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Kingston, NY, Friday, April 30, 2010

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Planet Waves
Weekly Horoscope for Friday, April 30, 2010, #814 - BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Though I didn't quite use the words, we left off last week with one version of 'action is the fruit of knowledge'. If you're feeling pent up, frustrated or like you want to burst into flames, consider that you know something you're not acting on. One form that lack of action may be taking is the refusal to admit the knowledge in question. That in turn may relate to something you know is important to you, but which either circumstances or mental frustration prevent you from handling consciously. Now is the time, though I suggest you move incrementally. Recent events may have clued you in to what happens when you try to clear something all at once -- but you will feel more resolved if you move past the illusion of being caught in your own inertia. And you can turn that around with one decision.

Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)
Aspects this week suggest you're involved in heroic efforts to set yourself free, though do you feel free yet? Your emotions seem more willing to go there than your mind. This said, I suggest you study the nature of that particular instrument. Your mind is not you; it's a tool that you can use to navigate through time, space and potential. Your mind often seems to 'think its own thoughts', contradict your feelings and send you odd messages; and it would be distressing if you confuse that entity with 'yourself'. Part of how you can tell you're doing this is because you are either obsessed with the past, or with ignoring the past. Either way it amounts to the same thing. You seem intent on denying the fact that you're angry about something, and I propose this is no formula for freedom. But admitting it is a great place to start.

Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
Are you being asked to commit to something that you don't want, or are you giving yourself over willingly and knowingly? The aspect of you that wants to yield, submit or surrender has an alien quality, as if it's not really you: and as if the only part that is really you is the one with the power to deny or contradict. To say yes still feels like compromise, no matter how much you may benefit, or regardless of the mutual benefit available in the situation. There are plenty of things worth doing for their own sake, but saying no (to yourself) is not one of them. Why would you do this? It looks like you're hiding your motives from yourself. You may feel that if you admit one inner truth you will open yourself up to admitting much more that for whatever reason you have chosen to conceal. This leads to a question -- is it possible to keep a secret from yourself?

Cancer (June 21- July 22)
The continuing momentum of this week's Scorpio Full Moon is likely to have you feeling confident and thirsty for life. You know there are real possibilities, and you know that you have the option to sink your lips and teeth into some of life's must nourishing fruit. One possible hitch is worrying what other people will think about you -- other people as in your circle of friends, your acquaintances or your social set. If your solar chart is any indication, you seem to be grappling with the question of, "What if my deepest truths were known to everyone?" And I would ask you in earnest: What if your deepest truths were known to everyone? Play out that scenario as fiction. Choose one or two of those truths and imagine that they are sent to your whole address book. What would be some potential scenarios? How would you feel?

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
Success rarely happens as we plan it; there are always twists in the plot. Yet generally, it still helps to have a plan and work the plan, amending day by day as you proceed. You are making a series of discoveries that you may not have been suspecting; you're learning about your own talents, and you seem to have developed a new passion for persisting in the face of both adversity and unusual circumstances. This is a confidence-building project, which is a good thing because that's the active ingredient, the yeast that makes the bread rise. And for you, at the moment, the other key ingredient is partnership. There is something high-visibility suggested, with a lot of energy behind it, a strong evolutionary impulse and a quality of clear communication: and it's immediate, not in the distant future.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
What's new on the horizon? I mean, what has recently appeared in your life that has no precedent, no sense of familiarity and an entirely new message? There is something, or someone, that is prompting you to wonder about life and yourself and relationships. You've had hints of this in the past; what you are experiencing now is different: more focused, a bit stranger and with greater potential to both heal you and, it would seem, to harm you. How you handle yourself will account for how those potentials shake out. I suggest you drop your expectations. Forget about distinctions such as 'temporary' and 'permanent'. This situation exists to help you open up to pleasure, and to aspects of life that you tend to deny; and to help you heal something about your lack of willingness to be vulnerable. Your fears in this area are complex, and this relates to certain ways in which you doubt your own perception. Your doubt can hurt you more than anything.

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
What an amazing moment to re-align with your commitment to yourself, which is the foundation of sanity and balance. I know this idea gets tossed around self-help literature, yet there are so many opposing forces and influences that it's worth pausing on for a moment. The notion of a relationship to oneself is often considered weird, as if the only thing we can relate to is another person. We are conditioned to seek The Other, who supposedly possesses all these amazing qualities that we don't have. Here is what I propose: what you are seeking in another, you have within yourself. The more you draw in your inner strength and gifts, the more you're free to experience others as playmates and collaborators instead of someone who you hope would make you whole.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
The important thing is what you want, not what someone else wants. Yes, what they want is important to them -- if they have a clue what it is, and who knows, they may indeed. By most indications, someone in your life is acting committed and determined and certain. Your Scorpio intuition has its doubts. The more meaningful revelation would be you admitting what you want, to you. Your desire may be a shade of gray compared to what appears as black and white to someone else. If so, get out your pencils and sketch that particular shade. Or, you may feel clear that despite anyone's reservations, you are going to take leadership in your own life. You want no part of the hesitancy that consumed your life earlier in the year and late last year. Therefore do not focus on the hesitancy of others. Remind yourself of your heart's desire and be content to take action on what is right for you.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
You may be the one making a situation seem more complex than it needs to be. True, it's surfacing in a relationship, but is it the relationship in your mind, or the relationship in reality? I suggest you get that issue sorted out. The relationship in your mind seems to be mired in questions. The relationship in reality has a sense of clarity, directness and potentially frightening degree of commitment. This may make you nervous because you want to keep your options open. You feel a burst of freedom coming on and quite possibly the season of your dreams approaching rapidly. Okay then -- keep your options open. You don't need to impress people with that fact; know, quietly and with authentic certainty, that you are the one who chooses. And at this particular moment in history, one choice doesn't preclude another.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
You seem to be having a difficult time trusting someone. This is an old story: an old reason for not trusting. You may feel that some element of your fate hangs in the balance on their judgment, power or influence. Sometimes it seems like they have the power to push you ahead or hold you back. You are giving who or whatever this is way too much credit. Part of your freedom will come from the acknowledgement that you influence these things yourself. You have what you need, in particular an innovative quality that you rarely give yourself credit for. Don't invest your energy in paranoia or any form of lack of faith. Try telling yourself that you have great ideas, and that every problem has a creative solution. The particular puzzle you're working out is an easy riddle, if you seek to solve it yourself.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
For the past couple of years, you've been trying to work out a relationship, or rather, a relationship situation. This has been calling on you to cultivate flexibility, and you may have been surprised how challenging this has been. Once again you're going through another layer, or another dimension, of the work on this issue, and yet it seems to be persisting, threatening to drag on forever (though you secretly suspect this isn't true). The thing to remember is that 'it' is not going to change; you are the agent of change, and the one who will take the step that moves you to the next place, space or stage of your journey. You've learned a lot the past few weeks; I cannot imagine how much. And you seem resolved to stick it out as long as you can. However, you seem determined to make at least two significant moves in the next few months, which are designed to shift the situation totally, open up a new reality, and embark on the future with a vivid new agenda.

Aquarius birthday audio is coming soon -- thanks for all the emails!

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
Saturn in Virgo has taught you something about the power of structure. For quite a while -- at least for the duration of Uranus in your sign, which started around 2004 -- you've been driven by ideas, and you've even manifested some of them. Then Saturn ingressed your opposite sign and you had the chance to start building: relationships, concepts, business structures, or some combination of the three. The series of Saturn-Uranus oppositions through Virgo and Pisces may have felt like building a Moon-base: incredible challenges and occasional setbacks, though every small success counts for a lot. It's time to look back at what you built, and what you learned building it. It's time to integrate your knowledge, because you are, at this time, beginning to embody both the innovation aspect and the structure aspect in a whole new way: one beautiful gift of Chiron in Pisces.

Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

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