New York, March 7, 2017 | Read on Web | Play New Episode here
This Week on Planet Waves FM
Venus Retrograde and the Affordable Care Act
Dear Friend and Listener:
I want to thank you for your amazing response to our membership drive. It's so, so, so beautiful to feel your response in support of what we do. Many of you have written letters in response to my notes the past few days thanking us for the many services we offer in these troubled times. (Note, if you’re already a member, you probably have not seen these letters.)
Tuesday is my favorite day of the week: I get to do Planet Waves FM, our internet radio program now affiliated with the nonprofit Pacifica Network.
Sound board used for Planet Waves FM. |
It's a two-hour talk and music program that covers the waterfront on social issues, astrology, spirituality and politics. Thanks to your membership support, we get to do this program free from commercial interruption and without the need for corporate sponsorship.
Planet Waves FM is where you get to hang out and consider your world, and the affairs of the world, in a peaceful environment. In a world of blaring, polarized and downright insulting media, Planet Waves FM is an oasis of good vibes and old-style freeform talk radio.
I get to speak to you about anything I'm feeling that day: what's in the stars and planets, what's in the news, or what's resonating in my heart and soul. I've done more than 300 programs since beginning this particular series in late 2010. It began with me talking into a cheap digital recorder, and has evolved into a studio-quality production with thousands of listeners.
Tonight's program [play episode here] looks more closely at Venus retrograde in Aries. I also have a segment on the political madness we're currently living under, with a special segment on the Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare) provided by Democracy Now!
In tonight's Tantra Corner, which I often do at the end of the program, I talk about the value of yoga for holistic health and sexual health.
My musical guest is Johnny Cash, with a heart-rending cameo at the end of the program by Rosanne Cash in a duet with her father. (We'll have Rose on the program when the Sun is in Gemini).
You make this possible: with your memberships and subscriptions to Planet Waves, and your purchases of my readings.
Here are some friendly options for you.
Thanks for tuning in, "wherever you may be in the world, or in the future."
It is indeed good to be with you.
with love,

PS -- If you missed the first letter in the membership drive series, it’s a beautiful description of the mission and purpose of Planet Waves.
Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, by Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Special Project Designer: Lizanne Webb. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Astrology Fact Checker: Len Wallick. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Eric's Assistant: Ellen Dockery. Client Services: Amy Elliott. Media Consultant: Andrew Ellis Marshall McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Amy Jacobs, Cindy Ragusa and Carol van Strum.

Dear Pisces Cousin:
Earlier today, I recorded the two astrology segments of your Pisces audio reading. My birthday is later this week, and I've been watching the astrology carefully.
This is an unusual time for Pisces. Chiron is in its final seasons in our sign. Neptune, the modern ruling planet of our sign, is reaching the midpoint of its journey, increasing all that dreamy and creative energy. And Nessus, a complex little Chiron-like body, is just at the beginning of its healing journey.
And of course, we're finally done with Pisces eclipses for the next nine years.
This is some of what I go over in your reading. My job is to help you make the most of these transits. I'm also here to ease your concerns, point you in the direction of your highest potential and do what I can to motivate you. We live in truly trying times. So much is being asked of us. It's not easy for Pisces to live under these conditions. We're supposed to live on a planet that's like a remote corner of Hawaii.
I have something for you; not only will it help you feel more positive, but it will provide you with a dependable resource every time you listen to it. If nothing else, you'll get more than an hour of thoughtful, calming meditation and excellent music. Then in a little while, you'll also get a tarot card reading (my original speciality).
It's affordably priced for $24.24, and the first two segments are now available for instant access. Sign up now for the pre-order price -- and if you have any questions about ordering, you may email Amy now at
Thank you and I wish you a warm, loving and healthy year.
with love,

PS -- I just thought to include an old article you might like: How to Cross an Ocean, How to Light a Fire, about Chiron in Pisces.

Via teleconference, April 1, 2017 from noon to 4 pm EDT / 9 am to 1 pm PDT
Class includes a half-hour break. It will be recorded in studio quality and available indefinitely to all participants. You do not need to be available for the live class to take it. Class includes discussion group in the weeks following the event.
The price for this class is $111. You may sign up here. If you become a Core Community or Backstage Pass member, you'll receive an immediate discount for this class.
Dear Friend and Reader:
This groundbreaking class is an introduction to the concepts of karma and reincarnation, using astrology as a reference point and guide. We will cut through the grease and put this whole topic on solid ground. I am passionate about teaching, and teaching astrology in particular, and as a student I offer you my knowledge with devotion and in service.
This is a beginner's class, which requires no previous knowledge of the subject, only sincere interest and curiosity. However, what we explore will be helpful even to those who have done considerable reading on the topic, pulling the subject area into focus in an interesting and helpful way.
We will proceed from the most obvious ideas: What is karma? Does it even exist? Does the idea of karma imply multiple lifetimes? Is reincarnation possible? And what does astrology have to say about these things?
I will offer a few different viewpoints on what I call 'the reincarnation effect'; that is, the convincing feeling that we live more than once.
What we do with information about past lives is a real question. How to verify how accurate that information is also matters, and I'll talk about my methods for validation, which are based on what I've learned as a journalist as well as a spiritual seeker. The astrology chart would seem to be a picture of karma, or the sum total of the past, presenting a starting point for the current incarnation. How then do you proceed forward with what your chart tells you? Can obstacles be overcome?
Look at enough charts and it's clear that people do not come into this life equal, or with equivalent experience. And it's also clear that some people can do a lot with a little, and others struggle to do much with a lot.
Don't forget to sign up for our Four Winds daily almanac. Get the best free daily report on the internet. You may sign up at this link, and share our newsletter with anyone you wish. Here's today's edition, which includes a daily birthday reading, a daily overview, aspect listings and other features.

This Week on Planet Waves
Feel the Momentum: Venus Retrograde, Full Moon
Venus is now retrograde, as Eric writes, which shifts the emotional momentum of our moment in one gesture. The retrograde lasts through April 15. At the same time the Moon is heading into full phase; the Virgo Full Moon happens March 12. This one is going to gather energy and go off like a clap of thunder.
Get Over Yourself! Venus Retrograde in Aries
Saturday, Venus stationed retrograde in Aries. It'll be retrograde until April 15, ending its retrograde in an exact conjunction to Chiron. This is about emotional healing! And it's a journey that you're invited on. In this new edition of Planet Waves TV, Eric goes over the basics, and the nuances.
Venus Retrograde in Aries: Waking Life
In this edition, Eric explores the possible effects of Venus' current retrograde. He considers this as a part of Pisces/Aries astrology happening now: the morphing and melding between dreams and reality; the internet as a form of astral projetion; and how the individual experience relates to the collective realm.
Find Your Freedom
Recent astrology points us toward a question of freedom (particularly with Jupiter opposite Uranus-Eris, and Venus now retrograde). Yet Amanda Painter suggests it does so with a clear emphasis on how free you feel within your own self. Aries and Libra emphasize the theme of 'an individual in a relationship'.
Check Up, Check In
It is easy to feel detached from the sky. Everything up there is so far away. As Len Wallick sees it, this will be a good week to connect with the Sun, Moon and Mars as they express in your life. Think of it as checking in with yourself by checking how cosmic objects are interacting with their respective astrological climates.
Democracy Now! Pick of the Week
The Department of Homeland Security is considering a proposal to radically shift how federal agents treat undocumented families -- including asylum seekers -- who attempt to enter the country. The proposed new policy would separate mothers from their children if they are caught trying to cross the border together.
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