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Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Scenes from everyday life: the Planet Waves coversApril 9, 2008
Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Monthly Horoscopes, Weekly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Midwestern thaw. Photo by Danielle Voirin. Prior cover: Tailor.
The April Inner Space Horoscope | By Eric Francis
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- You must embody the principle of strategy. That means
you need to think clearly, and work with a plan; and with any good plan, it needs to be
reviewed on a continuous basis. This kind of clarity may be difficult when you actually seem to be embodying the principle of emotional impulse. Though you may have been struggling with this for weeks, you're finally in a composed enough state where your mind can take
over the process of guiding your life. What is most likely to distract your attention are concerns over your security, which you may translate into safety. Remember, this is
about the feeling -- not the real thing, but the feeling means a lot.

Planet Waves Daily Astrology and Blog | By Eric Francis

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