Planet Waves

New York, March 26, 2014 | View as Webpage | Customer Service: Chelsea (206) 567-4455

Aries Birthday Reading Publishes Today -- Order Now For Best Price

Dear Friend and Reader:

Eric is about to publish the Aries Birthday Reading today! This is one of the most meaningful gifts you can give to the Aries in your life. And if you order before midnight tonight, you may still take advantage of the pre-order price of $19.95 (that's a $10 savings on the published price).

Planet Waves
Aries is the sign of 'I am', yet there is an emphasis on relationships for Aries this year, and handling them delicately. Relationships are the primary way we learn and grow, making this audio reading essential for anyone with an Aries Sun or Aries rising.

The once-in-a-lifetime astrology brewing next month is something everyone needs to be aware of to ride smoothly, and that looks doubly true for anyone with a strong Aries signature in their chart. Why not give your favorite Aries a birthday gift that offers an insightful look at the year ahead from your favorite astrologer -- before this season of profound change really heats up?

The feedback we receive about these readings show just how profoundly they guide and support our clients. One listener wrote, "Your reading provided me with great insight into my present state of evolution, which has been intense to say the least."

Another wrote, "Thank you so much for sending this wonderful birthday report. It is fabulous and I was so astounded at Eric’s completely intuitive and amazing 'feel' for a much more deep and meaningful explanation of the approaching transits."

The Aries Birthday Reading includes: 

- An hour-long astrology reading in audio format, with option to download the mp3 files 

- An audio tarot reading with pictures of the spread

- Extended written sign description for Aries 

- Access to last year's reading so you can review and check Eric's accuracy 

Eric's birthday reading will give those of you with Aries Sun (and those with Aries rising!) an indispensable set of tools to help you tread with awareness through the next four seasons. It should be quite a year.

Chelsea Bottinelli

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