New York, November 9, 2014 | View as Webpage | Purchase Your Annual Reading Here
You Belong Here: Your 2015 Annual Reading
Dear Friend and Reader:
Do you belong here, at this time in history? By here, I mean on Earth, in your body, with a meaningful purpose (perhaps as yet to be discovered)?
I have reason to believe that you do, and will focus this theme in the 2015 annual edition of Planet Waves, called Cosmophilia: You Belong Here.
Whether we belong on the planet is one of the silent and most vexing controversies of our time. The theme comes up in many branches of spirituality and is the subtext of nearly every conversation that happens with a therapist. Sometimes the question breaks out into the open, and that is where I plan to keep it.
My annual readings, published each January, are extended written, audio and visual presentations for all 12 signs and rising signs. The project, which this year features original music, works as one complete entity. Though you might emphasize the materials for your sign and rising sign, this is a 12-sign reading, covering your entire chart.
Through the 12 signs, I provide information about significant others, your children, family members and specific aspects of your life.
The Planet Waves annual edition is an Internet tradition. I first published an annual several weeks after Planet Waves went online in late 1998, and have created annual readings for every sign and rising sign every year since, an adventure in re-learning astrology and setting the pace for the next four seasons.
Each year I select a theme for the readings, which guides my understanding of the aspects and how I tell the story of your astrology. The theme evokes visual factors and helps us select the articles that appear as supplements to your reading. You might remember recent editions, such as The Mars Effect, Small World Stories and Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. Each is designed as a new entry in the book of life.
I have been curious about the Biophilia Hypothesis for a long time. The concept was first developed by psychoanalyst Erich Fromm (author of The Art of Loving and many other books). Biophilia is the idea that the Earth is an intelligent living system, and that humans are intrinsically bonded with all life, are drawn to life and naturally love it. This seems intuitive enough, though not everyone lives this way. Our whole planet could benefit from a little more biophilia these days.
Then I had the idea to expand this to a wider scale. We are all part of the same cosmos. The Earth is our little island in space. Yet when I started to experiment with the idea that "you belong here," I realized how controversial it is for so many people. Many struggle with wounds of belonging -- in our families, in society, in our bodies and into the times when we were born. Yet we ARE here.
My intent is to use astrology to demonstrate that you belong here. Specifically, astrology will guide the idea that you belong here, now. Further, I will develop the idea that you have your options open, now -- and map out some of those possibilities.
I will cover all of the major aspects and many subtle ones: the separating Uranus-Pluto square, Uranus conjunct Eris, the transition of Saturn into Sagittarius, and Chiron in Pisces. All of these aspects represent interwoven facets of your existence, and I will translate them into practical, grounded ideas for living.
My annual readings are published each year in early January. They offer generous, extended written readings, as long as a Planet Waves essay for each sign and rising sign. I then record an hour of audio for each sign and rising sign, complete with original theme music.
Plus we offer a selection of original articles and artwork that develop the theme and support your quest for self-understanding, growth, relationships and fulfillment of your purpose on Earth. This, I believe, is the purpose of astrology.
Planet Waves products are priced on the "Burning Man" festival method -- the earlier you get in, the better price you get. You may pre-order all 12 signs and rising signs, giving you 12 hours of audio and 12 chapter-length readings, for $77. The all-12 price will increase in $20 increments until publication. We will offer individual signs starting in mid-December, though many people end up purchasing four or five of those, exceeding the all-12 pre-order price.
This edition is shaping up to be one of our most beautiful, with vivid page presentations, original music and art, and the clearest, most useful astrology readings you will find anywhere. Many people reread and listen to them over and over again, even into future years. They are built to last, and to keep giving.
Thank you for getting in at the earliest pre-order level.
I know this annual is going to be an unusual journey into life and astrology and I am eager to get these readings into your hands. I am truly looking forward to being together with you on this adventure.

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