Planet Waves
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Do you really want to go through this Mercury retrograde without dependable astrological guidance?

Dear Friend and Reader:

Astrology happens all the time. On Saturday, Mercury stations retrograde in Pisces. While not a 'bad' thing, retrogrades of Mercury are challenging. Astrological guidance not only helps; it can prevent you from making inconvenient or costly mistakes.

Mercury retrograde in Pisces presents emotional, psychic and spiritual challenges, and we will be focusing on helping our members sail through them in the friendliest possible way.

Planet Waves
Over the past 19 years as a professional astrologer, I've carefully studied, advised my clients on and written about more than 55 Mercury retrograde cycles. Each one is unique; each has different expressions, which differ by Sun sign and rising sign.

That's the experience you get reading my member updates -- experience that cannot come from reading an astrology book, reading a random blog or taking a good guess.

This is information that you need -- and that you can benefit from by being a member of Planet Waves. As a member, you get many benefits, but mostly you get me keeping an eye on how the astrology is influencing your life, giving you a significant edge over those who simply don't know what's going on.

We are currently offering a first-year discount to new and returning members -- $49 for a full year. That's twenty years of astrology experience, delivered in 52 weeks of mailings, for less than a dollar a week. Note, this offer expires Saturday, Feb. 23. By the way -- you may order by phone by calling Chelsea at (877) 453-8265.

As a Planet Waves site member, you will get delivered to your inbox:
  • my weekly, in-depth Planet Waves readings for all 12 Sun and rising signs
  • my monthly interpretations for all 12 signs and rising signs
  • my monthly Inner Space horoscope
  • twice monthly Moonshine horoscopes (these address your Moon sign)
  • our summary of the upcoming astrology and how it affects you
  • news summaries designed for the "news averse"
  • access to The Oracle, which can provide you with immediate information
  • you'll be the first to find out about new product offerings
  • and you get access to a magnificent archive of my past work.
Can you go wrong with this? I don't think so -- yet just to make sure, we guarantee all our work. You already know the soulful impeccability I bring to my writing, so we feel confident offering a money-back guarantee that you'll be happy with your membership.

Remember, this $49 for one year special offer is only good through Saturday, then our membership fee goes back up to $88 a year or $29 per quarter.

Thank you for choosing me as your astrologer. I look forward to serving you over the next year.


PS -- Remember, if you don't like purchasing online, you may order by phone by calling Chelsea at (877) 453-8265. She can also answer your questions. Thanks again for being our valued client. -- efc

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