Planet Waves
New York, Wednesday, April 25, 2012

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Taurus 2012 Birthdays: Behold the Solar Feminine

Dear Taurus Reader (or Friend of a Taurus):

The 2012 audio reading for Taurus, is a high-energy, loving, inspired look at your astrology over the next year — or the astrology of your favorite bull in your life (you know how much they love gifts!). This is a special year for Taurus, due to the Venus transit of the Sun. Nothing like this again will happen until 2117 (not 2017, but a century later).

Planet Waves
Venus being the planet that represents you, this must mean something -- and you can probably feel that something arriving in your life. It is indeed time for a change, though this is change on a cellular level, a re-creation of who you are. The Venus transit of the Sun describes someone who is bolder, more assertive and better able to tap your creative potential. This is the you who can shine out in the world, and who is bold enough to welcome some glory and excitement into your life. There is a message in this transit about finding your voice, valuing who you are, and a beautiful, mysterious end to the way that two values systems have competed for your loyalty.

The transit of Venus is a cosmic gift that will help you get clear about what's important to you, what you want and what you want to be doing. There's no need to worry about 'getting this right'. Rather, what you're being called to do is approach the future with an open mind, willing to let go of what is not working to make room for what is -- when the time comes. I also describe the influence of Jupiter in your sign, as something that facilitates change -- as well as Jupiter's entry into Gemini as the onrush of new ideas and priorities.

In the second segment, I work with the transits to your relationship angles, taken from three perspectives. In this part, I go over the influence of Mars retrograde in Virgo (technically over, though still having profound effects). Perhaps the most significant relationship transit is Saturn entering your opposite sign in October, which yet again describes clearing away old values and situations and embracing something clear and mature. And I cover Chiron and Neptune in Pisces, your house of hopes, dreams and your visions for your life. These transits in particular will offer you new ways to have both social and erotic relationships.

Planet Waves
Your astrologer -- Eric Francis. Photo by Darcy.
Part three is the tarot reading using the Voyager deck. Before I get into that, however, I talk about the rather beautiful way the Uranus-Pluto square is working to wake you up to who you are, and shed the conditioning that has, in the past, prevented you from making contact with yourself. I will let the tarot reading speak for itself -- it's a beautiful spread.

In this reading, I guide you through your astrology in easy to understand language -- not technical jargon. This is an impassioned reading, offered in the spirit of motivation, liberation and your responsibility to yourself.

Your birthday reading includes the charts I used to create it, photos of the tarot cards and free access to last year's Taurus reading so you can check on both how you handled the astrology and test how accurate I was. There are also special discounts on other products.

All of this is just $19.95. You have unlimited access to the page, as well as the ability to download the audio as an archive to listen to in iTunes (on any device).

Eric Francis

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