New York, June 18, 2017 | Read on Web
Dear Planet Waves Reader:
What if you could get a useful, relevant and best of all,
understandable, astrology reading offering financial strategy,
information about your relationships, and the place where the two
meet? Forget how much it might cost. What if the information was
really, really good?
My officemate Henrietta Saint Francis poses with the chart for the Gemini reading. |
What if you were sure that, if you took a few moments and listened to
the reading, and maybe listened through a second time, you would hear
something that would shift your approach and help you solve some
nagging problems?
That's what I'm offering with the newly minted Gemini audio reading for 2017-2018. It's for everyone with Gemini in their chart: Sun,
Moon, rising, Saturn or Chiron. It will work brilliantly for all of
the air signs (including Libra and Aquarius). And the information is
so rich and relevant, anyone at all will benefit from listening. [Audio preview here.]
Granted, this reading is not for everyone. It's not for thoughtless
people. It's not for people who want "information" packed into their
head in under five minutes. It's not for you if you don't like to
reflect on your life. It's not for you if you're in love with your
problems or your self-defeating thoughts.
However, if you're interested in growing, and raising your awareness,
and using the miracle of astrology as a kind of thought lever that
helps you open your inner doors, this reading is for you. If you want
something that will give you abundant ideas and stoke your creativity,
this reading is for you.
If you're open to being motivated, and shown your true strengths, this
reading is for you. If you're interested in seeing where your best
advantages are, this reading is most assuredly for you.
Astrology is an interesting medium. One single thought that an
astrologer offers can seem to turn the key in your mind, turning your
thought process into a productive and self-affirming experience.
In your reading, I use the Gemini and Sagittarius tarot cards to describe Gemini relationship dynamics. Cards are from the Crowley tarot. |
One seemingly little idea can offer you with what you need, or give
you the hint that resolves something that's been bothering you for
weeks, months or even years.
This reading contains the condensed knowledge from 22 years of
consulting, teaching and writing, plus many lifetimes of study and
practice. The thing is, at ten or twenty times the cost, a private consultation with me might not offer you any more than this reading
does -- if you get the one thing you need. And it's nearly certain
that you will, if you're listening carefully.
The planets speak to me, and I deliver the message to you:
competently, with love, respectful of your time, and best of all, at a price that's worth every penny. Click here to listen to an audio preview.
The Gemini reading is for everyone -- especially if you're any shade
of Gemini. Get instant access here. The audio is playable on any
With love,

PS -- I've prepared a four-minute audio preview of your reading. You may listen here.
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