New York, March 5, 2018 | Read on Web
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March 5, 2018 Daily Almanac, With Your Daily Horoscope (see below)
Today is Monday, March 5, 2018
Hebrew date is 18 Adar 5778
Islamic date is 17 Jumada-II 1439
Mayan Tzolk'in Day is 6 Ajaw
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2458183
Today's Birthdays: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770), Constance Fenimore Woolson (1840-1884), Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919), Dora Marsden (1882-1960), Irving Fiske (1908-1990), Rex Harrison (1908-1990), Momofuku Ando (1910-2007), Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975), J. B. Lenoir (1929-1967), Daniel Kahneman (1934), Paul Sand (1935), Dean Stockwell (1936), Fred Williamson (1938), Eddy Grant (1948), Elaine Paige (1948), Andy Gibb (1958-1988), Matt Lucas (1974), Eva Mendes (1974), Papoose (1978), Joshua Coyne (1993)
"The doubt,
The honest, earnest doubt, is upward growth
Of the strong mind -- the struggle of the seed
Up to the broad, free air."
-- Constance Fenimore Woolson
Initiative, Review, and You
Dear Friend and Reader:
Although there's a significant concentration of bodies in Pisces this week, the focus shifts to other signs for the main events -- specifically, Aries (planets changing sign) and Scorpio (Jupiter's retrograde). You may notice a shift in tone, tempo or orientation as a result.
Early in the week, Mercury and Venus both leave Pisces and enter Aries on Tuesday. Mercury makes its move at 2:34 am EST (7:34 UTC), and Venus follows suit at 6:45 pm EST (23:45 UTC).
At its most basic, this nudges emotions, thought processes and communication into more impulsive, inventive and enthusiastic (or possibly reactive) territory.
You might find that you need to make a little more effort to sustain your concentration at times, or to put yourself in another's shoes and offer some empathy. Yet with several notable planets and the Sun still swimming in Pisces, there's a natural softening and stabilizing influence to keep things balanced. We'll be getting some good Aries initiative to pair with the dreamy visioning Pisces is so famous for -- and that can be a recipe for getting really interesting things done.
Yet there's another dimension to Mercury and Venus entering Aries: they're landing on the Aries Point -- that hot little parcel of zodiac real estate that connects your personal experience with that of the collective (such as through politically charged events and issues). Not only that, but Mercury and Venus make aspects to three minor planets that have featured prominently in Eric's Art of Becoming annual readings: Salacia in Aries, and Pholus and Quaoar in Capricorn.
Salacia seems to be connected to our relationship with sex -- especially in the form of the sex scandals that have become prominent news in the last six months or so (though it likely has other important themes). Pholus and Quaoar both have strong associations with the origins and perpetuation of familial and ancestral patterns, especially in Capricorn.
Moon Phase: Moon is in Full phase and enters Waning Gibbous phase on March 5 at 5:13 am PST / 8:13 am EST (13:12:30 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Pisces on March 17 at 6:11 am PDT / 9:11 am EDT (13:11:29 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Libra on March 31 at 5:37 PDT / 8:37 am EDT (12:36:45 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Libra and enters Scorpio on today at 5:23 am PST / 8:23 am EST (13:22:50 UTC).
Sun Degree: 15-16 Pisces.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Moon enters Scorpio today at 5:23 am PST / 8:23 am EST (13:22:50 UTC)
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
-- Mars trine Eris at 8:24 PST / 11:24 EST (16:24:20 UTC).
-- Mercury quincunx Rhadamanthus at 7:34 pm PST / 10:34 pm EST (03:33:36 March 6 UTC).
-- Mercury trine Varuna at 8:28 pm PST / 11:28 pm EST (04:27:45 March 6 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is March 5
(The Day of Heaven and Hell) | Pisces Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
Your earning capacity is far beyond what you believe, particularly if you do that Pisces thing and choose professional activities that fully align with your principles. You of all people were born to do the right thing, in a way that has impact. That's not always easy in our world, but like playing the harp, it's a lot easier if you practice every day.
Current Pisces Weekly Horoscope
Your chart is still reverberating from last week's Full Moon in your opposite sign Virgo. The Sun is now at the midpoint of Pisces, and is still close to Neptune, which is providing you with energy and motivation.
Current Pisces Monthly Horoscope
You're probably getting the message to up your game on the financial front, though the first thing to remember about finances is that they're connected to everything. In astrology there are two houses connected to the money that you earn.
Written in the Planets
The Moon enters Scorpio this morning, commencing a round of harmonious aspects to the group of planets in Pisces. This will likely be an excellent time to pay attention to your intuition, or to explore more deeply into any emotional issue that's been nagging at you. With so much water sign activity, though, be careful to keep in sight of land. An aspect pattern later tonight between the Moon, Saturn and Nessus may be of use in bringing you back to a more practical space, should you need it.
You can now get instant access to all 12 signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming -- we'll be publishing the additional transit videos soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your Sun, Moon and rising sign and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.
"I'm proud (yet humbled too, if that makes sense) to be a member of the Planet Waves community. You cannot pay enough anywhere for the quality -- and quantity! -- of astrological journalism found at Planet Waves. I devour everything; because of it the world and my own universe makes more sense. I've been a student of astrology for more than four decades, yet every day I learn something new and important on PW."
-- Lesley Doetsch Phillips
We offer the most helpful, illuminating and practical horoscopes you've ever read; this is more like life-coaching that's relevant to your actual life, at a fraction of the cost. Become a Planet Waves member today.
Daily Horoscope for March 5, 2018 | By Eric Francis Coppolino
If Today is Your Birthday
Your earning capacity is far beyond what you believe, particularly if you do that Pisces thing and choose professional activities that fully align with your principles. You of all people were born to do the right thing, in a way that has impact. That's not always easy in our world, but like playing the harp, it's a lot easier if you practice every day. You share a birthday with Dean Stockwell, Eddy Grant, and Eva Mendes.
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- You're closer to attaining your dreams than you may think, though the way from here to there is by taking a positive view of yourself. You may feel like you cannot find your true feelings or your familiar confidence lately, though you're holding them right in your hand. Dare to be a visionary.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) -- One of the reasons people find it so easy to open up to you is that you're actually sensitive to what others feel, and this is running at an all-time high at the moment. This does present a vulnerability that you may be reluctant to reveal; though in truth, this is your secret strength.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) -- You may feel like you're too different to ever fit into the world. Yet you also suspect that these very qualities are what make you a distinctive person who is capable of doing anything. Let go of any and all fears that you don't belong in this time and this place. You do -- and we need you.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- You have ethics. Never doubt that; you know the difference between right and wrong, and you're not afraid to act on them. Therefore, you are worthy of any power or authority that you may possess -- and it would seem that some enhanced influence is soon to arrive.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) -- You never know unless you dare. Of course, with daring comes the risk of failure, though I suggest you embrace that from the get go, and proceed with courage. Your creative power is yours to use; nobody else has access to your imagination or your talent. Claim it boldly.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) -- The key to good sex is communication. Chemistry matters, and sometimes that lasts for a while. However, if you want to keep things going, or dial in pleasure that was once there, the best thing to do is to bare your soul and gently invite someone you love to do the same.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) -- Are you feeling good? Do everything you can to support your own wellbeing, especially getting outside and exploring the sunshine. In our era it's difficult to avoid stress, though you can create moments when you're actually calm and clear. The more you do that, the easier it will be.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- All the signals are encouraging you to live in a whole way, not in compartments. You are one being; you have one life. If you bring all of yourself into everything you do, you will experience a kind of contentment and peace that is not possible for those who chop themselves into bits.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) -- You seem to be experiencing a test of your confidence that is like balancing on a high wire. As long as you don't think about it, you can do it. The moment you start to wonder how you're doing it, you'll lose your step. But don't worry, even if you fall, you will land on your feet.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -- Given the choice to speak the truth or to tell a white lie, the truth is always the choice that gives you strength. Sure, little deceptions may be convenient but they always cost more than the list price in the end, mostly in terms of the trust and credibility that makes the world go around.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- You have plenty of eccentric ideas, though they won't seem that weird today. So don't let your seemingly odd approach keep you from proposing unusual solutions to problems that nobody else can solve. You have an inventor streak to you, and it's about to become a lot stronger than usual.
Full Moon Door: Your Pisces Reading is Ready
Dear Fellow Pisces, Pisces Rising or Pisces Lover:
It's been a crazy busy week -- finishing The Art of Becoming, keeping up with horoscopes and playing investigative reporter -- but I just had to do the Pisces birthday reading in time for the Virgo Full Moon.
From your fellow Pisces, Eric Francis. |
That is now ready for instant access, for $44 (the final price will be $66).
My job is to provide encouragement, reassurance, and actual information about your transits. I do my best to provide just that.
This is a mellow but detailed reading, which starts with a long discussion of relationships and the need to be discerning. This is directly related to claiming your full value in the world, and feeling good about yourself: what some call self-esteem.
From there, I talk about the ingress of planets from water sign Pisces to fire sign Aries, which in the coming days will include Mercury and Venus, then Chiron.
In the second segment I talk mainly about career, profession and community involvement -- this is a discussion of Saturn moving from Sagittarius into Capricorn.
There is plenty more. You can get a personal reading from me lasting 75 minutes for $555 -- or a reading I would be very happy to get, 75 minutes for $44. Get instant access now.
Thank you for your business, and for trusting me as your astrologer.
With love,

P.S. The Art of Becoming is now ready. This reading is a very detailed report on Chiron moving from Pisces to Aries, among other things. You can get individual signs here.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- You have the gift of being an old soul. You've very nearly seen it all, and you know more than you think. Today your experience will come in handy, whether you're called upon to advance your own cause, or that of someone else. Your mind is a tool for healing, loving and creating.
Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
We published your extended monthly horoscopes for March on Thursday, Feb. 22. Your extended monthly horoscopes for
February were published on Thursday, Jan. 25. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, by Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Eric's Assistant: Ellen Dockery. Client Services: Amy Elliott and Victoria Emory. Technical Assistant: Emily Thing. Astrology Fact Checker: Len Wallick. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Media Consultant: Andrew McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Cindy Ragusa and Carol van Strum.
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