"I just bought the Dharma Spring reading...Just Wow. My Cancer Sun and Rising reading is absolutely epic! This advice is priceless direction-finding, which I absolutely need right now. Thank you."
-- Helen B.
The DHARMA in Action — Free Video Samples Below
Repositioning yourself in the next economy.
Doing what is right for you. Tapping your talent.
Dear Friend and Reader:
Whoever you are or whatever you may do, the reshuffling and reset of the economy will affect everyone to some degree. Anyone who plans on surviving and thriving will need to reinvent themselves. Though it's now being compelled of us, this is an excellent opportunity to do what you want to do.
Times of turmoil and change present opportunity. The structure has been crushed, and we know the big players are positioning themselves to make billions. Yet everyone who participates actively has the chance to find their niche. This is the time to make your choices based on your Dharma: your true calling, and acting as if to hold the world together.
Shirt is Vashon-Maury Green Party. Pendant is by Gail Murphy on Vashon Island, which arrived today.
Much of my work as an astrologer has been as a business and professional consultant.
It is my number one favorite kind of session to do: to help a musician plan their next creative phase; to help someone redesign their career; to work with an artist figuring out where their talents can best be connected to a clientele.
I've worked with many, many doctors and healers (I have a lot of Chiron in my chart), commodities traders, fine artists, attorneys, someone high up in bank security technology, a top-shelf country music star and people in every odd walk of life. I have learned many things from each of them.
This is my mission in
The DHARMA, the 2020 spring reading.
Following the sign change of Saturn, Venus retrograde, Mars retrograde and finally the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — all events describing a rearrangement of everyone and everything — I have sketched out the possibilities in detail. I suggest where to look for your talents, your energy and your marketplace.
I guide you to be the connection between someone who has something to offer and a need in society. I take a positive, motivating, passionate approach to each reading.
You may wonder how I can do this in video readings. It's a talent I've developed over many years, combined with my innate ability to see patterns and recognize solutions. My clients and customers know I put all of my intelligence and talent into everything I do. These readings are
$111 for the set of 12 signs and rising signs.
The way astrology works, one little idea is all you need to get you started, and I do a lot better than that.
People pay me five times that amount for a
single 75-minute consultation (most people come in for two initially). I am one of the most expensive astrological consultants in the business, because I get results.
To my astrology talent I bring decades of experience as a journalist covering business, environmental issues and many other specialized fields.
The DHARMA readings will help you orient yourself. I will help you see your personal gifts and your opportunities, and put the two together. I consider your time much more valuable than your money, and use both efficiently and creatively.
The samples below are the first five minutes of each sign and rising sign. The readings go 40 to 45 minutes, and I tend to warm up and get cooking a little ways in, once I catch the groove of the chart.
The world needs your help right now. You have an opportunity to find the right thing to do. Take a positive approach to your situation, and follow your Dharma.
All 12 signs are available here for $111. There is something in each sign for everyone, and you may share the readings with your household.
Individual signs are available here starting at $44 for the first sign.
Thank you for your business, and for trusting me as your astrologer.
With love,

PS — This reading is included in the Backstage Pass. You may sign up for
one year or on a
quarterly recurring basis.
Here are free five-minute reading samples of THE DHARMA:
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