New York, Dec. 19, 2019 | View as Webpage | Please read this article on a computer.
Impeachment Happens: Sun Conjunct the Spiral Door
Dear Friend and Reader:
When Pres. Trump became the third president in American history to be impeached, the Sun was aligned with the core of our spiral Milky Way galaxy.
There's no shortage of big astrology happening at the moment to commemorate this event; most of it spreads out for months, with influences going back years. The Jan. 12, 2020, conjunction of Saturn and Pluto comes to mind; the impeachment trial in the Senate is likely to be happening that week.
Yet when you have a chart for such a rare event, the thing you want to know is what was happening
right then? As in right at that moment.
Looking out from within the Galaxy's disk, the true structure of the Milky Way is difficult to discern. However, the penetrating infrared census of about 30 million stars indicates that the Galaxy is distinguished by a very large central bar some 27,000 light-years long. Astronomers place the Sun beyond the central bar region, about a third of the way in from the Milky Way's outer edge. Image: APOD.
What stands out is the Sun's position in late Sagittarius, just a fraction of a degree away from the supermassive black hole at the core of our spiral island in space.
That happens just one day a year, and Wednesday into Thursday was the day (the Sun and the core aligned to the arc minute at about 3:22 am EST on Thursday).
My friend Loraine Hutchins, who is zero percent astrologer and 97% sex educator, got it right when she said Wednesday night that the Sun conjunct the core "is a fulcrum we turn upon."
Two Articles of Impeachment
Two articles of impeachment were filed against Trump, which are the equivalent of criminal indictments. One involves selling out the national security of the United States by using military aid to Ukraine to extort a phony investigation against his political rival Joe Biden.
This is the equivalent of soliciting a bribe, or using public office for private gain. Once again, the little kid in me is not quite grasping why so many adults find this acceptable. It’s not difficult to understand. And it’s obviously wrong. I think to miss the point, you have to want to. But simply put, this is not why a person holds the office of president. Their job is to serve the nation, not to be self-serving.
Trump did this in the immediate aftermath of a two-year investigation into whether Russian hacking helped him win the 2016 election. The now infamous phone call with Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukanian president, happened the very day after Robert Mueller, who investigated Trump for two years, testified before Congress. Given that Trump was caught a second time, Congress had to act and act swiftly. And they did. This is the most spine I've seen the Democrats exert, ever.
Trump has also been accused of obstructing Congress. This is because he ordered all federal agencies and employees not to cooperate with the impeachment proceedings. Many important officials complied, refusing to honor congressional subpoenas to testify, and refusing to turn over documents. We can assume that this was because they would have had a negative impact on him.
This is a serious offense because it subverts one of the most important principles of American law: the separation of powers by the different branches of government -- which are
co-equal. We treat the president like the big boss, but there are two other co-equal branches of government -- Congress and the Supreme Court. Refusing a subpoena could land an ordinary citizen in jail for contempt of court or contempt of Congress. Trump has now been charged personally.
Trump on Wednesday. That looks like Steve Miller in the background. Photo by Doug Mills / The New York Times.
Answering to a Higher Authority
While the branches of government are co-equal, the higher principle there is the notion of the law itself, the Constitution, and the idea of justice. We'll consider a number of other classical and modern factors that help us see what's going on with this truly unusual historical event at this unusual time in history.
Yet the Sun conjunct the Galactic Core is the thing that makes this chart vibrate with "answering to a higher authority," borrowing a line from Hebrew National frankfurters. It is plausible that the galaxy itself is "that great big thing out there in the sky" which we think of as God.
The GC is not a well-developed concept for most astrologers, though events like this help contribute to a delineation. Its existence was discovered in 1932 by an engineer named Karl G. Jansky, who figured out that the origin of a hissing sound affecting newly laid transatlantic telephone cables was interference being broadcast from a radio source 25,000 light years away -- the core of our galaxy.
The supermassive black hole at the core is
four million times the mass of the Sun, but about the size of Neptune. It's surrounded by millions more stars that concentrate around the event horizon, orbiting, colliding and whipping by at incredible speeds. And of course, with some getting swallowed, never to return.
The metaphor is obvious: the self-anointed King of America, Donald Trump, whose astrological significator is the Sun, is caught in a vortex he won't be able to get out of. Once you're caught in its gravity, there is no escaping a black hole. This does not mean he will be convicted in the Senate trial. That remains to be seen -- and there is no telling, at this point. But he has been caught and accused, and he is in custody.
Adding to the Fun, Mercury is Conjunct the Great Attractor
There is a second, far more massive deep space point in Sagittarius, called the Great Attractor. This is the central gravitational focus of more than 100,000 galaxies closest to us. Think of it as the center of our supergalaxy, called Laniakea, which is Hawaiian for "great heaven."
Mercury is just 11 arc minutes from the Great Attractor (the closest measure of a conjunction defined by ancient astrology), in effect fusing them into one thing.
Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Another point usually neglected by astrology, the Great Attractor describes
far reaching implications of events, words and ideas. This works whether you can see it or document it, or not. We now have a second confirmation of the scope and scale of this event.
For weeks, of course, this has been conceptual, rather than official. There have been several sets of hearings, and recommendations by congressional committees. Yesterday's action by the House of Representatives is an irrevocable act.
There is no going back; there is only going forward. Or said another way, the only way out is through.
The Saturn-Pluto Conjunction is in Full Force
As you probably know, we are in the time of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. This happens less than three times per century, and is the defining feature of the astrology of our era. The conjunction is exact once, on Jan. 12.
The conjunction is the peak of the Pluto in Capricorn era, which began in early 2008, and has had several outstanding moments. However, the conjunction in January is the apotheosis. We no longer need to ponder what it's about, as many astrologers have been doing for years. We are now living trough history in real time.
Let's put that in a little context; Saturn-Pluto events are always relevant. Think of the conjunction as the equivalent of the New Moon. The most recent equivalent of the Full Moon (the Saturn-Pluto opposition) began in August of 2001, and was followed by the Sept. 11 incident. The conjunction brings to an end the "post-9/11 world." A new cycle has begun.
The impeachment has been cast by some observers as a struggle against tyranny. This has historical precedent. Saturn-Pluto aspects like this can bring a time of fear and contraction of thought. They tend to be dense moments, where many people like to think in black and white terms. A kind of negative conservatism can take over, and it certainly seems to be.
Yet in these cycles, there are also people who defy the trend, and who rise to the occasion of whatever is happening. Yes, most people get caught in the hype. But some refuse and resist. Some hear the calling and do their bit and take up leadership roles. Some of their names you will know; many, you will not.
The Senate Trial Will Occur Under the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction
The next step in this process is that the House of Representatives sends the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for a trial. It looks like the trial will happen in early January, and that in turn means right in the vortex of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction.
U.S. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., and ranking member Doug Collins, R-Ga., listen to opening statements during a committee markup hearing on the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump in the Longworth House Office Building on Capitol Hill, Dec. 11, 2019, in Washington, D.C. Pool photo.
I could not think of astrology that more elegantly describes such a reckoning. Saturn and Capricorn are the very sigils of government and official power. Pluto is the unstoppable force, which may be destructive but always has a spiritualizing effect.
Before that happens, there is the question of whether there will be a fair trial. Mitch McConnell, the Senate's leader, has advertised that he's going to work closely with the White House attorneys to protect the president. This is a violation of his official duties, which call on him to be objective. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is likely to delay sending the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate until she has some reassurance that there will be some semblance of an actual trial.
The main question is, will witnesses be called? And will the Senate demand documents, and allow them into evidence? There is one faction of Republicans that would love an up or down vote. Another faction wants an actual trial.
The trial, as you may know, will be presided over by John Roberts, the chief justice of the Supreme Court. He may have some influence in these matters. He has shown he's a fair minded person, and certainly that he wants to be perceived as one.
We Don't Know What Is Going to Happen
While it seems obvious, from where we stand, that the Senate will vote to acquit Trump, we don't know that for sure. In fact, we don't know it at all. We are in the age of hyperbolic party loyalty, extreme tribalism and above-average stupidity.
People seem super duper enthused to be at Donald Trump's ‘Merry Christmas' rally at Kellogg Arena in Battle Creek, Michigan, on Dec. 18, 2019. Photo by Jeff Kowalsky, The Guardian.
However, there are additional moving parts to consider. One is that there are several other investigations pending against Trump and his buddy/volunteer lawyer/fixer Rudy Giuliani.
Rudy in particular is in the crosshairs of the Southern District of New York, which nobody wants -- despite the fact that he used to head that very office. My amateur opinion is if Rudy is popped, it's game over.
To get a conviction in the Senate, we would need approximately 18 members of the Republican conference to change their minds. However, long before that happened, Trump would most likely resign.
The Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn is a high-pressure event. It is in fact a grand conjunction, which includes Mercury, the Sun and Ceres. Trump (the Sun) is in that alignment, and he is outnumbered and outgunned.
Something has to give. Let's see what it is.
With love,
Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Sunday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric F. Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Associate Editor: Amy Elliott. Client Services: Victoria Emory. Illustrator: Lanvi Nguyen. Finance: Andrew Slater. Technical Assistant: Emily Thing. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Media Consultant: Andrew McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Yuko Katori, Cindy Tice Ragusa, and Carol van Strum.
Trump's Charts Are a Real Shit Show
Trump does not have
the world's easiest natal chart. It's amazing he's held up this long. For example, he's born an hour before a lunar eclipse. In the chart of an average Don, he would need to be conscious to stay out of trouble and not get involved with the wrong people.
In case you're curious, these are Trump's current natal and progressed charts. Trump’s very late Leo ascendant is truly remarkable. His progressed chart is interesting in that he’s recently had a New Moon, which happens only every 29 years or so. I did a detailed reading on him three years ago.
However, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. In the case of The Donald, a corrupt head of state, his natal eclipse could prove to be a serious detriment. Yet, currently this is the least of his worries.
Now that he has officially been impeached, Trump is politically injured. It's one thing to be under investigation. It's another thing to be under indictment, which is what's happening.
Trump's Solar Return Chart
I am not a big user of the Solar Return technique, but this morning I called up Rob Hand to get his impressions of the impeachment chart.
Rob went right to Trump's solar return last June, which features Mars on the North Node and Saturn on the South Node, exact to the degree. This translates to Saturn and Pluto on the South Node (they are within three degrees of one another) and Mercury-Mars on the North Node (they are within three degrees of one another).
Trump's solar return chart from this past spring. Note the opposition of Mars and Saturn, aligned with the lunar nodes. This is a lot of friction, in an explosive environment. |
Saturn on the South Node describes his lack of discipline. Mercury and Mars on the North Node amplify Trump's emotionally driven Twitter tantrums, which some days exceed 100 rounds.
All of these heavy-duty planets aligned with the lunar nodes ramps up the karmic implications of current events, personally for Trump, and for the rest of us. They describe someone who is caught in his own “unconscious” tendencies, which wrap around his neck like a vine. And the nodes always point to something much larger than is obvious; something much larger than himself. The nodes point to collective reality.
With Cancer and Capricorn in the picture, he's caught in his early childhood dramas, which is why he seems like a three-year-old. But this is blown out to the size of society by his position and his power.
Under Pressure: Trump's Natal Saturn
Trump's natal chart features Saturn at about 23 degrees of Cancer. You may recognize that degree -- the grand conjunction of Mercury, the Sun, Ceres, Saturn and Pluto are all opposing his natal Saturn and will be peaking during the impeachment. His natal Saturn is now taking an endless (many years long) square from Eris, which is even more pressure.
Said another way, during the impeachment trial, Trump will be having his Saturn opposition,
with Pluto also about to oppose his Saturn for a year. We have the image of someone fragmenting emotionally, who didn't have much together in the first place. Eris in the picture means that his not so secret weapon, the internet, will come home to roost. And women will serve more in the role of destabilizing him than supporting him.
It is possible for ordinary folks like you and me to grow and adapt our way through transits like this. We can call the astrologer or go to therapy or stay in bed for a few days, or go work out in the garden.
But for an overgrown baby with a thousand secret scandals and the nuclear suitcase three feet away, and someone who cannot really get along with anyone and who probably has no actual friends, this is not going to be easy. Among the possibilities are what else comes out, but also Trump buckling under the pressure.
We can take Nancy Pelosi's lead -- and pray for the president.
More Detailed Reading of Impeachment Chart
Coming Sunday Night on Planet Waves FM!
People are asking about the mid-Leo ascendant in the impeachment chart (below), which connects to the Lion's Gate of esoteric literature -- and I've also noticed the connections to the Aug. 11, 1999, total solar eclipse and the 9/11 chart. I will have a much more spacious reading of the full set of charts on
Planet Waves FM, which resumes Sunday night at 7.
The Cosmic Breath that Quickens Capricorn
By Amanda Painter
I was thinking recently about how, each year, the Sun moves from its alignment with the Galactic Core in late Sagittarius (today) to its ingress of Capricorn (Saturday) within the span of a couple of days. I'm fascinated by this juxtaposition of energies, and what it might mean.
Aurora Borealis (also known as northern lights) above Bear Lake, Alaska. Photo by Senior Airman Joshua Strang, U.S. Air Force, via Wikimedia Commons.
Even though our Milky Way galaxy and its center are far from the most massive things in space, they're still too huge and too far away for most of us to comprehend.
How do you relate something like that to your job or your breakfast, or your life's goals, or even how long it takes you to fly on a plane from one continent to another? You can't. And yet we're part of the Milky Way.
We -- our bodies, our personal interconnections, our planet, our solar system -- are all moving through space around the Galactic Core. In some way, the physics that governs the movement of the galaxy is the same physics that governs our movements here on Earth.
Astrology isn't about physics, though it depends in part upon it. Astrology is an interpretive art, a process of seeing symbols and making stories through which we can gain understanding and grow. And as you may have read before, the GC is often interpreted as 'our cosmic homing signal': a beacon calling to our spirits, as we're having a physical experience.
Much has been written about how the GC is one of the deep-space features seemingly lending the sign Sagittarius its quirkier qualities, its broad vision and need for freedom, its perception of spiritual and philosophical truths. Eric has mentioned many times the often-fleeting nature of insights that can come through during a GC-aligned event: a sense of 'getting it' on a grand scale, and the need to write down what you've perceived before it gets lost again in the minutiae of daily life.
Continue reading...
Striking photos of Nancy Holt's Sun Tunnels clearly labeled “winter solstice” are hard to come by; this is a summer solstice shot — though if you’re reading this from south of the equator, it’ll be the “right” one for you. While looking for interesting solstice-related art, I also found this synchronized side-by-side time lapse video of the summer and winter solstices taken by Scott Richards in Manchester, UK. If you live in the equatorial and sub-tropical zones, your lengths of day and night stay pretty even year round. Photo of Sun Tunnels by the Salt Lake Tribune.
Commemorating the Solstice, Capricorn-Style
By Amanda Painter
Everyone knows that the creators of Stonehenge aligned those massive rock slabs with the Sun's positions on the summer and winter solstices. But what about modern creations that do the same?
Art-book publishing house Phaidon describes one such site-specific work in
Art & Place: Site-specific Art of the Americas:
Nancy Holt’s 1976 "Sun Tunnels." The editors describe her four concrete tubes, arranged in an X amidst a vast expanse of barren desert fringed by far-off mountains and a wide-open sky:
Bird’s eye view of Nancy Holt’s Sun Tunnels installation, built 1973-1976. Photo via Phaidon. |
"The four tubes are made of concrete highway conduit, normally used in underground drainage systems for road construction. Above ground, however, the tunnels form a frame of reference in a region whose openness is awesome and disorienting. The work is made complete by its interaction with the sun and stars.
"One axis of the x lines up with the rising and setting of the sun during the summer solstice, the other with the winter solstice. Twice a year, at their respective dawns and twilights, each circular tunnel frames the circle of the sun and becomes ablaze with golden light.
"The sun seems for a few moments to exist at the viewer’s level, sitting on the horizontal plane of the desert as it communes with the viewer through Holt’s cosmic conduit. The artist drilled a series of holes into the tunnels so that each lines up with a constellation: Capricorn, Columba, Draco and Perseus.
"During the day, sunlight casts the stellar patterns on the curved floor of the tunnels’ shadowed interiors. Like Neolithic monuments from millennia past, Holt’s Sun Tunnels do not exist simply as sculptures in and of themselves, but act as vehicles that connect the viewer to the larger cosmos."
Holt has used an especially Capricornian combination of material and setting: concrete construction cylinders (Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, can signify foundations) set amid mountains (Capricorn is an earth sign, despite its traditional symbol of a mythical
sea goat).
You can still visit the Sun Tunnels, located in Utah's Great Basin Desert -- and can even camp out there, to get the full sunrise and sunset experience.
Yet you don't have to trek to Utah (or become a Druid) to connect yourself to the Earth and its rhythmic interplay with the cosmos. You just have to be still, and take time to notice the subtle shifts in your surroundings -- preferably outdoors, where your senses are less limited by the Saturnian walls of human construction.
Weather Report: A Nation on Fire
Australia is burning. Not only with the multiple bushfires sweeping across the country, but with a fever that keeps out-heating itself, the BBC
reported today.
World temperature map for Dec. 18, 2019. Image by Windy.
It's so hot that many native animals are unable to cope: bats falling out of trees, koalas perishing in bushfires, flying foxes dying from temperatures that in many areas are repeatedly broaching 40 degrees Celsius, or 104 Fahrenheit. The hottest December day on record happened today (Thursday), with 49.9C (121.8F) being recorded in Nullarbor, South Australia.
First Nations people are
fearing for their future, as long runs of continuous high temperatures threaten water supplies, kill off trees and make living conditions hard to tolerate. This could lead to a dearth of Aboriginal culture, and the advent of internal climate refugees on the continent.
The consequences of global warming have been showing themselves for some years now -- mainly in poorer areas of the globe, where the population's voices go unheard on the world stage. As the crisis deepens, it is becoming more urgent than ever that we start to make real changes. If governments will not take the lead, then the rest of us will need to find a way.
We send our love and best wishes to all our Australian readers. Please stay cool and safe. If you're in Oz and would like to comment, please feel free to
email us.
With love,
Your 2020 Reading by Eric Francis is Available Now
Dear Friend and Reader:
While I am working on RESPECT, part two of your 2020 reading,
part one is available now. It's called INTELLIGENCE. By far the best annual readings I've ever done, they offer a helpful, gentle, motivating look at your astrology into early 2021.
As you know, this is being described as challenging astrology. My job is to make it workable, and useful. Note: I suggest you read your sign and rising sign. This is the earliest my annual readings have ever been available — so the wait is over.
You will be amazed at the detail and insight I'm able to bring in from just reading the solar chart, or the archetypal chart for both your Sun and rising signs. (This is the same kind of chart I use to write horoscopes, taken to its full potential.) I've had many astrology readings; I've read many reports. Nothing even comes close to this.
I specialize in astrology that is spiritually grounded, and which will be consistent with what you're learning from therapy or the best personal work books.
My aim is to inform you, to help you remove obstacles, to see your potential, and to motivate you. The motivation piece is essential, in our freaked out age of anxiety, cynicism and pessimism.
I am not having any part of that nonsense. We must face life with optimism and an expanding sense of what is possible.
And at
$44 for one sign, or
$122 for all 12 signs, the price is right. People wait for years to do a session.
These readings offer you most of what you'll get from a personal reading, in easy to follow language — not astropsychobabble.
They are readings from the heart and soul.
They're published as webpages, and then as PDFs printable on A4 or US Letter sized paper. You will want to print these readings, take notes on them, and make them entirely your own.
This reading also includes a review of 2019 astrology. If you find a better astrology package than this, please tell me about it. Till then, I offer you my best work, right when you need it.
These readings make excellent holiday gifts, available in time for Christmas.
Thank you for your business, and for trusting me as your astrologer.
With love,

PS — If you would prefer to order by phone, please call us at (845) 481-5616. Someone will answer, or we will get right back to you soon. Thank you again for our business.
Have You Tried the Astrology Readings Channel?
Planet Waves offers readings for all the signs and rising signs. These readings are must-haves among a core group of people who love them, though perhaps you have not heard what Eric is doing. You are invited to listen at no cost, any time, day or night.
We've taken many readings from 2018 and put them on a
24-hour audio stream, which anyone can tune into. Whatever your sign, you will find it interesting no matter when you tune in. If you're up late and want something soothing and informative to listen to, or if you're curious about astrology,
tune in here. No login is required.
Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
We published your
extended monthly horoscope for December on Wednesday, Nov. 27. Your
extended monthly horoscope for November was published on Thursday, Oct. 24. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2019 (#1270) | By Amy Elliott
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- Your solar 10th house, Capricorn, has been in the spotlight a lot recently. The Sun joins the crowd of planets there on Saturday, which describes adding an increased sense of independence to the mixture. Since you've gained more than sufficient experience in certain matters, your inner authority is as reliable a mentor as any. Consider other perspectives by all means, but avoid letting anyone else direct your movements. You know what you are capable of attaining, and roughly how long it will take you; you know the best route to get there. All you really need to complete the picture is a little more self-confidence and self-trust.
-- By Amy Elliott
RESPECT, the epic 2020-2021 annual edition by Eric, is now available for pre-order. Picking up where Intelligence left off, RESPECT will track the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era. You may pre-order the full reading today.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) -- Among the effects of Uranus in your sign is that new ideas sometimes come through in sudden bursts, as opposed to in the orderly fashion you have preferred in past eras. You're finding things like your grasp on certain concepts being abruptly enhanced, only to discover that others you believed you understood are eluding you. Avoid placing judgment on these changes, and especially on yourself as you go through them. This is ultimately a maturing process. Persist with steadiness and determination, and trust yourself, so that when you emerge you'll surely be wiser, more confident and clearer about where you need to be heading next.
-- By Amy Elliott
Prepare to follow the astrology of 2020-2021 with RESPECT, our new annual edition. In the forthcoming Aquarian mini-age, old challenges will give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you get ready to receive them. Pre-order now for best price.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) -- Right now, your charts describe something akin to a mental and emotional distillation process. You may experience lots of feelings in quick succession, including some older sensations, though you can consign anything to the trash that doesn't serve a purpose in your present life. It's as if you're giving your psyche the Marie Kondo treatment -- a deep healing exercise, air-sign style. Don't skip over the messy places; instead, deal with them thoroughly. In particular, check for any self-talk that's been imposed on you by someone else, however long ago, and make that priority one for the garbage disposal.
-- By Amy Elliott
How do you deal with any sense of uncertainty, instability or enforced changes? The astrology of 2020-2021 is about to usher in a brand new paradigm. With RESPECT, our forthcoming annual edition, you can get a head start on the action. Pre-order here.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- Lately you've had the opportunity to see various people in your life for who they really are, thanks to the party in your 7th house. You've had a personal demonstration of how others show their true selves by what they do. Ethics is about the decisions we make in our day-to-day lives. We can choose whether to lie or tell the truth, for example; whether to help or withhold that help. You're in a position now where you understand who you can really count on; who might be beneficial company, and who is less so. With that knowledge, you're better able to structure your world in a way that works for you, surrounded by those who love you.
-- By Amy Elliott
RESPECT, the epic 2020-2021 annual edition by Eric, is now available for pre-order. Picking up where Intelligence left off, RESPECT will track the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era. You may pre-order the full reading today.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) -- Given how generous you are with your time and resources, it's unsurprising that from time to time you might get carried away with certain efforts. Take care not to run yourself into the ground. It's true that everyone has their needs and their troubles. In this environment it's definitely important to check in on one another and help where we can. However, you also need to exercise caution regarding where and how you can best devote your energies, and leave enough room for self-support and rest. In case you find at any point you're getting near your limit, have a plan in place, so that you can safely pause for as long as necessary.
-- By Amy Elliott
Prepare to follow the astrology of 2020-2021 with RESPECT, our new annual edition. In the forthcoming Aquarian mini-age, old challenges will give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you get ready to receive them. Pre-order now for best price.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) -- Strategy and art may be worlds apart in terms of the kinds of thinking required for each. However, just now you would do well to deploy your best organizational talents. If you're shuffling a lot of tasks and are not sure which one to go at first, make a list and prioritize; that should help. Part of where you want to sharpen up and get clear involves paying attention to your energy levels, mood and physical state; ensure you make room in your itinerary to care for your bodily needs and emotional wellbeing. Notice if there's a particular facet of this you consistently put off. Doing all this lays important groundwork on which your creative ideas can flourish.
-- By Amy Elliott
How do you deal with any sense of uncertainty, instability or enforced changes? The astrology of 2020-2021 is about to usher in a brand new paradigm. With RESPECT, our forthcoming annual edition, you can get a head start on the action. Pre-order here.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) -- The activity in your 4th house describes a restless and unsettled sensation. This may translate as feeling your peace is disturbed in some way, or as if you're dealing with some challenging territory. It would seem you need to allow some time to pass before reaching a conclusion regarding a specific problem. You'd benefit from a breather, and getting a little distance from whatever is confusing you. Do what you can to restore your inner tranquillity; take one day at a time, and let the answers come through gradually. You have more potential options than you appear to be aware of. Make sure you have the definitive list.
-- By Amy Elliott
RESPECT, the epic 2020-2021 annual edition by Eric, is now available for pre-order. Picking up where Intelligence left off, RESPECT will track the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era. You may pre-order the full reading today.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- Stoke your curiosity and follow the trail along which it leads. Take time to soak in the environment as you go from place to place: the delicate scents of the air, the feel of the breeze, the noises and silences. Usually we process this stuff unconsciously -- when we venture outside our insulated bubbles. Making it a deliberate act sharpens the senses, much like active listening improves one's understanding of music, or of a conversation partner. If you get into a regular habit of noticing and falling in love with your surroundings, you'll stimulate and expand both your creative faculties and your capacity for original thought.
-- By Amy Elliott
Prepare to follow the astrology of 2020-2021 with RESPECT, our new annual edition. In the forthcoming Aquarian mini-age, old challenges will give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you get ready to receive them. Pre-order now for best price.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) -- Modern society surrounds us with ways to sacrifice truth in favor of convenience. For example, the internet has rendered it easy to accept a particular view uncritically, and to become invested mentally in an idea without understanding its effect in the real world. We are still collectively learning to grapple with the power technology grants us. Your current astrology suggests that now is a good time to revisit your relationship with the online environment. More broadly, you might benefit from getting re-acquainted with your most sacred values. Consider in what ways you embody them, and whether you could do so more completely.
-- By Amy Elliott
How do you deal with any sense of uncertainty, instability or enforced changes? The astrology of 2020-2021 is about to usher in a brand new paradigm. With RESPECT, our forthcoming annual edition, you can get a head start on the action. Pre-order here.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -- Your birthday season is about to kick off with unusual style, featuring a pair of eclipses and culminating in the era-defining Saturn-Pluto conjunction in your sign. At this momentous point in time, you'll need plenty of space for quiet reflection. You have questions to consider relating to your trajectory and your aspirations for the future, as well as your more fundamental needs. You now have an opportunity to forge the kind of life that best suits you and, more importantly, is most firmly in line with your dharma. I suggest you begin with the position that nothing is off the table; start with the ideal picture, and fill in specifics from there.
-- By Amy Elliott
RESPECT, the epic 2020-2021 annual edition by Eric, is now available for pre-order. Picking up where Intelligence left off, RESPECT will track the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era. You may pre-order the full reading today.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- One quality the 12th house represents is the sense of merging with the world or the collective psyche; the Ascendant marks the boundary between you and the universe. Much emphasis on the 12th can feel like a loss of identity, and immersion in dreams. Venus entering your sign early tomorrow may act as a thread that guides you out of the labyrinth. You can also come to your own aid, by grounding yourself in the sensory world. Take time to notice aspects of your physical environment, including the signals coming from your body. And keep in mind that one's beliefs do not necessarily correspond with reality. Fact-check assiduously.
-- By Amy Elliott
Prepare to follow the astrology of 2020-2021 with RESPECT, our new annual edition. In the forthcoming Aquarian mini-age, old challenges will give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you get ready to receive them. Pre-order now for best price.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Remember that standing out from the crowd does not necessarily imply fame, riches or making a big noise. It doesn't mean taking a contrary point of view solely in order to differ from a perceived orthodox line. More than anything, it means to act in accordance with your dharma and the truth as you perceive it; practice open honesty, even when it might annoy people; and focus on substance rather than appearance. There's also willingness to admit mistakes, as opposed to doubling down; not especially popular these days. Ultimately this is about holding yourself to a standard you believe in, and which doesn't reference other people's approval.
-- By Amy Elliott
How do you deal with any sense of uncertainty, instability or enforced changes? The astrology of 2020-2021 is about to usher in a brand new paradigm. With RESPECT, our forthcoming annual edition, you can get a head start on the action. Pre-order here.
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