxies -- galaxies -- toward it at 24 million miles per day or so. If you find that intriguing, you can read an old article series I did for my Sagittarius buddy Jonathan Cainer -- Sagittarius Secrets Revealed act one and act two. Note to those following the Blue Studio Series -- you can find the latest editions here. ![]() Your Monthly Horoscopes -- and our Publishing Schedule Notes The December monthly horoscope was published Friday, Nov. 23. Inner Space for December was published Tuesday, Nov. 27. The November Monthly Horoscope was published Friday, Oct. 26. I recommend reviewing the monthly horoscope at the end of the month. The November Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Nov. 20. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays. ![]() Sagittarius Birthdays: Integrity Check, Ongoing The word "factcheck" has become part of the modern lexicon; with Mercury square Neptune in your solar return chart, I suggest you add it to your hourly routine. Check everything you hear, before you repeat it. Check everything, before you believe it. Verify that your parents really did get divorced in such and such a year, and look for evidence of how you really felt about it. Look up the spelling of 'Tucson' before you send it in an email. Read the fine print in everything you sign. Take people at their word, then wait for them to offer some proof of what they say, or at least evidence that it's true. Most important, make sure you're being honest with yourself about what you feel, since you're likely to have reason to deny it -- if only your idealism. I suggest being cautious of entering into shared domestic situations; if you do, make sure that you leave a back door for yourself, in case you find the person doesn't turn out to be what you thought. You will know most things in advance -- the key will be listening to yourself. If your intuition whispers something twice, stop and pay attention on the spot. Note to Sagittarians and Sagg rising -- your birthday reading is ready. You can get instant access at this link. ![]() Hello Aries -- Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Aries birthday reading, please visit this link. ![]() Hello Taurus -- Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.
![]() Hello Gemini -- Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.
![]() Hello Cancer -- Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.
![]() Hello Leo -- Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link. ![]() ![]() Hello Virgo -- Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.
![]() Hello Libra -- Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link .
![]() Hello Scorpio -- Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link. ![]() ![]() Hello Sagittarius -- Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). ![]() Hello Capricorn -- Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
![]() Hello Aquarius -- Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). ![]() Hello Pisces -- Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
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