New York, May 13, 2018 | View as Webpage | Pre-order 2018 Spring Reading
Taurus New Moon: The Chart About to Happen

Listen to the new Planet Waves FM tonight at this link.

Dear Friend and Reader:

This week brings one of those clusters of events: the New Moon in Taurus, followed by Uranus entering Taurus for its try-out phase, and Mars entering Aquarius, putting it in position for the retrograde that begins in about six weeks.

Yet while all of these represent beginnings, the 36 hours between now and the New Moon and ingresses are clearly the ends of cycles. So take this time and wrap up old business. Complete important things in your life. Bring things to a close, before you open up new territory or new experience.

It's always tempting to run ahead of oneself, or to lie back in what is established and familiar. Yet there's an important zone between, where you negotiate healing, closure, resolution and self-reflection. The better you know yourself, the more relevant this astrology will be for you as it unfolds.

My take on Mars retrograde in Aquarius is that themes and topics associated with the role of men and maleness will emerge. Aquarius represents our social patterns, Mars is maleness and desire, and the retrograde is about going against the grain. We tend to learn by contrasts.

On our plane of consciousness, where dualism prevails, contrast is vitally important as a means of distinguishing what is different. And we will certainly see plenty of that with Mars doing its thing this summer. Study carefully what happens in these first days of Mars in its new sign.

Note as well that the first thing Mars does is make a square to Uranus, which in itself comes with a jolt to awareness. So, pay attention and keep your ears on.

I develop these themes in tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM. And I will be chronicling the movements of the planets in the daily horoscope, distributed each morning as part of the Four Winds Report.

With love,
Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Sunday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Eric's Assistant: Ellen Dockery. Client Services: Amy Elliott and Victoria Emory. Finance: Andrew Slater. Domestic Engineer: Jade Moon. Technical Assistant: Emily Thing. Astrology Fact Checker: Len Wallick. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Media Consultant: Andrew McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Yuko Katori and Carol van Strum.
Planet Waves
Tonight on Planet Waves FM
Uranus Enters Taurus; Mars enters Aquarius

Dear Friend and Reader:

In tonight's Planet Waves FM [play episode here], I look at the chart for the Taurus New Moon, which takes place at 7:48 am EDT (11:48 UTC) Tuesday, May 15. In that chart, Mars is about to enter Aquarius, where it will be retrograde most of the summer; and Uranus about to enter Taurus, something it has not done for about 84 years.

In the second half of the program, I take the discussion of selfsexuality deeper, considering the ways we can use tantric process as a means of self-reconciliation and inner healing.

Our musical guest is David Byrne, whose birthday is this week. There's one more Taurus show -- I think we'll devote that to Bono, another of the amazing Taurus recording artists of our day.

Planet Waves FM is sponsored by your memberships to Chiron Return, the nonprofit corporation that supports the program. If you love and depend on Planet Waves FM, please take a moment and make a recurring or one-time contribution to Chiron Return. All donations are tax-deductible if you file US taxes.

Thank you for tuning in. If you want to correspond about Planet Waves FM or anything I talk about there, please drop me a note.

With love,
PS -- Here is the chart for the Taurus New Moon.
Planet Waves
Chiron in Aries: The Challenge of Individuating

Dear Friend and Reader:

Chiron is now in Aries, for the first time since 1977. This is about the quest for individuality in the most deeply personal way: the cultivation and growth of your soul. There are challenges associated with doing this, which I plan to address eloquently and in a way that you will find reassuring and helpful.

Planet Waves
Eric Francis at his video desk, in Kingston, NY.
Chiron in Aries is good news for those who love learning about themselves, growing and living in a way that is fully committed to who you are. Following up on The Art of Becoming 2018 annual edition, I'm honored to offer you The Sacred Space of Self spring reading.

The Sacred Space of Self will come in the form of 12 video presentations, each approximately half an hour in length. These readings will apply to Sun sign, Moon sign and rising sign. They are offered as a package, and will interlink with and support one another. 

One topic I will focus on is the special challenge of growing and evolving when you're involved in an intimate relationship -- and your partner is not growing as fast as you are, or does not want to.

The Sacred Space of Self will cover Chiron's transition into Aries over the next nine months. I will also look back at Chiron in Pisces, which began in 2010. I will give a detailed reading of Mars retrograde in Aquarius (June 26-Aug. 27). And I will introduce Uranus entering Taurus. (NOTE: In the Midyear Reading over the summer, I'll further develop Uranus in Taurus, and give a detailed reading of Venus retrograde in Scorpio.)

Delivery is projected for the month of May. Given the complexity of the project, there's no way to give a better estimate, but May (as early as possible) seems doable.

Pricing Policy: Please Read Carefully

First, this is one purchase per household. You may share with your significant other and relatives. This reading will contain useful information for both adults and children.

Planet Waves products are introduced at the lowest price, and then we increase gradually. We are introducing all 12 signs of The Sacred Space of Self for $66, which is $5.50 per sign. Soon after, we will increase to $77, then $88, and then, right before publication, $99. Once we publish, the final price will be $111. If you want the best bargain (nearly half price), please purchase early!

You may pre-order The Sacred Space of Self here.

Thank you for your business, and for trusting me as your astrologer.

With love,

Listen to Vision Quest on Live Stream

Planet Waves has an in-house music ensemble, called Vision Quest. We have a 38-hour loop of our music, which you can listen to any time. Included are finished pieces, rehearsals, live concerts, drum grooves, and spoken word recordings. I consider it a kind of musical divination. Click in randomly at different times of day and see what you discover.

Four Winds Almanac Now Includes Daily Horoscope

Planet Waves publishes a nifty daily astrology newsletter called the Four Winds Report. Designed as a fast read arriving early in the morning, we're now trying an experiment -- we're including the daily horoscope for everyone.

Planet Waves
Were it not for horoscopes, I wouldn't be an astrologer. It was the Patric Walker daily that convinced me there was actually something to astrology, and I got my basic education studying his column each day in the New York Post.

I pack a lot of energy into each sign's 50-word write up. Part of the value of astrology is the timing, and daily allows for precision, as well as chronicling a narrative day by day.

Your almanac also includes information about Mayan astrology (long count and short count dates), several formats of the current date (including Hebrew and Islamic), a daily birthday reading, and special discounts on products and services.

Best of all, we take no outside advertising.

Sign up free here.

Planet Waves Membership: Heart-Centered Path to Growth

Planet Waves
"Planet Waves is extremely generous and I feel really supported by all the writers in their heart-centered approach. By participating in the Planet Waves community, I am learning the wholistic application of spiritual and personal growth studies to living with what is."
-- Miruh Sanderson

Following astrology helps give you the confidence that you need to make your way in the world with autonomy and self-respect. Planet Waves gives you personal, positive and beautiful astrology that is designed to help you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your purpose. Eric brings to everything he does the full weight of over 20 years' experience in astrology writing and consultation; along with pervasive humanity and friendliness that's like warmth and shelter in a cold world.

We offer a number of affordable options for membership -- you may find out more here, including how to sign up. If you're already a member, please consider giving a membership as a gift. If you need additional options, please feel free to email us.

Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes

We published your extended monthly horoscopes for May on Thursday, April 26. Your extended monthly horoscopes for April were published on Thursday, March 29. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Planet Waves
Monday Morning Horoscope for May 14, 2018 | By Amy Elliott
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- You've lately experienced a major gear shift with Chiron entering your sign last month. Now Uranus is about to leave Aries and enter Taurus, and your ruler Mars will move into Aquarius soon after. That's a lot of change in a short period. I would suggest you take each day as it comes, first of all, to get a picture of where things appear to be heading. The pattern may take a while to become clear and focused. Additionally, you might find this transitive process more congenial if you keep in mind the changes in your life you want to see, and consider ways you could bring them to life, however unrealistic this may seem. Your understanding of what is and is not possible may soon be very different. -- by Amy Elliott
The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron's transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time -- and then it will increase.
Planet Waves
Taurus Birthdays 2018:
Your Reading Is Published and Available for Instant Access!

Dear Friend and Reader:

Eric recorded the 2018 Taurus Birthday Reading last weekend. Infused with the earthy, juicy richness of Beltane, your two segments of audio astrology are sure to get your solar year to an ideal start -- whether you have your Sun, Moon or rising sign in Taurus.

If someone close to you was born under the sign of the bull, why not treat them to this reading as a gift?

Uranus brings its high-voltage energy to Taurus this Tuesday, May 15. Taureans like to move at their own pace; the presence of Uranus offers a reminder that when you're the one to set that pace and instigate change on your own terms, you're a much happier person.

Eric covers all the important points about this transit, and offers a wealth of insights, strategies and unique perspective to help you go with the flow and keep from getting stuck. You get at least an hour total of astrology (in two segments), plus access to last year's reading and an extended description of your sign.

Order your 2018 Taurus Birthday Reading here for only $44.

Happy birthday, and here's to the unexpected gifts of Uranus!

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

Taurus (April 19-May 20) -- On Tuesday, Uranus finally enters your sign, accompanied by the Taurus New Moon. To say this is likely a revolutionary moment, in which your understanding of who you are is about to be utterly transformed, would probably turn out to be an understatement. Of course, it won't happen all at once; and there is emphatically room for your input: that is, your conscious building of self-confidence, self-esteem, and your ideas about who you actually want to become. Just don't allow anything to limit the reach of your imagination. You already know that if you plant a seed you have the strength and patience to nurture what grows to its full height. Trust yourself. -- by Amy Elliott
The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron's transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time -- and then it will increase.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) -- When you live in one home for a long time, it's virtually inevitable that clutter starts to build; then, when the time comes to move, you realize you have a larger collection than you ever remember seeing or using. Uranus is about to visit a region of your chart associated with your psychic depths and intuition, which may resemble nothing so much as an internal housecleaning. To begin with, this may feel a little tempestuous and discomfiting; but it's likely you'll soon notice the additional freedom of extra mental space, and the inspiring freshness of new concepts. Be gentle with yourself, and let your understanding be developed and restructured one day, and one idea, at a time. -- by Amy Elliott
The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron's transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time -- and then it will increase.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- Uranus is preparing to move into the area of your chart where your community, friendships and social life reside. To some extent you may have already experienced or anticipated some of the changes this heralds. Your intuition may prove valuable in this regard; though there is something to be said for going with the flow and trusting that, while you remain consistently true to yourself, any unexpected challenges should work out for the best. After all, sudden changes that begin by feeling disruptive can turn out to be blessings in disguise. Remember that you always have control over the decisions that you make. In a way, this is the important part, and all else is merely details. -- by Amy Elliott
The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron's transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time -- and then it will increase.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) -- This week begins an extended period during which there may well be big changes in your career path. This could take any number of forms. You might suddenly find yourself in a senior management position; or switch jobs entirely; or retire from all worldly things and wind up living in a cave. (Okay, maybe not that last one.) Here's the thing: security at work is perhaps more important to you than you're sometimes willing to admit. There's nothing wrong with this, but it'll possibly turn out to be crucial that you don't allow any assumptions about risk to prevent you moving forward, or moving on. If an opportunity arises, you should at minimum consider whether to take it up. -- by Amy Elliott
The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron's transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time -- and then it will increase.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) -- Uranus is often considered a disruptive influence. Yet for you, its transition into Taurus may -- at least at first -- mark a time of slowing down a little, enough to ponder the deep questions that perhaps you're asking even now. These questions hinge on the philosophical concept of life purpose and spiritual ambition: what you hope to accomplish, who you wish to become. Uranus could well give you a decisively different perspective on some of these issues. One thing that's particularly important for you to remember, though, is that you have as much right to form your unique answers to this fundamental puzzle as anyone. Don't deny yourself a seat at the table, for any reason. Your life is your own. -- by Amy Elliott
The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron's transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time -- and then it will increase.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) -- The 8th house is one of the most mysterious and intriguing. In a way, it's a liminal space: a melting-pot containing associations with both internal psychology and outward relationships. For you, this is the home of your fellow Venus-ruled sign, Taurus, which Uranus will enter on Tuesday for the first time in 76 years. Along with Chiron newly in your 7th, this could certainly give you a whole new perspective on your partnerships; there is also potential for some deep healing -- this could be particularly useful if you need to express yourself with greater confidence. Be open to your real desires and aspirations, even if you're inclined to dismiss them. Uranus has a way of revealing hidden paths. -- by Amy Elliott
The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron's transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time -- and then it will increase.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- There's a phenomenon known as the 'relationship escalator', which suggests that partnerships in our culture are supposed to follow a specific script, along the lines of: dating, then cohabitation, then marriage, then kids, and so on. This may satisfy some; others find it rather dull. You have enough insight, at least, to tell you that the vastness of human variety cannot and should not be boxed into such a narrowing pattern. Indeed, once it's identified as such, imagination quickly reveals that there are uncountable numbers of different options. Uranus entering your opposite sign makes for an excellent chance to consider some of them, and perhaps even to experiment with one or two. -- by Amy Elliott
The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron's transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time -- and then it will increase.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) -- Even in the wealthiest parts of the world, where fundamental needs are usually met without difficulty, many people find their daily life somewhat stagnant. As a Sagittarian, you may have already found ways to prevent yourself from feeling like this. Uranus, however, could well offer you the chance to make alterations on a grander scale. That means actively creating a situation in which boredom is pretty much a thing of the past. This could come through a new career opportunity, or a change of location, or something else; either way, consider yourself free to be bold about satisfying your sense of adventure. You of all people know life is too short to waste any time. Do what excites you. -- by Amy Elliott
The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron's transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time -- and then it will increase.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -- Uranus in Taurus is likely to spark up your inventive abilities, possibly in ways previously unknown to you. It's as if someone is giving you free use of a fully stocked art studio. If there is a particular creative medium in which you enjoy working, or that you've always wanted to learn, now is perhaps the best possible time to hone or broaden your skills. The important thing here is doing what makes you feel alive and curious; there will be plenty of time to produce something concrete from what you learn. Try to avoid being too oriented on results; simply focus on expressing the vital flame within you -- that which makes everything it graces a gift of your unique soul. -- by Amy Elliott
The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron's transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time -- and then it will increase.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- From the look of your charts, having Uranus in your 4th house appears something like suddenly becoming a world-class bullshit detector. Your mind is already pretty sharp to begin with; by the end of the coming phase in your life, it'll probably be able to cut steel like paper. For best results, turn the spotlight first on your early life and how far your caregivers shaped your notions of who you are today. After clearing up anything you need to in that respect, you will be in a position to examine the present world, and perhaps become an example to those who need reminding what facts look like. Only remember that the more honesty you practice, the easier it will be to notice where others are not. -- by Amy Elliott
The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron's transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time -- and then it will increase.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- It would seem that Uranus changing signs may enhance any work that you perform in the role of spiritual teacher. You could find new methods of connecting with your higher instincts, or simply discover that your ability to access the divine realms, or to disseminate what you learn, is somehow stronger. Many people could clearly use a touch of guidance just now. This doesn't exactly require you, by the way, to pack for Delphi and revive the Pythian oracle (though that could be fun). If you need a place to start, begin by understanding yourself better; what you can do, and what you want to do. Cultivate your awareness. Perhaps most importantly, live in a way that sets an example to everyone. -- by Amy Elliott
The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron's transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time -- and then it will increase.

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