Planet Waves
New York, March 1, 2018 | View as Webpage | Order 2018 Annual Reading
Art of Becoming: Twentieth Annual Readings Complete

Dear Friend and Reader:

Sunday afternoon, wrapping up your Capricorn reading in The Art of Becoming, I noticed it felt a little strange writing the annual reading on a warm day. Since 1998, my annuals have been written through many cold days with low clouds, and long nights, and Christmas Eves and Thanksgiving weekends -- in places that include Paris, Brussels and Vashon Island.

Planet Waves
Illustration for The Art of Becoming for Pisces. Each reading includes custom artwork created just for this project by Lia Simone, a local artist whose work I adore.
My heartfelt thanks goes to all of our customers who have patiently waited for me to finish. This is the first year I've written the annual while simultaneously writing a daily horoscope.

Despite such a hectic schedule, I vowed to have no loss of quality, detail or workmanship in any of my writing. To this end, I've had immense help from Amy Elliott, Jessica Keet and Amanda Painter, who are the core of our copy team

Each written reading takes about 12 hours to write, plus research time. Usually they are done in three writing sessions. Many took an entire weekend of work. Henry Miller said that it takes a writer a million words to find his voice. I have banked that just on these annual readings.

The readings are focused on the current year, though cover (and prepare you for) transits many years into the future. They are equally effective for your Sun and rising signs. Many people find great value in reading their Moon sign.

I consider it ethical to read for partners and loved ones. And best of all, The Art of Becoming is one purchase per household; that is, you may share it.

Each Sign is a World of Its Own

Each set of annual readings has its own atmosphere, and is written in response to the forthcoming astrology, the state of the world, and the human quest for meaning. They are written with the passion and care that a novelist invests in his or her work -- though this is a book about you. For that reason, I must be especially careful.

I understand the struggle that so many people are going through right now. I understand the potential of our moment. I write to both conditions. 

Planet Waves
Solar chart for Leo, 2018, which summarizes all of my notes. This places Leo on the 1st house, and describes how all the other signs relate to it. The transits are for the cross-quarter, when the Sun reaches the midpoint of that sign. Many extra points are included, such as Eris, Psyche, Asbolus and others.
My annual readings are a truly unusual astrology project. There is nothing like them anywhere, that I've ever seen or heard of.

These readings are the hybrid of three different skills I've developed: one cultivated through doing thousands of tarot and astrology readings, since way back in 1989; the second is my devotion to research astrology, meaning original research into newly discovered planets; and my ongoing morphing of journalism with astrology.

This last one is the most important ingredient. I write not like an astrologer, but as someone intending to convey meaning in clear terms. I strive to make astrology useful, understanding that it's one answer to the complexity of the lives we are leading right now.

My many years of experience with A Course in Miracles, as well as training in Holistic Therapy, Gestalt Therapy and Hakomi Therapy, also inform my work.

If you've never experienced one of these readings, please give it a try. If you're familiar with older editions and have not checked in for a while, I trust that you will find this work clarifying, reassuring, motivating and perhaps nourishing to your peace of mind. I strive to be reassuring, and also to provide strategies for growth, self-development and survival in our wild world.

Each of the 12 readings is its own world, with its own sense, feeling, and effect. In order to write 70,000 words for 12 signs, it must be interesting to me, and I must learn something with each one of these chapters. Each takes on a life of its own, telling the story of our lives from a different point of view.

The reviews this year have been heart-warming, and this has become an international bestseller: we've reached people on every continent, and sales are nearly tied with the most popular annual ever, the 2012 edition (Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check.)

The Solar Chart and Rising Sign

Planet Waves
The Art of Becoming for Gemini by Lia Simone.
What makes these readings possible is that I have pretty much mastered the solar chart. This is the system used by Sun-sign astrologers (that is, newspaper horoscope writers, most of whom don't really trust it). It was the 20th-century masters Linda Goodman and Patric Walker who showed us what could be done with the solar houses.

As part of this tradition, I write directly to you, speaking in plain talk, explaining any technical terms I must use, and avoiding them whenever possible. 

This technique turns each individual zodiac sign into a mandala. Each sign relates to all the other signs differently. Turn the same chart by one sign and you have an entirely different figure. 

This is one way I'm able to go to such depth. Also, because (for example) this is my 10th year writing about Pluto in Capricorn, I have gained an understanding of that journey, and can apply everything I've learned to each new reading. The same is true for all of the developing outer-planet transits.

If you would like to see the actual charts I used to write these readings, click on this PDF (for some reason, the signs are not in order; we will fix that soon). These charts summarize a stack of data, covering everything from the minor planets to retrogrades.

Themes of This Year's Reading

The theme that came up the most strongly is family constellation work. The ingress of three planets into Capricorn, all of which reference family and what you might call cosmic origins, provided much of this material.

Saturn's ingress into Capricorn will start to put things back together after years of the rather intense experience of Pluto in this sign -- as well as Uranus square Pluto from 2011-2015.

Another recurring theme was self-discovery. Chiron's ingress into Aries will help us start to make sense of all that's happened the past seven years of Uranus in Aries, and Uranus conjunct Eris in Aries.

Planet Waves
Solar chart for Sagittarius, 2018, summarizing all relevant data. This chart features Jupiter in Sagittarius, which you can see in the 1st house, Chiron entering the 5th house, Asbolus in the 7th house, and other features. One of the most interesting things in this chart is the Mars-Neptune conjunction.
I have helped sort out the chaos stirred up by the series of eclipses across Leo and Aquarius. I've covered the Venus and Mars retrogrades, though I will focus a special project on them in the form of the Spring Reading that comes out in April.

New Planets Developed

Most of what I write about comes from a deep understanding of classical astrology. I work with all of the traditional planets (Mercury through Saturn), the modern planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto), the centaur planets (Chiron and others) and a great many asteroids. 

This year, I've gone to unusual depth working with several relatively new planets. Those include Pholus (discovered 1992) and Quaoar (discovered 2002), which reference family and ancestral themes. I have developed a point called Salacia (discovered 2004), which will spend the next few years in a conjunction with Chiron in Aries. This is about self-discovery and sexual healing intertwined as one idea.

What Your Reading Includes

Each written reading is chapter length, approximately 5,500 to 6,000 words. They are presented as a webpage and as downloadable PDFs (US Letter and A4). Additionally, we have included your 2017 written reading, The Book of Your Life

We have also included the most recent birthday audio reading (the 2017 edition), as well as In The Shadow of the Moon, the 2017 midyear reading covering the Great American Eclipse. 

One last -- I've done three videos about 2018 transits, including an overview, Saturn transits and Chiron part one. I will soon complete Chiron part 2, and Uranus in Taurus. Once this is done, these video readings will be sold individually. They are included with your purchase.

Planet Waves
The Art of Becoming for Scorpio by Lia Simone.
Experiencing is Believing

I recognize that one objection to these readings is the thinking that it's not possible to go into any detail without the birth chart. But once people experience reading the first page, that concern evaporates immediately.

There is also a benefit to being liberated from the “personality profile” of the natal chart and going to the level where the collective meets the individual.

These readings will help you understand what is going on in your life, what is going on in the world, and in my practical style, where the two meet.

You may get all 12 signs here for $111 or individual signs for $44.44. You will want all 12! They are that good. Individuals on a fixed income or in financial hardship, please email Ellen Dockery. If you have already purchased an individual sign, look for a discount upgrade letter tonight or tomorrow. 

Backstage Pass and Galaxy Pass holders, please call us at (845) 481-5616.

Thank you for trusting me as your astrologer -- and thank you for being a Planet Waves customer. 

With love,
P.S. If we get 10 requests, I will schedule a phone conference to do a Q & A session on the annual readings. Write to me at Please say the most convenient time of the week to do this. I am thinking a Sunday afternoon.

P.P.S. here are client testimonials.

P.P.S. here are short samples of the readings.
Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Sunday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Eric's Assistant: Ellen Dockery. Client Services: Amy Elliott and Victoria Emory. Technical Assistant: Emily Thing. Astrology Fact Checker: Len Wallick. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Media Consultant: Andrew McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Cindy Ragusa and Carol van Strum.
Tireless Environmental Campaigner Wins Lifetime Achievement Award

We're delighted to announce that our very own Carol van Strum, whom you may remember from our release of the Gemstone File papers last year, today received the 2018 David Brower Lifetime Achievement Award.

Planet Waves
Carol van Strum.
This international honor, given by the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference (PIELC), is bestowed in recognition of Carol's indefatigable efforts to advance environmental and social justice, both in her home state of Oregon -- where she fought determinedly against dangerous aerial pesticides -- and nationwide. Previous recipients include Pete Seeger.

Author of several books, including A Bitter Fog, Carol is an unstoppable force, and a perpetual thorn in the side of all who would seek to damage the environment in the name of profit.

Here is an excerpt from the PIELC press release, outlining just some of Carol's work: "Carol Van Strum's achievements include leading participation in the fight to stop the spraying of Agent Orange and other herbicides in the Five Rivers Valley of Lincoln County, Oregon in the 1970-80s, which she wrote about in her book "A Bitter Fog". This fight put Lincoln County and Oregon on the map after a successful lawsuit against the U.S. government which banned aerial pesticide spraying on federal forests."

The release also notes that, "Over a period of 40 years, Carol accumulated literally tons of documented evidence of fraudulent studies and false data used by the chemical industry and government regulators to approve poison products for industries such as industrial logging. These documents have now been scanned  and digitalized with the help of publisher Peter von Stackelberg, and are available to the public worldwide under the title of 'Poison Papers'."

We congratulate Carol heartily on this well-deserved award, and thank her for her many contributions to Planet Waves.

Planet Waves

Readers Say This Is Our Best Annual Reading Yet

Tap or click to visit our most beautiful website ever.
"As always, the reading comes at exactly the right moment. The divine timing serves to remind me of how connected I am: my 'work' is a joyous extension of who I am; my deeply held spiritual beliefs are part of my every day life; I am strong and trusted."
-- Jennifer, on the Art of Becoming annual readings
Dear Friend and Reader:

We recently published The Art of Becoming reading for Aquarius. This means that ALL TWELVE Art of Becoming signs are now available for instant access -- whether you purchase one or two readings individually, or go all-in and order all 12 signs to share with your household.

"This is reading is so amazingly dialed-in that I can't believe it wasn't written specifically for me. Thank you, Eric, for tying together many strands of intuition of which I was vaguely aware: now I can begin to own and embody them with confidence."
-- Anthony, on the Art of Becoming reading for Aries
If you have any questions, please email us at Or call from within the U.S. at (845) 481-5616, or from outside the U.S. at (206) 567-4455. If you leave voicemail, please be sure to leave your number in the message, and we'll call you back as soon as we can.

Thank you so much for your patience, and we look forward to hearing your response to these beautiful readings.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

P.S. Here's what others are saying about The Art of Becoming:
"Dearest Eric, I just wanted to acknowledge how beautifully insightful your work always is and how moved I was reading your essays. Thank you so much for continuing to be such a guiding light along the way. Much love and appreciation."
-- Maureen, on the Art of Becoming annual readings
"The leadership aspect of what you offered really assists me to understand what my being is up to in the world of work. True, it is rarely discussed in astrology in this way for Cancer. It is not always an easy road, but it is certainly not dull. This year I have shifted direction and am discerning what parts need to come with, and what needs to be left as no longer required. This is across relationships, views, methods and tribes. Your articulated integration of the various dimensions influenced through the realms is a gift and valuable resource in curating the conditions required. Received with gratitude."
-- Rebekah, on the Art of Becoming annual reading for Cancer
"I am deeply appreciative of your integrity and the depth from where your being resides. Many blessings on your path."
-- Desiree, on the Art of Becoming annual readings
"I will put this in a very safe place, and reread it over the coming days, weeks, months. This has been an extremely tough beginning of the year -- it seems that I'm no longer being allowed to play out my life without really addressing what/who runs it from the shadows. You write about all this so brilliantly. Thank you for this stunning reading, dear Eric, for your extraordinary insights, wisdom and guidance."
-- Liz, on the Art of Becoming annual readings
"Thank you, Eric, this reading is exquisite in its most absolute form. My sense of where my life is heading is reflected back to me in this annual with such elegant cohesion; your writing simultaneously feels to be a healing balm and a road map to a territory unknown except for the consistency of its beckoning."
-- JeanMarie Murphy, on the Art of Becoming annual reading for Gemini

Planet Waves
"I'm proud (yet humbled too, if that makes sense) to be a member of the Planet Waves community. You cannot pay enough anywhere for the quality -- and quantity! -- of astrological journalism found at Planet Waves.

"I devour everything; because of it the world and my own universe makes more sense. I've been a student of astrology for more than four decades, yet every day I learn something new and important on PW."

-- Lesley Doetsch Phillips

We offer the most helpful, illuminating and practical horoscopes you've ever read; this is more like life-coaching that's relevant to your actual life, at a fraction of the cost. Become a Planet Waves member today.
Moving with the Moonlight

By Amanda Painter

Tonight is the Virgo Full Moon. This is the Moon in Virgo opposite the Sun in Pisces, exact at 7:51 pm EST tonight (00:51 UTC) -- with some company. Along with the usual Full Moon effects that you might be noticing, Neptune's presence (conjunct the Sun) is likely making things just a little more slippery than usual.

Planet Waves
Earth Under a Full Moon; collage by Stacy Bergener.
In one way, that might be helpful. Full Moons often signify interpersonal confrontations, seemingly stuck situations, or a pressurized feeling like 'something's gotta give'. With Neptune adding extra softness and lubrication, you might find it easier to sidestep blowups or shift perspective in a way that opens up your options.

In fact, you might even find that heightened intuition and sensitivity to how others feel enables you to care a little more about their benefit and wellbeing, rather than getting stuck in defending your ego. Mercury and Venus in Pisces are currently in a trine to Jupiter in Scorpio, and appear to be playing supporting roles in the goodwill-and-good-feelings department, including for relationship conversations and sex.

On the other hand, Neptune so intimately involved in a Full Moon -- especially involving Pisces -- could also heighten a kind of psychological weariness with the world and the desire to escape it. Daydreaming the day away is not the worst thing in the world, and might actually offer just the psychic break needed, if this is how you're feeling. The place where things can get dicey is if you try to make a full-on effort to evade reality. Modern culture is already playing fast and loose with things like facts, identity, social function and so on, thanks to the internet. Watch out for digital rabbit holes from now through the weekend.

Yet the real caution comes around using alcohol or drugs to try and cope with stress. Mind-altering substances could be a little harder to control right now. Meditation or similar, a walk in the woods, immersion in art creation (or appreciation), trying one of those float tanks (also known as sensory deprivation tanks or isolation/relaxation tanks) -- if you're not claustrophobic -- and similar activities might be better ways to 'escape' the world without simultaneously escaping yourself.

The Sun makes its exact conjunction to Neptune on Sunday at 8:54 am EST (13:54 UTC), after which point any sense of overwhelm (if that's what you're feeling) should start to gradually lessen over the next few days. (After the Full Moon peaks tonight, you should also be able to notice a distinct dissipation of any interpersonal tension that's been building up this week.)

Planet Waves
The mural Tilda Shalof created from more than 10,000 cast-off pieces of clean medical plastic at Toronto General Hospital. Says Shalof, "It's a tribute to nursing. It represents all the patients that I took care of over the years." Shalof has also written six books, including one about her ICU experience.
Creativity, Love and Service: Just What the Doctor (Nurse) Ordered

By Amanda Painter

The signs involved in tonight's Full Moon -- Virgo and Pisces -- both have close associations with service, caring for others, and creativity. And some of the simultaneous astrological activity is further emphasizing themes such as art, beauty, and connecting with some kind of higher purpose or message.

So it seems like a perfect moment to feature the tribute mural made by Tilda Shalof, a former ICU nurse at Toronto General Hospital in Canada. Created with things like medicine caps and tube connectors, vial lids and syringe coverings (all of which never touched patients), the mural depicts colorful mandalas seemingly being blown into the sky or sea by two faces.

"Any one of those pieces -- the lids, the connectors -- by themselves is meaningless. But all together you can create something with a lot of meaning for a patient," Shalof told the Toronto Star last year. "I couldn't let them go," she recalled. "Each was like a talisman of all those people I had cared for."

Shalof had accumulated more than 10,000 of the plastic bits over nearly 28 years, sometimes using them as game and craft pieces with her children. Finally an artist friend of hers, Vanessa Herman-Landau, suggested using the collection to make a large mural -- which they did, working together over the summer of 2015.  

Shalof has since switched to a slower-paced position in a radiology department at another Toronto hospital, but she still collects the clean lids and other brightly colored plastic bits from her job.

"When you are creating, you feel empowered," she says. "It takes you out of the sadness of your work. Instead, it reminds you of the incredible work that we do."

Not only that, but Shalof is simultaneously keeping additional plastic waste out of our oceans (and landfills and incinerators) -- one person's beautiful service to the seas, and to everyone who encounters her joyful artwork. You can hear Shalof talk about the mural in this video.

This week on Planet Waves FM
Kent State: Granddaddy of All School Shootings

Dear Planet Waves Listener:

This week's Planet Waves FM [play episode here] features an interview with Gerald Casale, co-founder and bass player of the rock group DEVO. This show originally aired live Sunday night on Planet Waves AM/FM on Radio Kingston.

Just before the show started, I was fortunate enough to hear also from Laurel Krause -- the sister of Allison Krause, one of the four students who were killed during the Kent State University massacre of May 4, 1970.

Planet Waves
Protests at Kent State University following the massacre.
Laurel describes the pain of her loss, how she has worked for healing. She tells her story of her family’s litigation against the state of Ohio, up to the Supreme Court.

Jerry was eyewitness to the Kent State shooting. He was so close that he saw a friend get shot, and nearly took a bullet himself. In this program we will be linking that shooting -- an official government job, carried out by the National Guard -- to the seemingly endless rash of mass shootings in the U.S.

While it may seem like these are all random acts, they have two things in common: an official government policy called the 2nd Amendment, which is perversely being used as a rationalization for arming the people who commit these crimes; and the suspension of the assault weapons ban, after which the rate of the shootings increase exponentially.

We consider the NRA as a terrorist organization, which presents a direct threat to a civil society and our Republic.

We consider the ways that law enforcement, from the local police and sheriff to the FBI, is standing down, not standing up to these murders.

Jerry is on the show the first hour; then I speak with Laurel Krause. Read Jerry's speech on the 40th anniversary of Kent State here.

Please join me for this week's Planet Waves FM, produced by Chiron Return.

With love,
Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes

We published your extended monthly horoscopes for March on Thursday, Feb. 22. Your extended monthly horoscopes for February were published on Thursday, Jan. 25. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Planet Waves
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 1, 2018, #1191 | By Amy Elliott
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- Don't fight the urge to go inward this week. The activity in your 12th house is pulling you into the deeper recesses of your mind; where, as in many a story, you're likely to discover the key to the puzzle of your future path. It's essential for our wellbeing that we come to understand all the parts of ourselves, and you are no different. There is nothing wrong with self-knowledge or self-acceptance being your major focus right now, if that's what you need it to be. -- by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
You can now get instant access to all 12 signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming -- we'll be publishing the additional transit videos soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) -- It's possible that you feel somewhat overwhelmed by the extent of your social engagements. Being a focus of attention may be agreeable for a while, but then eventually one tires of it, and wishes for more substantial fare. The key to navigating this is almost certainly one of balance. There's no reason why you can't enjoy the company of friends regularly, though for you these events will undoubtedly be all the sweeter if you also do something solo, or intended just for you, each day. -- by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
You can now get instant access to all 12 signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming -- we'll be publishing the additional transit videos soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) -- The decks are cleared for you to really focus on your ambitions, and get where you need to be. The chances are you know exactly where that is, though it wouldn't hurt to check in with yourself now and then, to make sure you're on precisely the best course. Any snags will likely be as a result of someone not quite understanding your viewpoint, or not quite willing to stand behind you. Cultivate the society of those who you know will support you without caveat or hesitation. -- by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
You can now get instant access to all 12 signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming -- we'll be publishing the additional transit videos soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- The next phase of your personal journey is in development, and you seem to be feeling that the changes can't come too soon. You may need to secure a loose end or two before moving onward; regardless of whether this is the case, be sure to care for yourself and do whatever helps you relax and feel re-invigorated. You'll probably reach the stage quite organically where you can simply let go of the stress of the past, and move on to exploring fresh ideas with childlike enthusiasm. -- by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
You can now get instant access to all 12 signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming -- we'll be publishing the additional transit videos soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) -- You're more introspective than you care to admit, and just now you may be especially so. What you might not realize is that a healthy relationship with your innermost thoughts is an important foundation for self-esteem, and for your actions in the outer world also. True, these journeys into the mind can sometimes be dreamlike or insubstantial, or simply confusing, leading you to try and rationalize away your instincts, however useful they are. This week, try listening instead. -- by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
You can now get instant access to all 12 signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming -- we'll be publishing the additional transit videos soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) -- This week's Full Moon is likely to feel somewhat pivotal for your relationships, in whatever state they currently happen to be. You'll probably receive more attention than usual. That said, it appears best to avoid making plans that rely on your expectations of others. Focus on living in the moment and enjoying what comes your way, rather than plotting out a future in precise detail. Also, make an effort to listen to what others want, and then try to help them to it as far as you reasonably can. -- by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
You can now get instant access to all 12 signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming -- we'll be publishing the additional transit videos soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) -- Too often, when it comes to the quality of daily life, people appear inclined to settle for what they have, without examining whether it could be better. Or they might seek material improvements only, regardless of whether that contributes to spiritual or moral fulfillment, or even to happiness. This Full Moon presents an opportunity for you to consider your regular existence in the light of what truly matters most to you. Think of this as a subject on which compromise is simply not an option. -- by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
You can now get instant access to all 12 signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming -- we'll be publishing the additional transit videos soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- A potential abundance of creative inspirations, or simply of opportunities for fun and frolic, may leave you scratching your head as to how much you can really fit in, or what you should be doing first (and with whom). Assuming a lack of more concrete factors, I suggest you simply follow your well-honed intuition, and go with whatever seems to be the best use of your time. The lessons and the logic will probably reveal themselves at a later date; for now, you can let the flow of events carry you. -- by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
You can now get instant access to all 12 signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming -- we'll be publishing the additional transit videos soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) -- This week's Full Moon could essentially operate for you like a torch, illuminating certain facets of your early life that were previously a mystery. That said, you may need to do some work figuring out where best to carry it. Potentially the factor that seems most obvious to concentrate on may be a red herring, concealing something behind it that turns out to be far more significant. It will probably help to avoid going for easy answers here if you want to see things as they really are. -- by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
You can now get instant access to all 12 signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming -- we'll be publishing the additional transit videos soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -- By now you have a pretty good idea of what you want, and how you plan to get there. While it's undeniably helpful to have something worthy to strive for, this week's astrology questions whether you may need to broaden your focus a little. One's entire life cannot be spent concentrating on a single idea. We all need a variety of interests. This week especially, you might take an interest in your immediate surroundings; perhaps by getting involved in a local project, or hanging out in favorite places. -- by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
You can now get instant access to all 12 signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming -- we'll be publishing the additional transit videos soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- With Pisces as your second house, it's crucial for you to spend time figuring out what drives your concept of self-worth. That means getting -- and staying -- in touch with your feelings. Acknowledging their existence, for one, and their nature, for another, will surely help you understand your essential humanity. That fact alone is sufficient reason for you to feel you have value and a purpose. Be clear with yourself, this week, that your emotional world is real, valid and important. -- by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
You can now get instant access to all 12 signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming -- we'll be publishing the additional transit videos soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.

Planet Waves
Pisces Birthdays 2018
What Have You Learned, and How Will You Use It?
"Thank you Eric, very helpful to have your perspective. As a Piscean (with Scorpio rising and Moon in Cancer forming a grand trine -- all very watery) I have certainly experienced massive transformative times and have been set on a journey with many unexpected twists and turns."
-- Trudy Austin
Dear Pisces Friend and Reader:

What have you learned during the seven or so years Chiron has been in your sign? Have you faced crises; been pushed to grow; learned you are stronger, more creative and more whole than you previously thought? Do you feel more at home in your skin or on the planet than you used to?

When Chiron begins its process of leaving Pisces in April, you'll want to be sure you take its lessons with you. It's possible they've been hard-won, but chances are you are very much the better for it, and are aware of this.

As a fellow Pisces, Eric has been sharing the experience the whole way; as an astrologer with an established track record of working with Chiron, he's in a prime position to guide you through Chiron's entrance into Aries, your second house of what you value -- including your self-esteem -- in your upcoming 2018 Pisces Birthday Reading.

This 'audio meditation' consists of two segments of audio astrology (plus a tarot reading that will arrive a little later), each at least 30 minutes long. You can download it to any mobile device and listen as many times as you like throughout the year -- any time you need a little extra encouragement, some orientation, or a reminder of the longer arc of your path.

Note that the Birthday Reading is a separate project from the annual edition, different in every way -- they make excellent companions. While the annual readings are written chapters of an interconnected set, your birthday reading is a stand-alone deep dive into your astrology as your solar year is beginning.
"Ah Eric -- just listened to your reading. I was moved to tears by your closing words. Your passion, deep care and love always shine through; and you have the gift of all great teachers, of making one feel that one is being personally addressed, respected and taken care of."
-- Liz Glanville
You can pre-order your 2018 Pisces Birthday Reading here, for just $33. We offer the lowest price first; the price will increase as we near the recording and publication of the reading.

Eric will be covering far more than Chiron's transition -- astrology that impacts your relationships, career, finances, sexuality, healing process, creativity, family and more. His audio readings not only stand up to repeated listenings throughout the year, they're almost like getting a personal consultation for a fraction of the cost -- and just as useful.

Yours & truly

Amanda Painter

P.S. If you love a Pisces, make their day: give the Pisces reading as a gift.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- This week's astrology is an invitation for you to be unapologetic about who you are. This is no time for obfuscations, half-truths, or compromises. You must be yourself, wholly and gloriously. There will always be people who think it's cool to act unimpressed, or who confuse self-fulfillment or self-esteem with an ego trip; by now, I am sure you know this is rubbish. Forget what others think. If you're daring to take meaningful actions in the world, the only opinion that really matters is yours. -- by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
You can now get instant access to all 12 signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming -- we'll be publishing the additional transit videos soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.
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Don't forget to take advantage of this special gift: Eric's Daily Horoscope can arrive in your mailbox by 7 am ET, containing great astrological guidance for all 12 signs. You can sign up with our compliments, though we welcome donations.

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