Planet Waves

New York, Aug. 27, 2015 | View as Webpage | Join our Core Community

Planet Waves

Reaching into my art box...I found my family

Hi Eric, 

I wasn't sure which email to use but I'll give this one a try. I just finished the Leo Birthday & Midyear readings (The Art of Living). Here's a funny story that ties in beautifully. 

Planet Waves
Alison Billings.
I quit my job to pursue -- the Business of Being Me. Best way I can describe it. I'm setting aside time every day to Write. Read. Color. Play. 

Yesterday, as I'm Digging around in my art supplies, a feeling of Guilt arises. And Anxiety.  

I Stop. Notice. And Wonder. Where is this coming from? These feelings have popped up a lot lately. 

Still thinking about my feelings, I reach a hand into my art tool box. It's crowded. A mess. I Plunge my hand in and prick my finger on something sharp & it drew blood. It's my compass. Perfect. I need that. 

But the wound irritates me and I decide to clean out my tool box. I grab the two biggest offenders. A manila folder and a calendar. I stare at them. Pictures of my mothers family. Catholic. And a manila folder filled with pictures of my grandfather & his memorial. 

I placed them aside. And I had to smile. I literally had to remove my family. I had no room in my creative tool box. Family memories took up the space. 

I attached a pic of what I spent the next four hours on. ; ) 

Thanks for your work. I am reaffirmed every day I connect with Planet Waves. 

Alison Billings

Your 2015 Midyear Reading: Sliding Scale Offer Starts at $11

Dear Planet Waves Reader:

Recently I created the 2015 midyear reading -- called The Art of Living. Six months of concentrated work, following many years of developing the ideas, has condensed the best of my teachings that take you into the real potential of what you can do with astrology.

Planet Waves
Eric Francis.
Find out for yourself -- listen to the reading here, just by clicking through. This will work on any device.

For the first time, we're trying something new -- choose your own price. You can access the reading here, and listen to any or all of the signs. Then, if it works for you, if you like it, if it helps you, purchase the product.

You can pay from $11 to $222. Here are your options:

 $11 | $22 | $33 | $55 | $88 | $222

The Art of Living (also called Astrology for Artists) is a practical workshop that teaches you how to use astrology to live more adventurously, more creatively, more like the person you want to be. It includes 12 readings by sign, and two introductions that convey key ideas.

This is our summer fundraiser, by the way. It's how we provide you with everything you love at Planet Waves, including our professionally edited daily magazine, Planet Waves FM and a dependable support staff to take care of you. It's summertime and we're running short of our budget -- so you're helping us out just as you help yourself.

Here is what our customers have said about this reading:
I think this project is going to touch many people in ways you can't imagine.
-- Kathi Linehan

These readings cascade truth every few minutes, truth that is felt in the body, on a cellular level. It's obvious that a lot of thought went into the readings. Yet their fluidity and how they resonated with me personally took no time to sink in.
-- Michael Mayes
One customer listened to all the readings four times.
I am incredibly grateful for Eric's deep and unyielding level of consciousness to bring about such beautiful, inspiring and educational service to humanity. There was so much to grasp and understand in that reading that I've now listened to it four times.
-- Jeeyon Roslie
Learn what astrology can do for you. Just listen to your sign, and if you learn something, if your life is improved, pay us what you think it's worth. And please send your feedback -- we would love to know what you think.

Thanks kindly.

With love,

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