New York, November 28, 2014 | View as Webpage | Purchase Your Annual Reading Here
That Subtle Something you Cannot DescribeNote to Readers: This is a resend of my letter published earlier in the week. This time we are including access to the Top Five Events of 2015, and your extended December monthly horoscope. -- efc Dear Friend and Reader:
In astrology, Chiron is the planet that describes the theme of belonging most beautifully. Chiron describes both standing out and fitting in, and the struggle (or quest) to belong to the world. Chiron helps us with the matter of being different, and of feeling different.
Of all the planets, Chiron is distinctive in that it works from the energy level to the physical level. And helps integrate the emotions and the mind. That is why it's such a dependable agent of healing. This is especially true with Chiron in Pisces.
The sensation of Chiron in Pisces is looking at the ocean and not being able to describe the beauty you see, or the calling that you feel -- the calling behind this world. You might say it's an invitation to connect with the cosmos. Yet Chiron is always practical, providing spiritual food to help you grow and nourish yourself.
In Cosmophilia, the 2015 annual edition of Planet Waves, I am exploring the idea that you belong here. Our annual edition includes written and audio readings for all 12 signs and rising signs, plus beautiful art, music and articles that will support and inform you.
We really do belong here, and we're here together -- and as I do these readings, I will be under the guidance of Chiron. Perhaps the most famous minor planet, Chiron is associated with growth and with healing. Discovered in 1977, it has helped astrology redefine itself as a healing art.
While the world seems to be unraveling, growing more superficial and accelerating to an increasingly insane pace, Chiron is quietly in Pisces. There, it's serving as a reminder to go within, to seek wisdom, and to value the experience you've gained in life. In Pisces, the last sign, there is the special message for you about the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.
Chiron describes the delicate balance between wanting to be a more inclusive, more open individual, and wanting to throw away all individuality and merge with the cosmos. This is truly a spiritual influence -- something that goes beyond words and normal 'understanding'; beyond thought and logic to the level of a direct intuitive connection. My word for that connection, of contact, of belonging, is cosmophilia.
Your astrologer, Eric Francis Coppolino, in pomegranate red. Photo by Jeff Bisti. |
In addition to the truly outstanding events involving Chiron, I will also be telling you about the personal meaning of the sign change of Saturn from Scorpio to Sagittarius, the end of the 2012-era astrology, and some very unusual activity involving Venus and Mars.
And I will likely be the only astrologer anywhere reading the implications of a spacecraft that will provide us with the first-ever detailed photos of Pluto. That's called New Horizons, which is exactly what it describes in our lives.
We are now offering the chance to pre-order all 12 signs of Cosmophilia for $77. That's less than $6.50 per sign. Each sign includes a chapter-length written reading and two-part audio reading, recorded in intimate studio quality. The audio works on every kind of player, and can be downloaded. Your access never expires, which is good because people refer back to these readings for years.
The readings interlace, and one relates to another. They are designed to work together as one holistic experience. I also describe how you can use readings other than your sign for special topics like your vocation, children and partnerships.
I describe your astrology in human language, the language of direct experience. Rather than making predictions, I use astrology to help you create the life you want. I focus on inner growth, relationships, and where your creativity intersects with supporting yourself.
I've prepared annual readings every year since 1998, and I love how each one teaches me astrology as if from the beginning -- and prepares us all for the next four or five seasons: a time unique in all the world.
A moment to discover that you belong here.

PS -- You can pre-order Cosmophilia as a gift, and it makes an awesome one. It's a lasting gift that someone will appreciate, benefit from and remember all year long. Note, the annual is not done by Christmas, it's done in early January, which their gift email will state clearly.
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