New York, June 18, 2014 | View as Webpage | Customer Service: Chelsea (206) 567-4455
Last Chance for Best Price on Cancer Birthday Reading -- Get Focused, Fresh Perspectives and Surprising Detail
(Makes a Meaningful Birthday Gift, Too!)
Dear Friend and Client:
Astrology is best used for planning, problem solving and personal growth. In that spirit, I'm writing to let you know that the 2014 birthday reading for Cancer is now available for pre-sale at a substantially discounted price through Friday morning only. Over the past few years these readings have gained in popularity and grown in quality. I consider them some of my best work.
Eric Francis -- Cancer rising, Aquarius Moon. Photo by Jeff Bisti. |
Using techniques I've developed and refined in 20 years of client sessions, I talk about aspects of your experience that you've been questioning, thinking about or trying to work out. My style is caring, introspective and is presented in human language with a minimum of astrological jargon.
As an added bonus, I offer free access to last year's reading so you can check my accuracy and mark your progress over the past four seasons.
This is one of the most affordable, useful and excellent reading packages in the entire astrological profession.
The way the Planet Waves pricing structure works, we give the best rate to early purchasers. That's available right now. We've also shortened the window for the pre-publication price -- which is currently $29.95.
This will be available through Friday morning, June 20. The price will then increase gradually, topping off at $49.95 once it's published. So currently, it's available to you for half price.*
There's one other aspect to this reading that you should know about. Last week, we held the conference call for those who purchased the Gemini reading, and it was amazing. This is a new concept for us -- to have a community discussion where we talk about astrology and in particular, the astrology related to our sign. You'll be able to speak directly with me and hear from others experiencing similar astrology as you are.
You may know that Jupiter is currently in your sign, and makes its way into Leo on July 16. Rather than losing Jupiter, this is more like getting a bonus prize -- a year of Jupiter in your house of finances and self-esteem, which happens to be Leo -- about the best sign you can want on this angle of your chart.
I will have lots to tell you about this -- and an update on the relationship themes of Pluto in your 7th and the "career revolt" of Uranus in your 10th. Stay tuned -- I'll be recording it soon.
Remember, this half-price offer lasts only until Friday morning, so take advantage of it now. Sign up online or call Chelsea at (877) 453-8265. If you order by phone, we'll have an early renewal offer for you, and if you're not a member or subscriber, a lovely discount introductory offer.
Thanks for being our customer and for trusting me as your astrologer.

*The price for members and subscribers will cap out at $39.95 The price for our other customers will cap out at $49.95.
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