New York, Jan. 28, 2019 | View as Webpage | Visit Intelligence Website
INTELLIGENCE for Aries: Remember Who We Are

Dear Friend and Client:

Intelligence for Aries is ready. We have published it to the website, and made A4 and US Letter PDFs available. The page is here. For the web edition, the individual password is ginger. The PDFs are downloadable and printable -- which is the best way to read them.

This year, I'll be structuring the written materials a little differently from before; not a lot -- just a little. I've written two pieces that I am considering "reference signs" -- Aries and Capricorn. That's because most of the astrology is happening in those two zones. Using them as references will save much repetition. Everyone who invested in INTELLIGENCE will also get those signs.

Planet Waves
All artwork seen in INTELLIGENCE is by Lanvi Nguyen.
Before I got into the writing, I thought that due to such extensive audio, I could cut back from my usual length; then Aries came out far longer than any annual reading -- nearly 7,000 words. These days, that's a short book, and that's what it felt like when I did the final edit this morning. I have more to say, but I think I got the most relevant points across.

In this piece, I introduce and develop two main ideas: the astrological significance of Chiron in Aries, and the idea of self-actualization. Basically, with Chiron in Aries, we have two options: becoming more tribal and getting swallowed even more deeply in tribalism identity politics; or going through a process of growing, becoming and emerging as who we truly are.

Capricorn, in addition to taking up the personal astrology for those natives, looks at similar questions from the standpoint of the changes we are witnessing in society. We will offer that to you in a few days.

Together, these two signs give a fairly complete picture of what resources we have to work with for the next two years. And these are indeed resources, as you will see. They are tools -- a word I first heard referenced in the context of ideas by Vic Solotoff, my music teacher at John Dewey High School, who suggested I read Notes to Myself by Hugh Prather, starting me on a road where I remain today.

It's going to take me some time to write the rest. I don't know how long; each piece takes about 12 hours. However, using Aries and Capricorn as references, available to everyone, I may be able to streamline things. As you know, we place a high value on quality and the tone of the writing. If you see some extra work from some of our other excellent writers in the next few weeks, you will know why.

From here, I am planning to work in the direction recommended by Alice A. Bailey, from the end of the zodiac to the front. This is also in the spirit of each reading beginning at winter solstice 2020.

Thank you for your business, thank you for your patience, and thank you for trusting us as your astrologers. I am grateful to my team of editors, producers and artists, for pulling this all together so beautifully.

And so we begin. We shall be in touch again shortly.

With love,

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