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By numerologist Christine DeLorey


Illustration by Christine DeLorey.

Illustration by Christine DeLorey.

What a spectacular date the 11th of February, 2011 was. That is the date format used in Egypt and most other countries. 11022011 is a numerical palindrome — a series of numbers that can be read the same way in either direction. This is a rare occurrence in the calendar, and what happened in Egypt on that date was rare and spectacular too. When calculated one number at a time, this sequence adds up to 8, the number of POWER ON THE MATERIAL PLANE. We witnessed real power on that date. A different kind of power! The power of the HUMAN WILL!

The fact that such a major event occurred on this date suggests that the balance of power, which the world so badly needs, is shifting drastically now. This will undoubtedly bring new dangers into the world, but also many instances of inspiration and breakthrough. Humanity has taken a turn toward freedom.

2011 is the last year for quite some time in which the number 11 dominates, and its presence is likely to be more dynamic than ever this year. Look at the position of the two 11s in that date. This is 11:11 energy expressing itself in a more complex way than we are accustomed to. 11+11=22, the ‘master’ number which facilitates large-scale accomplishments which can IMPROVE CONDITIONS FOR THE MASSES. Add the 22 in the center, and you have the ‘master’ number 44.

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