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Kingston, NY, Friday, March 19, 2010

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Planet Waves Horoscope by Eric Francis

As usual, there's all kinds of exciting stuff happening on Planet Waves websites. We've completely revamped the Planet Waves homepage, making us the easiest website to navigate since Netflix. This weekend Daily Astrology & Adventure will morph into a news blog, covering the latest details in the health reform vote taking place Sunday. I have posted one of the more significant charts and I am sure a discussion will emerge at that link. Then there's the conversation about the astrological houses as they describe sex and relationships which continues, up to nearly 90 comments as of this writing. Eric has followed up with an entry about why some people get bristled by his articles on the topic, collecting comments as we speak. Len Wallick has done some excellent articles this week on the equinox, including one called Intimations and Speculations. Eric will have a more technical summary of the equinox at the Cosmic Confidential Diary.

Planet Waves
Weekly Horoscope for Friday, March 19, 2010, #808 - BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Aah, the mysteries that spring from women. But I would ask: is it the girl, or the grown adult? Is it a mix of both? And what is their relationship? I suggest that you discern the difference between them. They may show up in the same place, with different needs and agendas. The girl needs protection. She has a fragile quality to her psyche and is touching her nascent sense of identity for what may feel like the first time. The woman has held down an enormous amount of energy and feels like she's going to explode, melt down or go mad from lack of attention. Here is what's going on a few layers down: the source of inner chaos is the sense that her gifts are not being received by the world, or that she lacks the courage to offer them.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)
You may be figuring out that there is a difference between who you think you are, and who you really are. To some extent this is true for everyone, but your sense of yourself seems to be rather fired up these days. You seem to be concerned about how you're perceived, and you are doing your best to hold your attention on a concept of yourself that you want to emphasize and then broadcast that into the world. Here is what I am inclined to ask: are you angry about something? Does that something involve whether you feel safe? I suggest you address the safety issue first, which may involve some actual question about how you feel in your environment. Stick to practical issues rather than trying to compensate with the force of your personality. If you have something to say to someone, say it directly -- not in fantasy.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)
"Friend" is the most trampled word in English, and Facebook is not helping matters. For you this word needs to be connected to an actual idea of what constitutes an authentic friend. Checking the history of this word, it is connected to the idea to love. So someone you love is one version of who you might consider a friend. If you can say the words to them, that is a good indication; if you can say what you love, that's even better. Researching deeper, the word friend is indirectly related to fiend or enemy. It's vital that you know the difference. Perhaps someone who causes a disruption in your life is a friend, but it's not likely. It may be that someone centered on themselves is a friend, but that is even less likely. Someone who speaks the truth to you, sincerely and clearly: that is a friend.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)
You have all the luck you need to succeed; you have the talent; now you need focus and efficiency. If you're going to begin anything this week, limit that to two items, preferably related to one another. You are in the mood to get things going, yet you need to be careful and discerning about your motives, and the speed with which you attempt to accomplish anything. Be mindful of people around you who stir up conflict or strive to get attention. One way you can cut back on this phenomenon is by being clear with yourself about who you are, and why you do what you do. This will set a boundary; your clarity will, at least, help you see when others are not clear, or when their agenda does not match yours. What you do with that information is another issue, but the fact that you will indeed need to have it is clear.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
Your ideas about life are moving faster than your life, but that's about the speed of things: fortunately ideas take time to manifest, because not all of them will serve you. Mars is moving slowly -- and I would add, with extra potency -- through your birth sign now. That is a clue to strive for progress one day at a time, but even that might be a bit too fast some days, because it would seem that your intention is to do deep work and lay a solid foundation. I suggest you set an agenda for the week, and contrast that with your agenda for some longer stretch of time, such as a year. Make sure the items on your weekly agenda match some items on your longer one. Then, yes, take existence one day at a time -- and remember what happened yesterday.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
You've been on quite a ride in the relationship department the past few weeks, but I would ask: what in life does not involve relationships? Even when you're walking around your apartment alone at 3:30 am, you are in relationship to everything you see. The thing about your connection to a vase, a television or a book is that you know you bring the energy. You make up the story. This is more challenging to see in dynamic, live-action situations. That's partly because they involve two or more people bringing their energy. Yet the same value holds: you continue to evaluate everyone around you. The question is, on what basis are you making that assessment? Or maybe this is the question: in what ways do you feel your mental state is compromised by a relationship in which you have a vast investment of 'self'?

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
It may surprise you who turns out to have what opinion this week, or what experience you learn that someone close to you has been through. Whether you identify with it is another question, but I suggest you do your best to empathize in any event. That seems to be the whole point. The problem with allowing yourself true empathy with something you may not relate to is that you will reveal things about yourself (to yourself, and to others) that you were not expecting and that you may feel uncomfortable with. However, if you stick with the process, you will learn something about yourself -- quite potentially, something that's been eluding you for years. One of the core issues involves how you see yourself in your relationships: is your self-image the one with gifts, or one who brings problems?

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
Mark Twain joked about not letting one's schoolin' get in the way of one's learnin'. I would say: don't let your work get in the way of your professional aspirations; don't let your professional aspirations get in the way of your ability to get things done. After considerable frustration and confusion, you can now get the two going in the same basic direction; at least tuned to the same key. You may have to do this in manual mode. I suggest you see where your smaller efforts add up to drive forward your larger objectives. See where your larger objectives can call on you to scale back what amounts to busy work -- but not your dharma. That is, some things that feel like busy work are actually actual, authentic committed duties. Just because you don't like doing something doesn't mean that it's not truly vital.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
There seems to be some family or tribal drama threatening your peace of mind. Since I know how delicate that peace of mind has been for you, I'm feeling a little protective: and that's who you need to surround yourself with. Meanwhile, you're facing a complex psychological situation that you would be wise to handle mentally rather than emotionally. I am not saying you need to run from the emotional dimension, but rather that at this phase, your emotions are an indicator of what you can work out through awareness, analysis and most of all, through an understanding of your family history. What you are going through may feel like it's 'in the present' but I would say it's more of the 'the past is the present' variety of personal material. Where to begin? If you can, talk to your mother.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
Make sure you're kind to the people who feed you; make sure that you choose to feed the people who are kind to you. Make sure you feed yourself. This is the moment of the equinox, when night and day are balanced around the world, symbolic of a state of equilibrium. Ceres in your sign is suggesting strongly that you consciously balance out all the exchanges in your life. Evaluate carefully and be mindful of your prejudice. What you think is a loss might not be a loss. What you think is a gain might not be a gain. The basis on which you need to evaluate is on what nourishes or depletes you. Be clear about this. We are all accustomed to situations where we give more than we receive; where generosity works against us. Make your decisions with no hard feelings; just gratitude that you can indeed get your life in order.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
You're starting to understand what changes you need to make. The feeling has been intuitive till recently, and you've had some radiant moments of clarity. That's different than observations that you can refer back to, which reveal what you're actually experiencing. Even in considering your healing process, you've been idealizing matters in a way that has not, until now, stood up to the evidence. I'm describing a few of the properties of Chiron, which is gradually separating from its conjunction to Neptune. You're encountering a new kind of clarity, and a new depth of intuition. Honoring this, I suggest that you have no opinion that you cannot support with data; that you have no hunch you cannot support without actual observation, preferably something that you've written on paper or typed in an email.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
I know, you still can't see around that corner -- the one that seems to be behind you but is really in front of you; the one that seems to have defined a decade of your life, but which is really right in front of you. The way to work with this uneasy tension is to choose where you want to be. Get out of automatic mode and make your decisions with full awareness of what you are choosing, and what your options are. You have, at the moment, an overwhelming amount of potential, and this may not be making your life any easier. So you need to focus, and you need a basis for what you choose to focus on. You have three choices, approximately. One is what you perceive as necessity. One is what you perceive as crisis. The last is what you want, and that may be the most difficult to see -- but it's clearly the most important to look at.

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