New York, March 8, 2016 | View as Webpage | Order Your Vision Quest Reading
Tuesday Edition of Planet Waves FM
Watershed Moment: Total Solar Eclipse in Pisces
Dear Planet Waves Reader:
Tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM [play episode here] offers a close look at the chart for the total solar eclipse in Pisces. I also talk about all other things Pisces, including why you want more of what this sign has to offer in your life.
I have three bonus items for you tonight as well. One is a full recording of the Vision Quest music session (shown above) from which tonight's music is extracted. That's in a separate player.
Next is part one of the Pisces reading -- all of part one, about half an hour, so that anyone may listen, and if you want the rest, you may acquire it here. That's on a separate player at the top of the edition's home page.
Finally, I've done a new edition of Planet Waves TV, offering a televisionary description of tonight's eclipse.
Thank you for tuning in.
With love,
Planet Waves FM is part of the Pacifica Radio Network and published by Chiron Return, Inc. Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, by Planet Waves, Inc. Core community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Designer: Lizanne Webb. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Astrology Fact Checker: Len Wallick. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Client Services: Amy Elliott. Media Consultant: Andrew Marshall McLuhan. Research, Writing and Editing: In addition to those listed above, Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Fe Bongolan, Judith Gayle, Kelly Janes, Amanda Moreno, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick.
Are you born with your Sun, Moon or rising sign in Pisces?
Hello and welcome to our incredible Pisces moment. Last week I completed the reading for Pisces. There is so much happening in Pisces right now that I added an extra section. This is a series of four recordings, which look intimately at the themes that are likely to be arising in your life.
In the first section, I do a kind of guided meditation and overview of what makes this turning point so distinctive. This is likely to be a moment of culmination of many years of effort, crisis or delay. I take the territory gently. For the first half-hour session, I barely mention astrology.
Then in the second section I cover the vast array of planets in Pisces. I give enough detail to make it interesting to those with astrological literacy, but never so much that someone not trained will lose the narrative. This covers personal and relational matters.
In the third section I focus on the 10th house -- Sagittarius, which represents your professional aspirations. Saturn is making its once-per-29-year visit to your career house. And Mars will soon be there, stationing retrograde and working its way back into Scorpio.
Finally in the fourth section, I cover one astrology afterthought: the Uranus-Eris conjunction -- and then I do a tarot reading for you.
You can binge listen, or listen to one section per night. You can download this and play it in your car or riding the bus or train. You can play it as you fall asleep and allow it to work on a deeper level. This is relevant, clear-headed and thoughtful astrology, accompanied by brand new music composed and performed by Gregory Schofield.
You will be very happy to have this information and point of view, to help you focus your efforts, heal your relationships, update your files and do whatever beautiful thing you're wanting to do.
You may sign up here for just $27.97. By the way -- there will be a Pisces conference call wherein you can speak with me personally, as I've had several requests. That will be included. Thank you for your participation in Planet Waves, and for trusting me as your astrologer.
-- Eric Francis Coppolino
Your Pisces Eclipse Week Coverage on Planet Waves
Dear Friend and Reader:
If you're trying to tune into tonight's Pisces New Moon and total solar eclipse but feel like you need some thematic touchstones to help guide you, Planet Waves has you covered. Eric got this week rolling with Monday's Astrology Diary, where he offers suggestions for how to handle the eclipse -- whether you're struggling to keep your head above water or riding the wave like a pro surfer.
A deep, Piscean-blue sky; a bridge and many possible portals to the other side -- Danielle Voirin's photo for today offers the brightly-lit cafés of Place St. Michel visible through an arc in the Pont Neuf, at the tip of Ile de la Cité in Paris. |
Today, Len Wallick noticed the correlation between the "super bloom" of wildflowers in Death Valley and tonight's "super New Moon" and eclipse in Pisces. As Len explains, timing like this serves to catch your attention and draw your awareness to the seeds in your own life that can grow and bloom, if you give them the support and sustenance they need.
Planet Waves has often described how eclipses can seem like portals through which we enter a new dimension of existence. In Rob Moore's latest column, he recounts one such eclipse experience, in which his sexual potential and truth comes into stark contrast with a certain relationship pattern -- and truth wins out.
Walking home one night after a particularly glorious day recently, Amanda Moreno becomes overwhelmed with some kind of bittersweet and Piscean emotionality that she doesn't quite understand. The she remembers to stop and find her center, and reaffirms that her smallness in the grand scheme of the universe does not mean she must "play small."
Meanwhile, on the political side of things: From everything we're reading these days, it appears that it's crunch time for the human race. Judith Gayle checks out what has become of the Republican Party, investigates the whereabouts of our humanity, and hands the right wing their own backsides.
Fe Bongolan parses out the combined potential strength if the two Democratic presidential candidates buried the hatchet. Is Bernie Sanders' chief spokesperson engaging in "desperation politics" by floating the suggestion of a combined Clinton-Sanders ticket for the 2016 election, or is this the best option for defeating the likely Republican candidate?
Finally, Sarah Taylor explores in this week's Tarot Reading the skirmish you're leaving behind, and the realm of personal authority that's calling you into greater integrity. There is a wisdom to what has been taking place, if you do not identify with what your mind might be telling you about who's 'winning' and who's 'losing' -- and if you can shift towards the change that this is pointing you to.
Remember to 'look where you want to be', and I'll catch you on the other side of the eclipse wave with my weekend astrology column on Thursday, and Len's column on Friday.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
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