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Kingston, NY, Wednesday, April 7, 2010

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Dear PW Subscriber:

Three points of interest. First, I made a slight error in yesterday's post, the one that's supposed to go on your 'fridge or water cooler bulletin board. It was just an edit, really, about what sign the Sun was in when Mercury entered echo phase -- that was Aries, not Taurus. Here is the new one.

Planet Waves
Photo by Dakota Lane.
Second, I've posted some new audio to Daily Astrology & Adventure, our public blog, which covers the current sky. That is a direct link. This audio series is getting some great reviews -- check it out. Also of potential interest, I was interviewed by the university magazine that I started in 1984. It's a lot of fun and reveals some of my thoughts on activism, publishing and astrology. If you know any young English majors, please send it their way.

Last, I have begun to update Cosmic Confidential with Key Life Transits. These first series -- about an hour of audio introducing the project, introducing Saturn and introducing Saturn transits, goes up tonight. I've decided to do the Key Life Transits mostly in audio format for ease and a greater sense of contact with you. If you are a Cosmic Confidential subscriber, check your inbox for additional information tonight.

If you are not a Cosmic Confidential subscriber, please read this. The Key Life Transits audio are about to be spun off into separate products, each of which will be sold for $19.95. If you sign up for Cosmic Confidential now, your purchase will include this lavish, excellent discussion of your transits by major planets. We will divide the products as soon as our tech team finishes the work -- probably in a couple of days. Your $19.95 purchase today will be worth nearly $100 in a few days. Now is the time to sign up. Here is the product page.

See you Friday with our regularly scheduled edition of Planet Waves Astrology News.

Yours & truly,
Eric Francis
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