Planet Waves

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Planet Waves is Here For You

Dear Friend and Reader:

If you're reading Planet Waves, you've probably visited many astrology websites. You have arrived somewhere that won't leave you searching for the next site, looking for that bit of inspiration, hope or a positive prediction. You have arrived somewhere you can stay for a while, and learn about yourself and the world around you.

Planet Waves
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We are on a mission to deliver the most useful, practical and soulful astrology you can find.

Here are the top six reasons to get on board with Planet Waves -- and discover personally what working with the very best astrology can do for you.

I have faith in you. My most important role as an astrologer and teacher is to be supportive of my clients and my readers. You have talents and personal assets that you may have only suspected, or never imagined were yours. I use astrology to help you find your personal resources, and then offer practical suggestions for putting them to work.

I use astrology to create possibilities rather than predict negative outcomes. In our highly uncertain lives, we are all looking for some solid ground. Most astrologers try to predict, and some will even predict that bad things will happen. I prefer to use astrology as a tool for gaining self-knowledge and for helping you open up your possibilities. I am here to help you build your confidence and self-esteem in practical ways. Astrology is like a map to your personal treasure. And it never describes a problem without also describing the solution. There is no need to predict, only to co-create the life you want by making conscious choices.

Planet Waves is a community. We are not a virtual community, we are the real thing. We've been on the Internet since there were tumbleweeds, two ponies and one saloon. Publishing every day since the 1990s, we have gathered many wise people on our journey. We are open to fresh voices and offer many forms of participation. We have many resources that you will find useful and information on subjects you may have been searching out for years, including our library of original articles. We are in contact with people with expertise in many fields, we have countless global connections, and on request we offer referrals to qualified professionals. We hold open a safe, respectful space for you to converse with people whose values you will recognize.

Planet Waves is affordable, reliable and delivers more value than you're expecting. We have designed Planet Waves to be efficient, which for you translates to useful, dependable and best of all, affordable. We offer several levels of paid service. These are designed to fulfill your needs for guidance and support when you need it. We offer impeccable customer service and fantastic tech support. At Planet Waves, you get the feeling that there are living, breathing people right behind the website -- which happens to be true.

We keep you informed in a way that makes participation in the world appealing. You may have noticed that we pay attention to the news, though from an evolved point of view. We are trained to report the news in a way that does not make you want to hide under the bed. All of our astrologers are trained journalists. The world is our place of learning -- and we know you are eager to be included in some way. We present current events in a way that is personally relevant and leaves you with options for what to do when you're ready. Many people read Planet Waves as their only news source, for a good reason.

We have an awesome, ethical business model. We have been sponsored exclusively by our readers since we started in 1998. We do not accept corporate sponsorship. This ensures our editorial independence. We have no interruption advertising, no sponsored links, no devices that spy on you, and no flying chickens that make you jump in your seat. We are answerable only to our readers and to our conscience.

There are two main options for involvement with Planet Waves -- Core Community Membership and the All Access Pass. Please visit this link for more information.


Founder, Planet Waves

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