New York, Oct. 22, 2015 | View as Webpage | Make a Donation
Empower, Embrace: Planet Waves Readings and Classes
Dear Friend and Reader:
The Sun is now heading toward the deep centre of Scorpio. As the autumn air grows a little brisker in the North, and spring stretches into full flow for our Southern cousins, there's a sense of clearing out, stocking up and waiting to breathe anew.
As Eric has mentioned, we often need help remembering that how we feel and think is directly related to how we treat our bodies. Embracing the sacredness of your body is a beautiful healing moment; acknowledging the relationship between your physical vessel and your soul is perhaps the most basic and necessary of liminal experiences.
Throughout his long career as an astrologer, Eric has never been afraid to give you the clearest possible information on how you can better relate to yourself, and make the most of your existence in a topsy-turvy world. Every Planet Waves reading is infused with his hard-acquired, uncanny and compassionate knowledge.
These astrological products are like nothing else you'll find on the Internet. We guarantee them fully, and we love to hear what you think. If you've been wondering about the "right time" to get your life moving in a clear direction, there's no better time than now.
FEATURED READING: What Vision Drives Your Life?
Pre-order Your Scorpio Reading Today
Now your opportunity to meet the bright, hot light of yourself is truly beginning -- and you are more ready for this phase of the journey than you might think. Eric will explain how it works in your 2015 Scorpio Birthday Reading.
The last couple years or so with Saturn in Scorpio have likely given you a workout as you reinvented your sense of self, your self-esteem and your sense of self-mastery. Saturn's lessons do not always come easily, but when you get them, they are yours for life. With Saturn now in Sagittarius, you're being offered a chance to see and feel just how strong your wings are.
Eric will be taking up this question in your 2015 Scorpio Birthday Reading -- along with several other standout facets of your astrology for this next solar year.
Are you ready to soar with Planet Waves?
Reader and client Meghan O'Connor had this to say about her recent Planet Waves reading:
"The relentless, challenging, exhausting push energy coming at me and through me for the past four years seems to be finally, finally, finally lessening into a kind of lovely resolution. Thank you for being a wayshower and light in the dark. Your example is exceptional."
This is your final chance to pre-order your 2015 Birthday Reading at the discounted price of $24.95. Don't miss out!
Are You Ready to Be Real? Your Libra Birthday Reading
"As a Libra, everything in my life has changed over the course of this last year. I have had to overcome many very challenging life events sometimes two or three at a time without a foundation to support me. Can you shed some light on not only the purpose but also the benefits? I have to believe that there was a purpose and that just around the bend things are going to be better than what had existed before." -- Jennifer Morris
We hear you loud and clear: so many of you barely recognize your life compared to what it was two years ago. So much of what you used to know and count on has turned inside out -- whether through loss, or through positive changes like growth and healing.
Eric addresses what this means in the 2015 Libra Birthday Reading, dealing specifically with the challenge to be real, fully present and willing to trust in the face of technology that encourages concealment and deception. He relates how trust is being skewed and eroded; yet trust is crucial for authentic relationships, even if that means being vulnerable. This means we need to distance our internal selves from the robot:
"Just a quick note to say thank you for the birthday reading. Very insightful. Good kick in the arse as always and wouldn't miss it for the world. The one reading always there to open my mind and make me think again and outside the box. Thank you, Eric. Love -- Ginger Aarons
The 2015 Libra Birthday Reading tackles all these seminal issues, and acknowledges the tough times Librans have experienced. However, there is also plenty of room for hope, which especially emerges inthe Tarot segment. Eric has always used his gifts of insight and wisdom to empower you, our client, and this time is no different. You may order here for only $29.97.
Please note we have current readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs available. Click here to find your sign.
The Art of Living / Astrology for Artists
We are excited to announce that the the 2015 Midyear Report, The Art of Living / Astrology for Artists, is a beautiful success. The theme is how to live artfully; how to turn your life into a creative project; and how best to integrate conscious creation into your life, as a way of life.
This is a 12-sign audio reading plus an introduction, which will move elegantly through the astrology of the second half of the year.
Details Eric covers include Venus retrograde, the two additional Venus-Mars conjunctions, the two additional Venus-Jupiter conjunctions, and Jupiter ingressing Virgo. You may order it here.
You may also listen to Eric describe the project in detail, along with his personal commitment to the subject matter, in the last segment of the July 7 Planet Waves FM. In addition, he warmed up the themes of the astrology he's investigating in The Art of Living / Astrology for Artists in the July 23 members' edition of Planet Waves, called Where the Art Studio Meets the Healing Space. Artist Jeeyon Roslie had this to say:
"Being an artist/designer & going through a host of challenging times for the past few years, I have been calling out to the Universe for guidance more than ever. One of the beautiful and timely answers to this calling came in the form of Eric's generous midyear report, aptly titled Astrology for Artists."
Learning Astrology with Eric Francis: Three Astrology Lessons
I found it hard to find good, well-researched, info on retrogrades and how to interpret them. When I saw Eric would be teaching a class on them, I knew that he would more than likely be the best source for this knowledge. [And he was!!] Thank you Eric for continuing to have these classes! They are wonderful. -- Stacey Katz
Eric in an alternate incarnation, on his studio bed, with Jonah and gear. |
If you missed Eric's initial live classes but are itching to learn directly from your most trusted astrologer, you're in luck: we've bundled up the recordings for three of Eric's most popular classes into one package, for only
Included are: Introduction to Reading a Natal Chart (core ancient astrology rules and foundational tools, modern interpretation techniques, plus a special section on Chiron in natal charts, demonstrating a technique he uses in professional work).
Become Your Own Astrologer, Part 1 (essential power tools for your astrological work bench, including the astrological interview); and Be Your Own Astrologer, Part 2 (how to identify, feel and work with your Sun, Moon and Rising sign -- plus much more).
** These three classes contain hundreds of secrets, tools, techniques and ideas that Eric has gathered and tested from 20 years as an astrologer, being coached by some of the very best minds in the business. It is a goldmine of resources.**
Retrogrades, Reincarnation, Re-membering :: A Hot Astrology Class
Eric is a gifted teacher, fascinating story teller, with a incredible base of both knowledge and experience that draws one in. Combined with patience and a gift for translating subject matter into very understandable terms, the class was great. -- Sally Crawford
Eric's latest live class (and one of his most popular) was held June 20, and we're now offering Retrogrades, Reincarnation, Re-membering as a recording or download for only $37.
For that price, you not only get unlimited access to the nearly three-hour class, you also receive additional class resources and the opportunity to join an email list to discuss the ideas further.
Retrogrades can be one of the most challenging things in astrology to understand, but Eric puts them within your reach by discussing such themes as: what retrogrades point to in our early childhood relationships to caregivers; what they say about our way of expressing ourselves; and the potentially controversial connection between retrogrades and reincarnation. He also explains how to use the progressed horoscope to decipher retrogrades using sample charts, and more.
** Note, this class includes an extensive discussion of the progressed horoscope, and is Eric's only resource to date on that topic. He merges it with the topic of retrogrades to bring progressions to life. **
Generations: Understanding Millennials
Parents and grandparents of the emerging Millennials -- and earlier members as well -- thank you for this critical information, Eric. If the world is confusing to those of us who've been around awhile, think how chaotic it is for those we've ushered in! A great idea and a much needed compass to help push aside the brambles on the path! -- Planet Waves contributor Judith Gayle
This groundbreaking, first-of-a-kind reading is a Planet Waves special project, created by Eric Francis. Understanding Millennials is an astrological guide devoted to people born between 1981 and 2001.
To this work, Eric brings his 25 years as a committed youth and student advocate.
Understanding Millennials delivers 5 hours of audio recordings on the most relevant topics of the day: the impact of the digital revolution on our youth, sex in today's culture, education and vocation. This truly is a practical and inspiring mentorship for your children and grandchildren. This truly unique series of recordings -- providing mentorship for a new generation -- is available right now for $39.95.
Virgo Birthday Reading: Are You Ready to Make Real Progress?
Some of the information in this report is nothing less than uncanny. You are a very talented man, Eric Francis. Thank you for doing what you do. -- Mallory Sanders
Eric has a crucial question for you in your 2015 Virgo Birthday Reading:
Are you truly satisfied with where you're going in life, or do you want to make more progress -- focused and tangible progress?
The last few years of astrology have pushed a lot of dramatic change for everyone.
Now that you see your world and your life (and the people close to you) differently -- now that you have new information and a new vantage point from which to look -- you can finally see there's a lot more ground you're yearning to cover.
Seeing that ground clearly is how your birthday reading will assist you. Eric pours himself into these readings to help you orient yourself in a way that allows you to keep your goals in view, while staying flexible enough to roll with the inevitable surprises and synchronicities.
If you're ready to co-create your life, you are ready to listen to this stunningly accurate and nuanced reading, aimed straight for that spot where your dreams of what you could be run up against the 'shoulds', criticisms and fears that have perhaps kept you circling in place.
You can read more about what you'll get with this reading here. Note: this audio reading is suitable for Virgo Sun, Virgo rising, and Virgo Moon.
Order your 2015 Virgo Birthday Reading today for just $29.97.
Chiron in Pisces Reading
This special report for all 12 Sun, Moon and rising signs discusses Chiron's transit through Pisces, which lasts until 2018-19 -- and is having an undeniable, indelible effect on our collective and individual spiritual consciousness. This collection of short & sweet 12-sign audios is indispensible for understanding what Chiron is trying to get your attention about in your personal healing journey.
Eric also notes the relationship forged between this period and the Sixties, when Chiron was last in the sign of the sea. You may read about this further in Eric's 2011 article How to Cross an Ocean; How to Light a Fire. This unique audio report is still available, at just $19.97 for the complete package. Get it today, and benefit from Eric's astonishingly insightful guidance for this important Chiron transit.
Our Memberships
Full access to all website articles, Eric's weekly and monthly horoscopes, weekly editions and much more. |
Core Community Membership plus all 12 sign readings and discounts on others. |
Includes membership, all readings, all classes and extra consulting credit. |
If you need to discuss alternatives, we are here for you. Call Lauren or Amy on (877) 453-8265 or (206) 567-4455 during Eastern business hours, or email
Please note that we have current-year birthday readings available for all twelve signs here. If you have any questions about these featured readings or subscription memberships, we'd love to hear from you.
Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter
Planet Waves Astrology Editor
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