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Burlington, VT, Friday, May 7, 2010

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Planet Waves
Weekly Horoscope for Friday, May 7, 2010, #815 - BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Hold off on financial decisions till late next week, preferably after Mercury has stationed direct on Tuesday and the Taurus New Moon on Thursday. Those events represent information coming to the surface, and you will need that information to make wholesome decisions. One thing that's clear is that you're burning with creativity, ideas and determination; all those things are positives and certainly befitting your reputation as an Aries. What you need is data. The other thing you need is insight into yourself, and this too is available, thanks to Chiron's recent ingress to Pisces. The more you know about yourself, the more your values will shift toward what you're aspiring to rather than where you've been in the past. Think of entering unknown inner territory as your portal to the future. As such, it's the best way to liberate yourself from past entanglements.

Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)
Two key events take place in your sign during the next seven days: Mercury retrograde ends, and a New Moon. One interesting thing about the forthcoming Mercury station direct is that it happens close to the degree where Chiron was discovered in your sign, not so long ago, in 1977. The suggestion here is that you're dealing with awareness of a tension point or long-term struggle; with something trying to get your attention; and most significantly, with a key that can unlock your potential. This key comes through a revelation of the mind first -- that being Mercury. Something you've been attempting to work through nearly forever is ready to give way. Though you may have all the information and ingredients you need, you're the one who gets to enact the future. You do this by letting go of the old belief and taking action based on the new one. It really is that simple; and the momentum is carrying you precisely in that direction.

Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
So, is it possible to keep a secret from yourself? That would be called denial. If you feel under some kind of mental pressure, if something seems to be bugging you, if you're feeling restless and you don't know why -- you might investigate whether you're keeping something from yourself. That bit of information, be it a feeling, an opinion or a need, is doing everything to make itself known. But it has no life apart from you: you're the one trying to get your own attention. That would mean you already know and, to some degree, you've embodied the information. I suggest you review what a spouse or close partner told you a few days ago; they seem to actually have a clue, and you would be well advised to consider the wisdom of their opinion. Of course, you already know what is true, and you might want to investigate your reasons for imagining that it's not.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)
We spend a lot of time trying to create a public image, and for the most part it is time wasted. People will have the opinion of us that they have, and that opinion says as much (or more) about their own values than it does about anything else. If you want to project an image, here are some suggestions: do it by making decisions that are in accord with what you hold dear and true. Demonstrate that you can change your mind. Show that you're dedicated to being fair and negotiable about money -- and that includes fair and negotiable with yourself. For those who depend on their talents rather than their labor to make a living, you are in a position to create a better deal for yourself, and that will be based on how you feel about yourself. In fact, how you feel about yourself is the very thing that projects your public image the most vividly -- so feel good.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
Make sure there's such a thing as good enough; make sure you take good opportunities when you see them. True, you can always hold out for something better, but then one pretty good choice can lead to another. You're not usually the type to sit on your hands, but I see a moment of hesitation. And, for sure, take that moment. Feel the cosmos move around you. Then as the next week progresses, notice how options and possibilities open up, and notice how they match your inner potential. That's the thing to feel out, to notice and to act on: a match between what is available and what you experience inwardly. In order to see that you may need to change your mind, adjust a goal, or allow these things to unfold; you may feel some resistance, but once you let go of that, your personal effort will be minimal.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
Not enough is said about the power of belief. We all know that just because you believe something doesn't make it true; but what we don't quite acknowledge is that it makes it true for us, in terms of how we respond and what information we allow in. Lowbrow religion takes advantage of this property of human nature; healthy spirituality is based on noticing and ultimately choosing our beliefs. You tend to have fixed beliefs, and a fixed idea of what is possible. At times you really struggle with this, particularly when you find yourself trapped believing things that you know are not true. Yet it's frustrating to be caught in that zone of not being able to change what you believe. Right now you have some leverage to help you with this issue. You don't need to strain, but I do suggest you feel the tension and the discomfort vividly -- in part so you'll notice, palpably, when you change your mind and feel that much better.

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
Why do we have relationships? Borrowing from The Eagles, some dance to remember, and some dance to forget. Some get together to change and grow; some get together to hunker down and stay stuck. As this season progresses, a theme develops, which is that your relationships, partnerships and encounters with the world are all about not just change, but revolution. You have new people to meet, and new places to meet them. They all have something to teach you. One skill you can master now is identifying the shared territory that makes a relationship real. Almost always, this is about what values you have in common with a person. You both might be musicians, painters or have a love of dancing, but it's the value that you put on those 'things' that establishes the connection point. You don't even need to search for that; all you need to do is look. It's either there or it's not.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
Notice if others define themselves based on what they are not. This is a defensive reaction to existence. Notice, as well, when people shift their orientation and begin to assert their presence based on who and what they are. The words you're listening for are specifically I am. While you're at it, practice those words yourself. Notice how you feel when you claim whatever it is that you are. You may be making this claim in the face of a relationship or partnership that seems to obscure your awareness or sense of presence in your own life. Remember, this is not the only option; if you keep saying I am, you may notice that someone (or more) close by responds Yes, you are. That's who you want to spend your time with; that's the kind of environmental support you need, as you prepare to become yourself on an unprecedented level.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
Focus on a money question that has persisted for a while. Get your facts together; gather all the information you can get. Don't be satisfied that you have enough. Then, begin the process of analyzing it. Get help from someone you trust who is not emotionally involved in the issue or puzzle. Keep working the data. It may take about a week, though if you persist and give it at least that long, you will learn not only what you need to know now; you will have enough information to plan your next phase of an enterprise. Pluto in Capricorn is here to remind you that you have vastly greater financial potential than you ever imagined, and it's here to remind you that money flows toward structure: so work with structure. Ceres in Capricorn is here to say that all wealth comes from the Earth. You may wonder how that applies to you, but if it applies to anyone, you're it.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
You are changing so fast it makes you queasy sometimes. It's true that you're accustomed to directing most of your energy inwardly; it may feel like that is the case now, and I would not be surprised if you counted this as a particularly frustrated moment of expressing yourself, your ideas, or your passion. If this is true, it's not a meaningless struggle, and by that I mean you are making progress toward a goal you may not understand, but which exists. Remember that expression is a translation process. Something moves from an inner idea or impulse, and seeks to find existence in the outer world in the nearest possible form appropriate to its purpose. At the moment you are experimenting with both the idea itself, and the best possible form with which to express it. Give this love and patience and you will see that in this instance, content and form are one and the same.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
If you have experienced delays or setbacks on matters of profession or reputation the past few weeks, get ready to let go of them. You are likely to decide that the delays worked for you, and that you learned more than you could have any other way. The crucial point at this stage of your growth is that you constantly draw the equations between power and ethics; between success and vision; between influence and purpose. To be driven by humanitarian causes, as you so clearly are, is to say that you are aware of your values, and that you honor them with every breath you take. I know that you've been inclined to scrutinize yourself in recent years, and that you have started looking closely again. You've reached the phase of ethics where you can trust yourself to make decisions, and then go back and review what you've done. At this moment, trust is the key component of ethics -- not the other way around.

Aquarius birthday audio is coming soon -- thanks for all the emails!

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
Let's pretend you're a rock band. That sounds like fun. One moment you're playing in a small venue: focused on what you're doing, with peole you love. You and your bandmates have devoted themselves to countless hours of practice. You're connecting with one another, with the music and with the audience; humble as the room is, you're actually getting to be a musician. Then, a moment later (it seems) you're standing on the stage of a sports arena, playing the same music, with the same people, only a much larger audience. What is different? I mean, what is really different? Are you any better a musician? Do you perform better in a larger space, reaching more people, with all that energy? Are you nervous and more concerned about potentially messing up? Here's what I suggest: you treat them as exactly the same thing. They are, because they have the same purpose. They are, because you are the same person.

Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

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