New York, Feb. 18, 2016 | View as Webpage | Order Your Vision Quest Reading
 The Soul, Wisdom and Mastery, from the Charlie Lemay tarot. Charlie will be joining us in the class.
Introduction to Tarot and Divination with Eric Francis Coppolino
Dear Planet Waves Reader:
Have you ever wanted to read -- I mean really read -- tarot cards? Many people have read lots of books, but can't quite read the cards themselves. That's because the cards are speaking in a visual language. That's the language we will learn.
The Star, from the Rider-Waite deck, drawn by Pamela Coleman Smith. |
On Saturday, March 5, I am offering a class called Introduction to Tarot and Divination. In this all-level class, I will convey three basic concepts. First, what is divination? Tarot is a subset of a larger method, which is about asking and receiving an answer. This is a distinct skill, applicable to many methods. This class will help you advance in all of them.
Second, we will learn how to read a card visually. I do this by putting the same card from three different decks side by side; and just from the visuals, you can figure out how to read the card. We will use the Charlie Lemay tarot, above; and the Rider-Waite-Smith deck; and the Crowley Thoth tarot. Crowley in particular brings astrology into his deck and is an excellent tool for learning astrology.
Third, we will learn how to read the cards in context of one another, which is the key to getting the whole message. This is easier than it seems! But you need to know what to look for.
The Star, from the Crowley deck, drawn by Lady Frieda Harris. |
The class will be taught via online teleseminar and email list. There will be a three-hour class (including discussion) at noon EST on March 5. All participants will get the recording, and be invited to participate in an email discussion list that will go on for as long as participants are interested.
I will include a resources area that gathers many tools that are long forgotten and buried in the archives, including several complete sample readings.
I will include a pre-recorded interview with Sarah Taylor about how to work with clients, and Charlie Lemay will be in the room with us during the class.
I have been reading tarot professionally since 1989, and have taught many classes and seminars.
The class is $97, or $67 if you have a Backstage Pass membership (BSP holders -- please look for special mailing on Friday; we'll send it a few times). You may sign up for the class here. Note, if you're in Australia, please write to us for a link that deals with the exchange rate. (Write to
You will love this class, and leave feeling like you really can read tarot for yourself and for others.

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