New York, July 16, 2016 | View as Webpage | Visit Our Boutique
Give Yourself Some Time to Think
Dear Planet Waves Reader:
Before I introduce your midyear reading for 2016 -- the last 12-sign reading before the 2017 annual edition -- I have two thoughts to share tonight as the Sun trines Chiron.
I am aware of what challenging times these are to be alive. We are being confronted with endless change at a rate so fast there is barely time to reflect on anything, even how you feel.
Many fear that society is in some kind of unraveling phase. It certainly feels that way.
For people who are already stressed, on the edge, challenged or struggling, the condition of the world added to their existing difficulties may just be too much. To some extent we're all feeling a bit like this, even if we're doing well.
In these times I'm deeply grateful to be doing the work that I do for you.
There is never a day that passes when I go to sleep feeling anything but good about what I accomplished that day. I get to have a job where I never, ever have to compromise my ethics or my values.
This has always been a rare gift, and it's even more so today as the corporate climate — particularly in media — seems to block people from saying anything meaningful or authentic. Thank you for this opportunity, and for helping Planet Waves fulfill our mission.
Balance: The 2016 Midyear Reading
As for your midyear reading: in a few days I'm about to begin the process of doing 12 presentations, one for each of the Sun and rising signs, that covers the rest of 2016. One of the main events of late 2016 is that Jupiter enters Libra, so I'm calling this reading BALANCE.
We are under the most dramatic astrology I've ever seen that says wake up and pay attention. Yet without paying attention to yourself and how you feel, you won't have much to work with. Life is so out of balance, you may be wondering if you'll ever get yourself on level ground again.
These readings are designed as a moment of respite; and a moment to genuinely reflect on your own life -- with the added gift of astrology helping you tune in to the moment, and your inner environment.
This is the gift of astrology: to provide a way into your inner realm, no matter what may be distracting you outside yourself; or no matter what may be on your mind from the past.
We live in tumultuous times, but also exceedingly rich ones, for those who can see the potential.
I am here to help you recognize the possibilities that a time of exceedingly fast change opens up, and help you find the inner resources to make the most of our moment.
Another main aspect that I'll be covering is the Saturn-Neptune square, about which I have not said enough.
This event peaks in late August with Mars passing through the territory; Mars will make a simultaneous conjunction to Saturn and square to Neptune.
This can be incendiary; it can also be introspective, igniting a new level of awakening.
For Chiron fans, I will look in particular at Chiron in Pisces square Pholus in Sagittarius. This puts the first two centaurs together with the Galactic Core, offering a unique kind of healing opportunity. Chiron in Pisces is our saving grace right now. And it has a special message about balance for us -- in particular about integrating containment and release.
My friend and teacher, Chiron. |
I go light on the technicalities in these readings, and emphasize the human factors. They are a morph of a guided meditation and motivational speaking. As you know, my astrology is emotionally centered and also practical.
My intention is to offer you ideas for getting in touch with yourself: ideas you may have already thought of but forgotten in the chaos and distraction of life, or ideas that may be new.
I will build on themes introduced in previous readings, though taking them right into our strange, wild moment.
I strongly suggest accessing all 12 signs, so that you get multiple perspectives (Sun, Moon, rising sign, and those of relationship partners).
I'm planning to have these done by the second week of August. We will use our graduated price program, where the earliest purchasers get the best deal. The introductory price of $47 for all 12 will be valid through July 27, when we'll raise it to $57. The final price will be $77 once the readings publish -- and they will be well worth every penny of that.
Thank you for taking advantage of the work that I do, and for doing your best to be spiritually aware and living in these very challenging times to be alive.

PS -- As a special gift, we will include all 12 signs of the most recent midyear reading, The Art of Living, for those who sign up during the first phase in July. That one was a gem, and it's still worth listening to now. That will arrive when you place your order, so you'll have it right away.
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