New York, Oct. 7, 2018 | View as Webpage | Order 2018 Autumn Reading | Individual Signs
Libra New Moon, Conjunct Ceres, Square Pluto

Dear Friend and Reader:

The Libra New Moon takes place at 11:47 pm ET on Monday, Oct. 8, less than a degree away from the midpoint of that sign. An event at the midpoint of a cardinal sign is in itself significant, granting it expanded influence through a connection to the Thema Mundi, the hypothetical chart of the world (which has 15 degrees Cancer rising).

Planet Waves
Justice by Aleister Crowley and Lady Frieda Harris.
The closest and most striking aspect in this chart is a conjunction of the Moon and the Sun to Ceres. The first minor planet, Ceres represents the feminine principle as we associate her with Gaia, the Earth, and with the Virgin Mary. Ceres also represents the principle of liminality: that which is lurking on the horizon of consciousness, sometimes available to perception and sometimes not.

As such, it's fitting that Ceres also represents the collective grief of women (she loses her daughter to the underworld, for half the year, anyway, which is a mythological representation of why it's cold in the winter: the Earth is grieving for her).

Recent events surrounding the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court describe a kind of prolonged political winter, and have illuminated the anger and a sense of loss that many women feel in our time, and perhaps have felt for time immemorial. When grief of any kind is suppressed, it turns to depression, rage and chaos.

Yet apropos of the theme of liminality, we cannot ignore the grief of men: the untold millions who have died in wars for years, those who have been injured and disfigured, and those forced to serve (which means to kill people they often know are innocent); the agony of those falsely imprisoned and executed; the fathers who have lost sons, daughters and wives.

Sun and Moon conjunct Ceres would appear to be a calling to end the partisanship that currently seems to divide the sexes. The human condition is one condition. We are all part of it, and all subject to it. We all share the Earth, and the experiences of being here. We are all responsible for what we co-create, and for whether we are, ultimately, able to work together.

That "underworld journey" is reflected in the recent station retrograde of Venus in Scorpio. During this six-week retrograde (which ends Nov. 16), evening star Venus will dive deep into Scorpio, disappear behind the Sun, and return as the morning star on Nov. 1. I have covered some of the themes related to Venus retrograde in Thursday's subscriber edition.

We are also about to experience the central aspect of the Venus and Mars retrogrades of 2018 -- Venus square Mars, on Oct. 10. My take on this pattern is that it represents inner tension that is so challenging it must be projected outward. This is true of many 'negative' emotions, and why we so often see them as existing outside of ourselves rather than within.

Aspects to Neptune and Pluto

Monday's lunation also makes aspects to two outer planets that shape our moment: Neptune and Pluto (which are transiting in what seems like a perpetual sextile, currently 64 degrees, called the transiting yod by some astrologers; this has been going on for decades).

Planet Waves
Justice by Camion-Jodorowsky.
Contact with these two outer planets -- the New Moon quincunx Neptune and square Pluto -- describes a sensation and experience of isolation that our society is soaked in right now. What might feel like deep loneliness is associated with something much more slippery: the oblique angle made to Neptune. This feels like the constant promise of something fulfilling, which never seems to come to fruition. Yet that is likely because it's a false promise.

The angle to Neptune is a caution about being casual with matters of truth and lies. It is very, very easy on this plane of reality not just to lie but to use deception to construct an inner reality, or a consensus reality. We see this happening over and over again, yet rarely give it a name.

The outer planets, particularly Neptune and Pluto, can have a remote and bereft feeling, of representing something long ago and far away -- that is, when they're not busy shaking up or rearranging our lives. We rarely discuss the sense of cosmic isolation that we feel living on Earth; we're more aware of the secondary effects, such as various dramas in our relationships.

The New Moon's square to Pluto is evocative of enforced changes: the need for some inner encounter to shape one's character. Think of the square to Pluto as an internal evolutionary drive of some kind, which can be accepted and embraced, or cast off and ignored, or toyed with as an external.

There are strong forces drawing all of us inward at this time. This astrology is a compelling motive to reconcile inner differences, rather than acting them out as dramas in our relationships or in society.

There cannot be a political movement to rebuild trust -- though politics can certainly erode and otherwise damage it. Trust is an internal decision that each of us makes, and it begins with the decision to trust ourselves.

That could be the ultimate rebellion against authority.

With love,
Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Sunday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Eric's Assistant: Ellen Dockery. Client Services: Amy Elliott and Victoria Emory. Finance: Andrew Slater. Technical Assistant: Emily Thing. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Media Consultant: Andrew McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Yuko Katori, Cindy Tice Ragusa and Carol van Strum.

Planet Waves

Dear Friend and Listener:

Last night I finished EMPATHY-PATHOS, your 2018 autumn reading. These presentations are 40-45 minutes long, organized by Sun sign and rising sign. For months, I've been writing nonstop about Venus and Mars retrograde, and these readings bring my thoughts to a personal level.

Planet Waves
This is me at the Planet WAves FM desk earlier this evening.
My focus is inner development, spiritual growth, raising awareness and taking action. I am basically a motivational speaker using astrology as my frame of reference. You will feel better about yourself and your life after listening -- and the readings will stand up to many playings.

The readings all include a review of Mars retrograde, as well as thoughtful consideration of Venus retrograde. I bring my experience working with Chiron to the discussion, and for each sign, discuss the implications and possibilities of Chiron in Aries.

And for all of the signs, I consider what is happening in your birth sign or rising sign right now -- that is, important planets and minor planets transiting your sign.

I'm one of a very few astrologers who can do a thorough reading without the need for a natal chart. This skill has taken me many years to develop, and I've had your help! We've prepared samples of all 12 readings, which are linked directly below this letter. This is your opportunity to experience depth astrology.

We will keep the pre-order price of $22 for individual signs and $88 for all 12 signs until 10 pm Eastern Time. If you would rather purchase by phone, leave a message at (845) 481-5616 tonight and you can preserve the pre-order price.

The readings all come with original music by Vision Quest, the in-house Planet Waves ensemble.

With love,

Daily Horoscope Returns to Four Winds Almanac

Planet Waves publishes a nifty daily astrology newsletter called the Four Winds Report. After a brief hiatus, we have now reinstated the daily horoscope, plus there are a few additions, including the Photo of the Day and On This Day in History.

Planet Waves
Were it not for horoscopes, I wouldn't be an astrologer. It was the Patric Walker daily that convinced me there was actually something to astrology, and I got my basic education studying his column each day in the New York Post.

I pack a lot of energy into each sign's 50-word write up. Part of the value of astrology is the timing, and daily allows for precision, as well as chronicling a narrative day by day.

Your almanac also includes information about Mayan astrology (long count and short count dates), several formats of the current date (including Hebrew and Islamic), a daily birthday reading, and special discounts on products and services.

Best of all, we take no outside advertising.

Sign up free here.

Listen to Vision Quest on Live Stream

Planet Waves has an in-house music ensemble, called Vision Quest. We have a 38-hour loop of our music, which you can listen to any time. Included are finished pieces, rehearsals, live concerts, drum grooves, and spoken word recordings. I consider it a kind of musical divination. Click in randomly at different times of day and see what you discover.

Our Gifts to You: A Little Something Extra

Dear Friend and Reader:

It took me a long time to figure out what kind of gift to offer for new and returning subscribers. Tee shirts seemed too complicated; you need at least six sizes to get started, and not everyone wants a shirt. Tote bags are useful but kind of boring.

So I thought: journals. I love notebooks, and just about everything I write starts scribbled down on paper. I know my readers are a little old-fashioned, so this seemed like the perfect thing.

Planet Waves
Black smaller, pink larger, embossed with the Planet Waves logo. There are a few hand-painted sketchbooks left, with heavy, acid-free paper.

Then...I researched embossed journals for about six months. That’s how long it took. I requested or purchased samples of the best that suppliers had, and all kinds of stuff came floating in the door. It was more challenging than I imagined to find a nice one, though finally I did.

Everything had to be right: the paper, the lines, and how the book feels in your hands.

However, the one I selected was being discontinued. I ordered as many as we could reasonably afford. We now have two main options: small black ones, and larger pink ones (these are new).

Together, they are the approximate color of Good & Plenty candy. I am one of these people who loves anything pink (sweatshirts, nail polish, headbands, a hot pink Squier guitar that I gave to Zosha a few years ago). We also have a few hand-painted notebooks left, which are acid-free sketchbooks.

You can get an embossed notebook with any monthly, quarterly or yearly membership to Planet Waves. If, by the way, there's a calling for hand-painted ones, I will make one more-or-less to your preferences (for those who sign up for a full-year Backstage Pass).

Continue reading this letter here.
Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes

We published your extended monthly horoscopes for September on Thursday, Aug. 30. Your extended monthly horoscopes for August were published on Thursday, Aug. 9. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Planet Waves
Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 8, 2018 | By Amy Elliott
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- This has been an interesting year so far, to say the least. Though you are now on more solid ground, particularly when it comes to interaction with others it would probably help to be cautious, and to remember that it's neither appropriate nor possible to depend on someone else to bring specific outcomes into your life. Be prepared to listen and to compromise if there is any tension, especially involving jealousy or clashes of ego. Work with your partners to find a mutually beneficial solution, on an ongoing basis; there is plenty of time. Get your full Aries reading here.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) -- If someone is acting strangely, or does something unexpected, it's unlikely to relate to anything you've done. Rather, more probably, there are hidden causes. You may, however, be in a position to hold space for others to experience and express any underlying feelings. Don't try to force the issue: let people come to you in their own time and way. They surely will, if you can provide an environment as free from judgment (and pre-judgment) as it's possible to get. This is almost always an invaluable service to afford another person. Get your full Taurus reading here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) -- Sometimes it's useful simply to let one's creative energy flow, and see what transpires. At other times, it's best to have a clear aim in mind, even if you need to review it periodically and alter course. It would probably help at the moment to be sure you know what you want to achieve, and that you are making strategic decisions on where you focus the majority of your efforts, rather than following your nose and hoping for the best. If you're feeling an instinct to rebel against establishing boundaries, try to work out where that might be coming from. Get your full Gemini reading here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- It often takes time and a lot of conscious work to become reconciled to past grievances, or to accept that certain things happened and one cannot go back to correct them. This is especially true of matters involving family: much of the time, this is home to the more difficult knots that take some unraveling. At some stage, though, it can be necessary for our own peace of mind to acknowledge that the past can't be revoked, and that we can still make the best of the present. There's a lot of love and support available in a family of choice. Get your full Cancer reading here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) -- At various stages in our lives, we rub shoulders with people whose acquaintance we didn't choose -- such as neighbors, or in-laws. The tension over a boundary fence or a Thanksgiving table has become almost archetypal; and these days it's tempting to form up along party lines, and feel alienated from those on the opposite side. We need a better way of relating than this. You may be in a position this week to set an example in establishing some common ground, and building a tentative bridge. Make use of your sense of compassion. Get your full Leo reading here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) -- Being too exacting with oneself can create a kind of inertia: however promising an idea sounds, it might not get past the first hurdle or two, because it's not coming out fully formed. Try not to fall for this trap; rather, commit to doing the best job you can, and then get on with it. Where possible, cultivate faith in yourself and your abilities, and give yourself the space to grow. It's tempting to place validation in the hands of others, but regardless of how willing they are to encourage, this won't go far unless you're open to being your own best friend. Get your full Virgo reading here.

Libra Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:
A Libra New Moon and a Reading Like No Other
"I am truly amazed at the accuracy of these readings with the current events of my life."
-- Denise J.
Dear Friend and Reader:

Monday night into Tuesday there is a significant New Moon in Libra. It's conjunct the asteroid Ceres -- goddess of the harvest and of nourishment -- making this a potentially key time in your year.

If you have a Libra Sun, rising sign or Moon, you can still get your complete Libra Astrology Studio (formerly the Libra Birthday Reading) for only $44. You'll get instant access to both astrology segments, and we'll send you an email as soon as the tarot portion is ready.
"My previous Birthday Readings have been very, very helpful. I refer to them throughout the year. The tarot readings have been particularly informative."
-- Carolyn Cornish
You can listen to a brief audio sample of your reading here. And if you need a little background, you can listen to last year's reading here, as a gift.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

P.S. If you're feeling especially overwhelmed or set adrift by recent events -- or if you know a Libra who could use a little astrological TLC -- I hope you'll take advantage of the current price on your Libra reading before Eric records the tarot section. The world may feel challenging right now, but we're with you.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) -- This week's New Moon in your sign accompanying Venus newly retrograde implies that over the next few weeks, you might be reviewing your relationship to who you are. You may be asking yourself some profound questions regarding your identity, and your vision for who you wish to become. The issue of wellbeing is perhaps central to this -- especially if, at times, you tend to ignore your needs in favor of supplying succor to others. Try to look for the scenario in which you can do both, and don't be afraid to clarify what you need. Get your full Libra reading here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- In a culture that often meets desire with shame or guilt, it's not surprising that many people conceal their deepest, most compelling passions even from their own everyday thoughts. What would it be like if you could visit your desire nature without any sort of judgment? What ideas might you acknowledge to yourself? Venus and the New Moon are inviting you to plunge into that space now; remember, one of the delightful things about fantasy is that you can do anything you want in the confines of your mind. Give a loose rein to your imagination. Get your full Scorpio reading here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) -- You seem to be pondering some changes, particularly in terms of your place in the world and among your community. One point you might wish to consider is whether your current skill set is being fully utilized, or if your time might be more efficiently employed. If you wish to learn an entirely new discipline, that's another question you could decide on. Keeping your ideals in mind may be a useful means of focusing your thoughts. Also, if you've been putting aside a specific ambition because of present commitments, try reviewing that now. Get your full Sagittarius reading here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -- It would seem many people tend to regard those supposed to hold a certain amount of power in society with almost innate suspicion and some hostility. Part of this perhaps involves the natural inclination to revolt against authority. Yet it's worth remembering that our parents or our bosses, for example, are human like ourselves; the same goes for people in our lives whom we see as more privileged. In these kinds of relationships, as with anyone, it helps to understand that you're interacting with a whole person, and treat them accordingly. Get your full Capricorn reading here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Do you sometimes criticize yourself unfairly, or insult yourself in language that you'd never dream of using on someone else? Do you ever apply impossibly high standards to your actions or thoughts? Many of us do this, forgetting that we need kindness and mercy just as much as everyone else. Try to be more equitable in your treatment of yourself. Pay attention to your emotional wellbeing, and to how you speak to yourself: if you usually frame something negatively, what happens if you flip the script to focus on your strengths? Remember, you contain a divine spark within you, and can trust you are capable of serving the greater good. Get your full Aquarius reading here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- As a Pisces native, you probably understand better than most how we all depend on one another, and how much friendlier the world is if we act in the spirit of cooperation rather than competition. The tendency of modern society is to see things in the binary language of the digital plane; yet we have not quite lost all sense of nuance or subtlety, and you especially have the ability to see through the veil of polarized thinking and oversimplification. Keep on maintaining and honing your mental clarity -- just now, it's a gift of incalculable value. Get your full Pisces reading here.

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