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Kingston, NY, Friday, Feb. 19, 2010

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Planet Waves
Weekly Horoscope for Friday, February 19, 2010, #805 - BY ERIC FRANCIS
Planet Waves en Italiano

Aries (March 20-April 19)
You're not the goodie-goodie you like people to think you are; this, despite how you flaunt your wild side. Though you would probably never own up to that contradiction, it's time to worry less about your image and more about how being authentic draws authentic people toward you. I suggest you admit to your chaos, your passion, your craving for freedom. I suggest you admit to the true fact that your attractions follow no special logic, no rules, and in the end, know no bounds. You could spend a lot of time worrying about why you have tried to pretend otherwise; you could wonder why you're caught in the structure that you're in. Or you can simply be free.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)
You have an active imagination; it's so active, you rarely give yourself a chance to step out. Yes, Taurus is the sign most often associated with physicality and grounding and all of that, but lately you seem more in your head than usual. You seem to be searching and dreaming and exploring in there. That's fine, as long as you take some of what's in your head, and put some of that pancake batter onto the griddle. True enough, you don't have to. You can keep stirring it in your mixing bowl. You can keep adding sugar. But as long as you do that, you're always going to have batter and you're never going to have hotcakes.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)
Don't expect your social experiences to follow a plan, or even your vaguest notions of what you thought you wanted. I would propose that you will figure out what you want in a series of experiments, at the end of which you will have given up on a few old friends and made some brilliant contacts with some new friends. This is the time to desire new people, places and experiences. In fact, it's time for them to desire you right back. I would say if you don't want attention, don't leave the house, but not even that will work. Remember this attention parlays into your workplace or professional activities. You will be rewarded for good work, so keep your focus.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)
You cannot control the outcome of events, and you don't want to. What you can do is pay attention to the flow and skate along with the game. And it looks like a fast game, for sure, where the rules change. Mars finally stationing direct is likely to improve your attitude about money, as long as you remember to invest it in what has lasting value, or in what fits a long-term plan. You feel like you have a lot of mojo, which remains true as long as you apply every molecule and photon of it consciously. There is a direct relationship between awareness and power, and at this opportune moment I suggest you add some ambition. Not a lot, just enough.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
You're about to get a surge of energy -- though I suggest you go for the slow burn. Keep your flame blue and clean and just the right temperature. In other words: plan for the long run. Mars is about to station direct in the first degree of your sign; then over the next 10 weeks it will work its way clear across Leo, touching the natal Sun of everyone born under your sign. Through the long Mars retrograde, you've done a fine job reinventing yourself. I suggest you stretch gently into this new concept of who you are, rather than inflating like an airbag. You'll be tempted; yet the long-term outlook says that if you pace yourself, the very best is yet to come.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
You now know the truth about a health situation that has long troubled you, taxing your peace of mind in a way that you've let on to only a few people in your life. Though you prefer to be truthful, you were correct in not spreading your anxiety, mainly because you knew it would come back to you. Now that your worst fears have been proven unfounded, you can spread something else, which is your unmitigated vitality. And that will come back to you, just like anything else you broadcast. In the next six months, this echo effect is only going to intensify, and you'll need to be clear what is yours and what is not.

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
This is not the time to seek stability in your relationships -- it's time for something better. This theme repeats over and over this spring, any way you shuffle, slice or dice the planets. You need to trust the stability within yourself. Most people seek structure on the outside, and give their relationships a too-difficult job. The difference, in the end, is about maturity; when your life moves as fast as it's going to move, and becomes as unpredictable as it's going to become, you need to know where your center is, and you need to know how to get there fast. Then you will be able to play fast and loose, something that is unusual for you, but which you've craved for a long time.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
It may be driving you half-mad that a partner can't home in on their sense of identity. But then, you've been wavering on a commitment for many weeks, and this commitment has a lot to do with who you are; or rather, with acknowledging who you are. There is more to this commitment than meets the eye, because of the depth of the understanding involved. In a sense, you're making an agreement with yourself about the role that you deserve in the world; which in turn is a reflection of how powerful you are willing to believe you are. True, over the past few months you've given yourself many reasons to doubt, but in truth you've discovered just as many to have confidence.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
Few astrologers would advise someone born under your sign to take a little extra risk, fearing what you might do. However, I'm aware the extent to which you have put the restraints on yourself in recent months, and have retreated far from your usual swashbuckling self. Here is the key: respond to your feelings and not your mind. Start from where you feel safe. That is a feeling you can actually trust. From that space of safety, take a step; then when that works out, take another step. You may, along the way, feel the impulse to leap in feet first, and I wouldn't want to stop you; just make sure you're absolutely willing, with no hint of hesitancy.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
It's time to make some fast, bold professional moves; primarily this is the time to make sure you're as visible as possible. If you stay where people can see you, you'll increase the chances of success significantly: success as you define it. I have an idea what that is: the privilege of expressing the person you actually are in your professional life. Capricorn is often accused of being ambitious: I see the matter differently, as a quest for authenticity that brings you through many incarnations of your career and your role in the world. In actual fact, you must try again and again till you find the place not where you fit, but where you are free to exist.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
In astrology there are, occasionally, before and after moments. That is the easiest way to understand, or to even see, the meaning of how the planets move. You have now arrived at an 'after' moment: after a very long spell of the need for clarity, coexisting with yourself in a kind of misunderstanding. You have resolved something, or perhaps you've just observed something, but it goes so deep into who you are that it seems to reach across all your lifetimes. In any event, however you choose to think of it, you have turned one page of your life and embarked on a whole new volume of existence. The territory changes fast from here: take careful, conscious steps and always notice where you are, and whom you're with.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
Know good times when you're in them -- and you are. These are not the kind of good times that melt into the background of history, forgotten because of their comfort. Rather, this is a moment that stands out rather than stands back, and which you may consciously, willingly and lovingly use to enter a new phase of your life. I trust that you feel a certain energetic relief, the ability to relax and the growing sense not that you have enough, but that you are enough. Keep that feeling, and remember the idea, if you lose contact with the inner orientation. It is fair to say that everything is about to change -- in ways you would have wished for, if you could have ever predicted what is possible.

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