Planet Waves
New York, July 11, 2020 | View as Webpage | Order This Reading
Now Includes Full Transcription!
This has been an unusual year so far. We are just beginning. This reading has a special focus on work and career, and looks closely at partnerships and personal relationships.

Dear Friend and Reader:

The Astrology Studio for Cancer: I feel, therefore I am is now available for instant access. This is a professional 84-minute reading of a kind only available from Planet Waves.

We are continuing our experiment of transcribing my audio readings for those who prefer written format. A transcript is not a written reading, though for some people this will make the work more accessible. We are offering this at no additional charge to our customers. The more positive the response, the more we will invest time, energy and resources into making written transcripts available.

Prepping a recent edition of Planet Waves FM.
As you know, the Cancer ingress of the Sun this year was closely followed by an eclipse. This is astrology in the center ring; nothing like it has happened since this time in 2001, though anyone conscious is vying for a better result. And we can get it.

The eclipse is one thing connecting you to the world, in a time when we need to weave those relationships, for personal and economic purposes.

Mercury retrograde in your sign is encouraging a review of your presence and purpose in the world. This is an important transit in that it focuses the question, "Who am I" several key ways.

There are two other transits I'll note in this letter. One is the continuing story of Chiron in Aries, your house of career and reputation. This is about standing out, and doing your original work in an original way. Second is the forthcoming Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in early Aquarius, your house of financial partnership. These two transits are related.

Said simply, great opportunity will call forth your leadership skills, and your ability to be different and stand up to any pressure to conform.

Your reading also features new music by Vision Quest.
"Oh my goddess. I'm just learning the importance of focusing also on one's rising sign, so the Cancer Astrology Studio reading was a f**king revelation...I'm not even halfway through, and will listen to it many times, but you've given me hope."
-- G.W.
This is a professional astrology reading that will be personal, informative and satisfying -- and stand up to many listenings. You may order your copy here for $44.

Personal consulting is also available starting at $555 for one session.

Thank you for your business and for your trust.

With love,
PS -- This reading is included with the Backstage Pass. If you want to renew, renew early, upgrade, purchase a reading or book a session, you may do so by phone at (845) 481-5616. If you would like to get on board as a subscriber and join our Core Community, here's the link. Thank you for your involvement.

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