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Together, We Can End Saturn-o-Phobia
Listen to a Free Preview of Your 2015 Sagittarius Reading!
Dear Friend and Sagittarius:
Your birthday is the time of year to look into your astrology for the next 12 months. And that means facing Saturn-o-phobia: the irrational fear of Saturn.
With Saturn about to enter Sagittarius, I'm here to encourage you to stand with me and end this needless astrological annoyance -- right now. Mentions of Saturn will dominate the news for your sign for the next two years, with astrologers making all kinds of predictions.
Not so scary after all -- Saturn in natural color, photographed by the Cassini Space Probe in 2004. |
Unfriendly interpretations of Saturn have plagued fans of astrology since the 2nd century, when an ancient portrayed Saturn as a bad guy.
The ancient Greeks were smart, but they didn't know everything. Aristotle, for example, said that there are only five senses. He left out several, including the sense of humor.
Anyone who has read an astrology book, article or even horoscope column has worried about Saturn, allegedly the matronly voice of authority saying the party ends at 10 pm.
Look up Saturn and you may think you're about to be called to the principal's office.
I take a different view. I think of Saturn as being about practicality. To me, Saturn is about taking charge of your life; about structuring your time, and making the most of your resources.
Eric Francis -- the friendly voice of Saturn.
When Saturn is active in your chart, you can make progress on things that have long been delayed. If you internalize the Saturn principle, you do something essential to maturity: you become your own authority. In Sagittarius, Saturn will help you craft the potential associated with your sign into something real; something you can hold onto.
This is the approach I take in your Sagittarius birthday reading, which is available for instant access now. If you are thinking about Saturn in your sign, please give me the chance to be your first impression of what this transit is about.
Together, we can end Saturn-o-Phobia -- and use astrology to help you do what you need to and go where you need to go. Saturn is about getting real -- a theme I am sure you can get on board with.
Here's how to get immediate access to your reading, which is downloadable and playable on any kind of device, and includes a tarot reading and an extended sign description.
with love,

PS --
It's true that the annual readings are coming up, but they won't be out until next year. If you purchase the Sagittarius birthday reading, you will have instant access to an excellent 90-minute reading, right now.
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