New York, Dec. 18, 2018 | View as Webpage | Get Your Galaxy Pass
New Features and Holiday Discount!
News About our 2019 Galaxy Pass

Dear Friend and Reader:

We have some news about our Galaxy Pass, and news for former members. The Galaxy Pass is our "get everything" option -- all readings, newsletters, website access, discounts on classes, and, this year, something new.

Planet Waves
First, we're still honoring the consulting credit for all past Galaxy Pass holders. If you are a current or past Galaxy Pass holder and did not claim your consulting credit, we will honor it in 2019.

Second, for 2019 Galaxy Pass holders (including those who have already signed up), we are including a brand new product: the Ultimate Astrology Set, a custom astrology notebook that includes two different custom readings -- a Chart Keys audio reading, about your natal chart; and my Chiron Transits Journal, based on your natal chart.

The Chart Keys reading is my take on the essential elements you must know about in your chart. I did 43 of these this fall, and I was amazed how much information I can get into such a reading (which is about 15 minutes). After all these years of reading charts, I can go right to the juicy spots, and the subtle points visible only by using the new discoveries.

The Chiron Transits Journal is something that I've developed for my clients, dating back to the mid-1990s. It covers your most significant transits of the new planet Chiron, as well as several other key life transits.

This journal will help you open up and understand your natal chart, and your life, in a whole new way. Chiron is the healing quest, and the search for wholeness. Chiron reveals itself more in transits than it does in the natal placement.

Planet Waves
Your Ultimate Astrology Set comes in a D-ring binder and has everything you need, for beginner's or advanced study, including "Astrology Revealed," with many things I've learned about reading over the years. Plus there is a digital resources page, including two excellent monographs on classical astrology by Rob Hand.
The Ultimate Astrology Set includes many other features (check PDF for full list), among them a monograph (short book) on how to read your natal chart.

I've been working on this monograph in the background while doing the 2019 audio readings. This is the astrology book you've been waiting for. And we will send PDFs as the work is updated.

This is an amazing product that will save you years of effort, and help you focus either your understanding of your chart, or your astrological studies. Check the PDF!

The Galaxy Pass is usually $1,111 for one year (including the annual edition). If you purchase before the end of the year, we're offering it for $999, including the Ultimate Astrology Set AND a consulting credit.

We want to make sure you have all the astrology you want. Note, Galaxy Pass includes all past classes, and a discount on new ones. There are now 10 excellent classes in our archives, all recorded as live seminars from 2014-2017.

Please call us at (845) 481-5616 with any questions. You may speak directly to me if you would like.

Thank you for your business, and for trusting Planet Waves as your astrologers.

With love,
PS -- Ultimate Astrology Sets will be delivered in January, and the Chart Keys readings will be delivered by March (or sooner), after the INTELLIGENCE annual readings are done.

PPS -- if you already purchased INTELLIGENCE, your Galaxy Pass will include the 2020-2021 reading, or you can assign the current annual to someone else.

Snapshot of a bookshelf in the Planet Waves business office -- one of many, many astrology bookshelves in my life. Note Laws of Media by Marshall and Eric McLuhan. They are fantastic astrology teachers.

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