New York, June 27, 2015 | View as Webpage | Order Your Annual Reading
In the Spirit of Service: Planet Waves Readings and Classes
Dear Planet Waves Friend,
Our current season just began with the Cancer solstice, the moment of the Sun's ‘pause’ in the sky when it has reached its northernmost point -- a new season’s beginning. During the days leading up to the solstice, the ancient Romans paid tribute to Vesta: the goddess of hearth, home and -- in particular -- service.
In the spirit of fresh beginnings and service to community, Planet Waves offers you a new catalog of Eric Francis' best work. You will find something to delight your soul and enrich your life. It is our way of saying we care and we are here for you. Here are some of our exciting current offerings:
Retrogrades, Reincarnation, Re-membering :: A Hot Astrology Class
Eric’s latest live class (and one of his most popular) was just held June 20, and you're in luck.
Retrogrades, Reincarnation, Re-membering is now available as a recording or download for only $37. For that price, you not only get unlimited access to the nearly three-hour class, you also receive additional class resources and the opportunity to join an email list to discuss the ideas further.
Retrogrades can be one of the most challenging things in astrology to understand, but Eric puts them within your reach by discussing such themes as: what retrogrades point to in our early childhood relationships to caregivers; what they say about our way of expressing ourselves; and the potentially controversial connection between retrogrades and reincarnation. He also explains how to use the progressed horoscope to decipher retrogrades using sample charts, and more.
** Note, this class includes an extensive discussion of the progressed horoscope, and is Eric's only resource to date on that topic. He merges it with the topic of retrogrades to bring progressions to life. **
2015 Cancer Birthday Reading (for Cancer Rising and Moon Too!)
One of our clients, named Jannette, described her Cancer reading last year as, "an exact depiction of my journey over the past six years and the intuitive inspiration I have for a fabulous and amazing year to come."
You can be sure this year’s reading will be just as essential, whether you have a Cancer Sun, Moon or rising sign -- and you can pre-order it as a gift for yourself or a loved one at the lowest price we offer: just $24.95.
The full Cancer Birthday Reading consists of two half-hour audio sessions of astrology, a tarot segment using the Voyager Tarot by James Wanless, photos of the charts and tarot spread, an extended sign description and access to last year's reading to mark your progress over the past four seasons. Eric’s birthday readings are among the most affordable, useful and excellent reading packages in the entire astrological profession.
Note, we have birthday readings for all 12 signs. You can find those options here. Follow this link. You will love them.
Learning Astrology with Eric Francis: Three Astrology Lessons
Eric in an alternate incarnation, on his studio bed, with Jonah and gear. |
If you missed Eric's initial live classes but are itching to learn directly from your most trusted astrologer, you're in luck: we've bundled up the recordings for three of Eric's most popular classes into one package, for only
Included are: Introduction to Reading a Natal Chart (core ancient astrology rules and foundational tools, modern interpretation techniques, plus a special section on Chiron in natal charts, demonstrating a technique he uses in professional work).
Become Your Own Astrologer, Part 1 (essential power tools for your astrological work bench, including the astrological interview); and Be Your Own Astrologer, Part 2 (how to identify, feel and work with your Sun, Moon and Rising sign -- plus much more).
** These three classes contain hundreds of secrets, tools, techniques and ideas that Eric has gathered and tested from 20 years as an astrologer, being coached by some of the very best minds in the business. It is a goldmine of resources.**
Cosmophilia :: Readings for All 12 Signs and Rising Signs
Planet Waves' magnificent annual edition this year takes the concept of biophilia, or the love of life on Earth, and broadens it to the cosmic level. Alongside truly motivational, in-depth (yet easy to understand) written and audio material by Eric Francis on each of the 12 signs, purchasers of the annual receive a set of articles on the theme You Belong Here.
Each sign includes more than 60 minutes of audio and a 4,500 word reading. Our customers say these are better than private astrology readings by other astrologers.
Said Planet Waves member Christina Caudill earlier this year, "When the Cosmophilia arrived it was the greatest gift I could have hoped for. A treasure. And it was a gift that kept on giving and giving and giving with each sign. Like a generous cornucopia of beauty with your insights and your words and the music. I never felt so spoiled. Thank YOU!"
Cosmophilia aims to offer a place of universal welcome in the increasingly clinical environment of the Internet, as well as the top-notch astrology and analysis that's a hallmark of all of Eric's readings. You can still benefit enormously from this rich source of wisdom and warmth. You may preview the 2015 annual edition; you can purchase the full edition at the best value price of $97, or choose any combination of the individual signs.
Generations: Understanding Millennials
"Parents and grandparents of the emerging Millennials -- and earlier members as well -- thank you for this critical information, Eric. If the world is confusing to those of us who've been around awhile, think how chaotic it is for those we've ushered in! A great idea and a much needed compass to help push aside the brambles on the path!" -- Planet Waves contributor Judith Gayle
This groundbreaking, first-of-a-kind reading is a Planet Waves special project, created by Eric Francis. Understanding Millennials is an astrological guide devoted to people born between 1981 and 2001.
To this work, Eric brings his 25 years as a committed youth and student advocate.
Understanding Millennials delivers 5 hours of audio recordings on the most relevant topics of the day: the impact of the digital revolution on our youth, sex in today's culture, education and vocation. This truly is a practical and inspiring mentorship for your children and grandchildren. This truly unique series of recordings -- providing mentorship for a new generation -- is available right now for $39.95.
Chiron in Pisces Reading
This special report for all 12 Sun, Moon and rising signs discusses Chiron's transit through Pisces, which lasts until 2018-19 -- and is having an undeniable, indelible effect on our collective and individual spiritual consciousness. This collection of short & sweet 12-sign audios is indispensible for understanding what Chiron is trying to get your attention about in your personal healing journey.
Eric also notes the relationship forged between this period and the Sixties, when Chiron was last in the sign of the sea. You may read about this further in Eric's 2011 article How to Cross an Ocean; How to Light a Fire. This unique audio report is still available, at just $19.97 for the complete package. Get it today, and benefit from Eric's astonishingly insightful guidance for this important Chiron transit.
Good As Gold: All about Jupiter in Leo
Sometimes Jupiter grants gifts, and sometimes it points to where we can reach for more. In Leo it is doing a little of both.
The 12-sign Good As Gold Reading highlights the current, extended transit of benevolent Jupiter through Leo -- a transit you'll want to use consciously while it's still active (Jupiter leaves for Virgo August 11, 2015).
This 12-sign audio reading explores the relationship between self-esteem, creativity and money. These elements can be understood as specific concepts, goals or challenges; then, with imagination and good astrology, they can be worked with and integrated.
Eric provides ideas, strategies, and motivational rants (his speciality) to get the blocks out of the way, access your courage, and invoke your vision for yourself. We are currently offering Good As Gold for a special package rate of $39 for all 12 signs and rising signs -- an incredible value.
Please note that we have current-year birthday readings available for all twelve signs here. If you have any questions about these featured readings or subscription memberships, we'd love to hear from you.
Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter
Planet Waves Astrology Editor
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