Planet Waves
New York, Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013
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LISTEN Almost Ready -- and What's New from Planet Waves

PreS (that's a PS at the beginning of a letter): Small favor -- please LIKE our official Planet Waves Facebook page. Thanks!

Dear Friend and Reader:

We are putting the final touches on LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition from Planet Waves. We plan to publish the full LISTEN website -- audio and written readings, articles by other authors, art, music and additional associated resources -- at about 5 pm EST this evening. Note, for those who have not figured it out yet, LISTEN is a separate product from your subscription -- a full website with astrological readings, resources, art and music.

Planet Waves
Photo by Dawn Iler.
Monday I posted an audio introduction to LISTEN on the Planet Waves Daily Astrology and Adventure blog. In this half-hour audio I explain how I did the work, and what is included with your purchase. Different signs have different emphasis, plus the written and audio readings are completely different -- though there may be occasional overlap.

If you have already purchased individual readings or all 12 signs, watch for the announcement in your inbox later. Remember, you will need the user login and password sent to you in your confirmation email when you first ordered access.

If you have not already purchased access to the annual, you can still take advantage of our subscriber discount, which includes all 12 signs of LISTEN for the price of three. As I've noted before, if you know your rising and Moon signs, or know the Sun or rising signs of your loved ones, this is an incredible value. It's also possible to purchase individual signs here.

Also on the blog, a thoughtful conversation has developed under Monday's Daily Astrology post, in which I delve even deeper into the theme of jealousy in relationships that the Juno-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn is still emphasizing.

In the Weekend Tarot Reading, Sarah Taylor describes the steam heat of this week, which can be harnessed toward something productive -- though it takes emotional maturity. In another thoughtful article on the blog, healer Elisa Novick explores our understanding of 'energy' -- a pervasive, if widely dismissed, influence in our lives -- and working with it spatially.

Finally, if you use Facebook, it would be a great help if you could 'like' our official Facebook Planet Waves company page. This is different from the group page, which you may have joined in the past, and which we will be discontinuing. We're finding Facebook to be a great tool for keeping up with articles on the blog, as well as special astrology and news research requests, and the company page will serve this purpose more effectively.

See you later tonight with the LISTEN release announcement!

Yours and truly,

Planet Waves

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