INTELLIGENCE: Landmark Planet Waves Annual Edition
Dear Friend and Reader:
To put it simply, we are in the midst of some unusual astrology — and it's about to dial up rapidly.
Unusual means something different for everyone; how you experience it will depend on your preparation, your density level, and how you respond to circumstances. My role as an astrologer is to help with the preparation aspect of things. This, in turn, can influence how you respond.
For 25 years as an astrologer, my job has been to help people get through challenging transits. Earlier this year, I wrote what I consider to be my landmark annual edition, called INTELLIGENCE.
This reading is an analysis of how the Saturn-Pluto conjunction manifests for each of the signs and rising signs. It's also deeply informed by Chiron in Aries, a placement which offers profound opportunity for growth. Seen one way, INTELLIGENCE is an astrological guide to self-actualization, based on the astrology of our moment.
And it is available now.
The reading includes extended, chapter-length, book-quality readings. Each of these takes about 12 to 14 hours to prepare, plus a lifetime of experience. Part of why it takes so long is that I am writing in clear, easy to follow language, so you can actually benefit from what I am presenting.
This reading also comes with a review of 2019, in audio format.
The astrology of 2020 is so significant that I have devoted two years to covering it. At the end of the year, I will be releasing
RESPECT, which is a second look at 2020. This will be in extended audio format with original music. I will get into details that I did not cover in INTELLIGENCE, including the retrogrades of Venus and Mars.
This will be followed up in early spring by RESPECT: An Aquarian Age, a reading for 2021. That will cover Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Aquarius for each of the signs — a must-have publication.
The Planet Waves annual edition is an enduring tradition in my life and among my clientele.
I consider it my best astrological work, designed as both an astrological reading and also as a record of the times in which we are living. All 21 prior annual editions remain published and available.
For 2020, you have several purchasing options.
INTELLIGENCE 2020 with a review of 2019 is now $122 for
all 12 signs, and starts at $44 for
individual signs. You will have immediate access to the finished website, the recordings and the sign readings as PDFs in both American and European formats.
RESPECT and RESPECT: An Aquarian Age are available on pre-order for $133 for all 12 signs. The final price will be $222 for all 12 signs. We will keep the $133 price through the Sun's entry into Sagittarius on Nov. 22. NOTE: Backstage Pass holders will remain at the $111 price level.
You may get both annual editions, covering three years, for $166.
Thank you for your business and for trusting me as your astrologer.
With love,

PS — You may order by phone by calling (845) 481-5616. If I am here I will answer; if not we will get back to you soon. Thank you again.
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