New York, Dec. 30, 2018 | View as Webpage | Order 2019-2020 Annual | Individual Signs
Mars in Aries, and the Capricorn Solar Eclipse

Dear Friend and Reader:

We have just published the INTELLIGENCE readings (part one, RESET 2019), so I'm going to keep this note short and sweet, and invite you to explore the new website, and to read your extended monthly horoscope as well. I've got a new audio Q&A feature that's easy to find.

Planet Waves
Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.
The New Year holiday arrives with a burst of energy, mostly supplied by Mars entering Aries Monday at 9:20 pm EST. This puts some heat onto the Aries Point, that sensitive spot where the wider affairs of society intersect with our individual lives.

There's plenty of mojo focused there right now, with Pholus (a propulsion source) right in the first degree of Capricorn (an extension of the Aries Point). I'll come back to that in a moment.

One influence this week is that we're approaching a partial solar eclipse in Capricorn. Whatever influence this eclipse might seem to lose for being a partial, it compensates for by being right at the midpoint of Capricorn. (For those born under the sign Capricorn, I address this in your birthday reading.)

Additionally, the eclipse occurs close to the midpoint of two planets in the process of forming a world-altering conjunction, Saturn and Pluto. Note that the eclipses are now shifting to the Cancer-Capricorn axis, where they will be for a while.

So are other factors, including the slow-moving centaur Pholus, which is being activated by several different elements this week (mainly Mercury and Mars). Once Pholus (a centaur planet) gets going, there's little turning it back -- you just have to take the ride. And it would seem that's about to happen, as Mars makes a square aspect to it from Aries. Then, as if that were not interesting enough, Mercury (now conjunct the Galactic Core) is about to make a conjunction to Pholus and a square to Mars. That fully engages on Saturday, Jan. 5.

So think of what you do this week as a setup for some mysterious force that might well increase its scale substantially. Therefore, focus on what you want, beginning with necessities and considering some of your more significant preferences. What you focus on will increase, particularly under this astrology -- and it may do so rapidly over the next few days.

In the mix is a small planet out by Pluto called Salacia. We're about to embark on a new series of events that call Salacia into focus. I'll know a lot more about this point at the end of 2019 (it was discovered on the Libra equinox of 2004; orbit is 271 years, slightly longer than that of Pluto). My take from a few years of observation is that it's describing the need for maturity where matters of sex and sexuality are concerned.

When Chiron arrives in a few weeks, this maturity will come in the form of the need for healing, which for some will be slow and painstaking work, but also the order of the day. I'll be focusing this topic, and the related theme of self-actualization, in Tantra Studio as the months unfold.

Planet Waves
Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.
We'll get a taste of what this is all about over the next few days as Mars knocks on both Pholus and Salacia, magnified by the Aries Point. And while I'm not generally in the business of predicting, I predict another very unusual week in government news.

In the background of everything this week is the Capricorn New Moon on Saturday, which is also a partial solar eclipse (the first in this eclipse pair). This is a high-focus event as it takes place near the midpoint of Saturn and Pluto, hinting at what that rapidly approaching conjunction may be about.

One other thing, and I'm sorry for sounding like a church marm, but please stay off the road this New Year's Eve (amateur asshole night). People are bad enough drivers as it is, and I don't like this combination of Mars and Pholus (related to alcohol abuse, and the subtle influence of even a little of the stuff). If you must go out, designate a driver, who imbibes a total of zero alcohol and who is capable of driving like a professional. Plan your route strategically and keep your focus.

It's nice at home on New Year's Eve.

I may be back tomorrow with a short audio (probably not, though we'll send a note if so); in any event, please don't miss your new reading, RESET 2019 on the INTELLIGENCE website.

With love,
Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Sunday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Client Services: Josie Coppolino, Amy Elliott and Victoria Emory. Finance: Andrew Slater. Technical Assistant: Emily Thing. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Media Consultant: Andrew McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Yuko Katori, Cindy Tice Ragusa and Carol van Strum.
Planet Waves
Visit Our New Website! Many Excellent Resources.

Capricorn Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:
Get Instant Access to Part One of Your 2019 Astrology
"While I'm listening I shake my head and I've got a big smile on my face, because this year really has been an internal journey. Another amazing reading. Thank you!"
-- A. Wilson
Dear Friend and Reader:

Eric has recorded the first segment of your 2019 Capricorn Astrology Studio (formerly called the Birthday Reading) -- and plans to follow up with the second astrology section and the tarot reading as soon as he's able. This means you can get instant access to the first segment -- and that you have limited time to secure the current pre-order price before it increases again.

Planet Waves
Eric Francis.
If you're in the process of setting year-ahead intentions and goals for the New Year, you'll want to have Eric's freshest thoughts on your upcoming astrology at your fingertips.

With two of the most powerful change-makers in the solar system -- Saturn and Pluto -- in your sign and headed for a conjunction, the next couple years appear to hold a lot of potential for you, whether your Sun, rising sign or Moon is in Capricorn. Uranus and Chiron are also headed for sensitive areas of your chart (your house of creativity and risk, and your house of home and 'emotional environment', respectively), bringing new surprises and calls for awareness.

Eric designs these readings to empower you to make the most of these developments, no matter what shape they take in your life.
"I have *really* been enjoying my Capricorn Sun sign Empathy reading, listening and re-listening. Like others have said, it feels personal to my life, even though you've interpreted the astrology off of a group chart. It's awesome! I am going to add the purchase of my Scorpio rising sign also. Thank you for all that you do."
-- Chris D.
You can order here to get instant access to the first astrology segment and extended sign description (we'll email you when the other parts are ready), or give it as a gift to a loved one.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

P.S. If you haven't yet, check out last year's Capricorn reading, as a gift from us, to review 2018 and check Eric's accuracy.

Listen to Vision Quest on Live Stream

Planet Waves has an in-house music ensemble, called Vision Quest. We have a 38-hour loop of our music, which you can listen to any time. Included are finished pieces, rehearsals, live concerts, drum grooves, and spoken word recordings. I consider it a kind of musical divination. Click in randomly at different times of day and see what you discover.

New Features and Holiday Discount!
News About Our 2019 Galaxy Pass

Dear Friend and Reader:

We have some news about our Galaxy Pass, and news for former members. The Galaxy Pass is our "get everything" option -- all readings, newsletters, website access, discounts on classes, and, this year, something new.

Planet Waves
First, we're still honoring the consulting credit for all past Galaxy Pass holders. If you are a current or past Galaxy Pass holder and did not claim your consulting credit, we will honor it in 2019.

Second, for 2019 Galaxy Pass holders (including those who have already signed up), we are including a brand new product: the Ultimate Astrology Set, a custom astrology notebook that includes two different custom readings -- a Chart Keys audio reading, about your natal chart; and my Chiron Transits Journal, based on your natal chart.

The Chart Keys reading is my take on the essential elements you must know about in your chart. I did 43 of these this fall, and I was amazed how much information I can get into such a reading (which is about 15 minutes). After all these years of reading charts, I can go right to the juicy spots, and the subtle points visible only by using the new discoveries.

The Chiron Transits Journal is something that I've developed for my clients, dating back to the mid-1990s. It covers your most significant transits of the new planet Chiron, as well as several other key life transits.

This journal will help you open up and understand your natal chart, and your life, in a whole new way. Chiron is the healing quest, and the search for wholeness. Chiron reveals itself more in transits than it does in the natal placement.

Planet Waves
Your Ultimate Astrology Set comes in a D-ring binder and has everything you need, for beginner's or advanced study, including "Astrology Revealed," with many things I've learned about reading over the years. Plus there is a digital resources page, including two excellent monographs on classical astrology by Rob Hand.
The Ultimate Astrology Set includes many other features (check PDF for full list), among them a monograph (short book) on how to read your natal chart.

I've been working on this monograph in the background while doing the 2019 audio readings. This is the astrology book you've been waiting for. And we will send PDFs as the work is updated.

This is an amazing product that will save you years of effort, and help you focus either your understanding of your chart, or your astrological studies. Check the PDF!

The Galaxy Pass is usually $1,111 for one year (including the annual edition). If you purchase before the end of the year, we're offering it for $999, including the Ultimate Astrology Set AND a consulting credit.

We want to make sure you have all the astrology you want. Note, Galaxy Pass includes all past classes, and a discount on new ones. There are now 10 excellent classes in our archives, all recorded as live seminars from 2014-2017.

Please call us at (845) 481-5616 with any questions. You may speak directly to me if you would like.

Thank you for your business, and for trusting Planet Waves as your astrologers.

With love,
PS -- Ultimate Astrology Sets will be delivered in January, and the Chart Keys readings will be delivered by March (or sooner), after the INTELLIGENCE annual readings are done.

PPS -- if you already purchased INTELLIGENCE, your Galaxy Pass will include the 2020-2021 reading, or you can assign the current annual to someone else.

Snapshot of a bookshelf in the Planet Waves business office -- one of many, many astrology bookshelves in my life. Note Laws of Media by Marshall and Eric McLuhan. They are fantastic astrology teachers.

Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes

We published your extended monthly horoscopes for January on Saturday, Dec. 29. Your extended monthly horoscopes for December were published on Thursday, Dec. 6. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Planet Waves
Monday Morning Horoscope #157 for Dec. 31, 2018 | By Eric Francis Coppolino
New sign glyphs are by Lanvi Nguyen.
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- There's no better way to start the New Year than Mars arriving in your birth sign. Nothing could possibly better express your desire to be the full-on individual that you are. This is the theme of your entire existence for the foreseeable future, by which I mean the next eight years or so (a story that will be told by Chiron, explained in more detail in the monthly horoscope). This is an experiment. Being yourself is an experiment, in that it always requires bumping or scraping into someone, or having them think you're aggressive or whatever; and the skill you'll need to adopt is being at peace with that. If you're worried about being offensive (which is possible, even for an Aries), the thing to remember is that if you don't have some degree of social conflict in your life, you don't figure out who you are; you don't grow. You don't need to provoke anything; merely being you will be sufficient. Then, as time goes on, you will become more confident in yourself, and find your way to common ground with those around you. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) -- You have a funny way of forgetting who you are, then remembering right when you need to the most. That would be right around now. You can pretend all you like that the wild, passionate 'part' of you does not exist, though you're destined to discover otherwise. Maybe you can act blasé and then surprise yourself with how hungry you are for life, which includes self-discovery and sexual discovery and fully engaging all of your creativity. This will kick up some turbulence, though most of it will be in the form of thinking other people are judging you when in fact they don't really care so much what you do with your life (that's the true nature of judgment; it's really a form of not caring). So don't trouble yourself with that, or maybe have fun with it -- it's high time for an insurrection, an overthrow of any belief that does not serve you. This is particularly true of the tired, wilting ideas about life that your predecessors tried to inflict on you, but failed, because you're too interesting. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) -- Your ruling planet Mercury is making a sweep past the Galactic Core over the next couple of days, which will guide you into some interesting situations if you let it. Fortunately, you're curious enough to subvert the paranoia of our times. Therefore you leave yourself some space to engage with the unexpected and unfamiliar. It remains true that one thing can lead to another, which only means to keep your wits about you and make your decisions sober, rather than being cynical (which means bitter, which is not really you). The thing to remember, particularly as Mercury changes signs to Capricorn later in the week, is that everything is negotiable. So don't sign away or voluntarily surrender your power without engaging all parties in a discussion. Know what you want, and know what you're not willing to give up. You can still do that and maintain some flexibility, and keep an honest conversation going. There's a line from ancient Rome, in vino veritas ("in wine there is truth"). Maybe so, but fact-check using multiple sources before you sign anything. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- While everyone else is busy partying, quietly go about your business over the next few days. You have plans, and through this week you're in an unusual position to engage them and pick up some momentum. Your agenda should include initiating some new projects, and wrapping up some old ones, in a well-planned transition. The cautionary note is that Mars entering your ambitious 10th house is calling on you to mind your relationships, which in particular means staying on good terms with various authority figures, whether official or unofficial. You can do this and still maintain your independence and your integrity; that is the essential skill in both politics and in business. While it's inevitable that you will rub some people the wrong way, being polite when you encounter them helps -- particularly if you're acting within your rights and, more particularly, your responsibilities. And where both are concerned, you have an obligation to yourself to be true to your mission. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) -- Pace yourself over the next few days, particularly as the holiday season peaks with New Year's and then people try to saunter back into the work week. Make sure you're the one who shows up to work on Wednesday morning well rested and with a clear head. Then, if you've paused in the action for the holidays, or even if not, take your time coming up to speed. Don't try to do everything at once. Prioritize, and use your time effectively. Focus on closure rather than starting new projects. The New Moon in Capricorn on Saturday is suggesting there still may be some residual business from the past 12 months that needs attention. However, as you tidy up and make sure all of the old accounts are closed, you'll start to get ideas for how to structure your agenda going forward. As you may know, the Sun rules your sign, and its current conjunction to Saturn assures that a methodical approach to getting your work done is the one that will be the most effective, now and in the future. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) -- You will have some opportunities to experiment with new experiences this week, which will call forth the rare combination of being both bold and self-aware. All that really means is knowing the difference between the gas pedal and the brakes. You can ease off on one without using the other; you can go gently on both and get where you're going on time. Yet operating your vehicle is one thing; where you choose to go is another, and the stars may be guiding you to some unusual destinations, if you're willing to go. You'll take that branch in the road when you gently veer in the direction of the unfamiliar. Be alert to a problem that you're addressing, left over from childhood: that of false caution, which is based not so much on your own safety but rather on addressing the mostly nonexistent dangers perceived by others. Now, however, it's time to explore the benefits of doing what others are afraid to do, and what may have triggered your fears in the past. You know that's no way to live -- and it really is time to live. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) -- The theme of closure is strong in your chart this year, and you get some added leverage this week as the New Moon takes shape in your 4th house (from ancient astrology, "the end of the matter"). While that's happening, certain events and people may arise unexpectedly on the horizon, which will spur you to take the necessary steps to tidy up the past, and how you feel about it. Most of what you're dealing with are indeed your feelings. The central matter seems to be addressing the results of what you did in order to feel secure, but which really didn't work out. Go back to your original intent: what was that decision supposed to be about? If you didn't get the results you were planning, you can reverse your decision; however, stick close to the roots, motives and values that were driving you. Those are the things that need attention and adjustment, as you work out new ways to perceive and engage with your environment. Just note, the pace is about to pick up. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- Don't let others lull you to sleep, or lure you into thinking you're anything other than fully alive. Remember that when you're really living, that can feel a little odd, as those around you lumber through life or aspire to mediocrity. Therefore, stick to the interesting people, the ones whose fun comes from inside themselves, those who like to think and who are bold about doing so. If you can't find any of those folks at the moment, then entertain yourself. It would be silly and a waste of some excellent opportunities to settle for spending time with people who are uninspiring. Keep your inner fire burning, keep food on the stove, and focus on what you really, truly want to do. Mars, your ruling planet, makes its way into Aries today (Monday), indicating many new beginnings, and a positive attitude toward meeting the challenges of life. Let this week's events emphasize your need for meaningful work: a role that gives you room not only to be yourself, but to become yourself. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) -- Listen to the messages of others, no matter how cryptic they may seem. Seemingly external voices are coming from the depth of your psyche, speaking directly to you. They may arrive in the form of an invitation, or an idea, or some pleasant shock to your system that calls attention to your need to be a little more courageous. The one thing you don't need to do is spend a lot of money. Many factors suggest this would be an excellent few days to dial back your cash outlay and focus instead on ways to improve your long-term financial prospects. One concept could go a long way toward doing that, particularly if you're willing to make the investment of thought and time. The right idea is the one that harmonizes with your most deeply held values; what you know to be true; what you truly want from life. Most people think this is far more than they can ask, but for you at this stage of your growth, it has to be a bare minimum and a starting point. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -- Over the next few days, the Sun makes a conjunction to Saturn in your sign, followed by the ingress of Mercury and then a New Moon. That's a lot of motivational factors acting on you at once, and in total describing your need to get your ass into high gear and focus your efforts. There are no shortcuts along the road you're on; there are no steps you can skip and, in truth, you don't want to. While the Sun-Saturn conjunction says that you need to take your time and be methodical, that's merely preparation. The message coming from Mercury is that nothing is as influential as a single thought. Yet thought requires development, care, collaboration and attention to detail -- which punts us right back into the realm of Saturn. If you have an idea, build a little structure around it: a plan or set of plans, a prototype, a test or experiment of some kind. Avoid the temptation of magical thinking, and have faith not just in your abilities but in your necessities. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Few people ever get over their fears, and most people are driven by them. This is not the life you want, and you know it. Yet the world makes such a thing about genuflecting to anxiety that it's clear our society holds it as a god. One potential reason for this is that fear masks over passion and desire, and distracts us from them. That serves the purpose of "protecting" people from the very elements of their awareness that would be most inclined to set them free. Fear is a scrim; it's an illusory barrier that seems solid and intractable, but when you touch it, it turns out to be made of gauze. Keep your lights on inside, and orient your reference points inwardly rather than out in the world. Stay in touch with your desires, even if they make you nervous. That's how you know you really want something, or someone -- you get a little agitated at the thought. It's a clue that you're tapping into an energy source. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Events this week strongly favor your long-term financial prospects, if you will take the cue and do what's necessary to set your plans into action. There are two things to bear in mind. One is to consider your changing role within your social circle or community. You don't need to be popular -- you merely need to know what you want to do, and who you actually serve. Your role is coming into focus, as if a niche you started to ferret out over the past year now has plenty of room to move around. You can be visible, though the days are gone when you must be everything to everyone. Which brings me to the second point, involving Mars entering Aries: you will find it easy to be true to your values, so go for it while the going is good. Assert who you really are and what you actually believe; live for what matters to you. We are now counting the weeks until Chiron departs from your sign, a reminder to focus on how much you've learned in recent years about why you're alive, and what you want to do. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

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