New York, January 27, 2018 | Read on Web
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January 27, 2018 Daily Almanac, With Your Daily Horoscope (see below)
Today is Saturday, Jan. 27, 2018
Hebrew date is 11 Shevat 5778
Islamic date is 10 Jumada-I 1439
Mayan Tzolk'in Day is 8 Ak'b'al
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2458146
Today's Birthdays: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), Juan Crisostomo Arriaga (1806-1826), Lewis Carroll (1832-1898), John Eccles (1903-1997), Hot Lips Page (1908-1954), Elmore James (1918-1963), Donna Reed (1921-1986), Bobby "Blue" Bland (1930-2013), Samuel Chao Chung (1936), Beatrice Tinsley (1941-1981), Mikhail Baryshnikov (1948), Kadri Malk (1958), Keith Olbermann (1959), Margo Timmins (1961), Bridget Fonda (1964), Alan Cumming (1965), Patton Oswalt (1969), Rosamund Pike (1979).
"There is a place, like no place on earth. A land full of wonder, mystery, and danger. Some say, to survive it, you need to be as mad as a hatter. Which, luckily, I am."
-- Lewis Carroll
February Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius by Eric Francis Coppolino
You don't need a conspiracy theory to understand your life. It's a fact that the elements of your existence have come together by design, most of which was based on your own intentions, choices and actions. All you need to do is understand that plan, and if you want a different kind of life, you need to make a different plan, followed by different choices. With eclipses now happening along your axis of the zodiac (lunar eclipse in Leo on Jan. 31, solar eclipse in Aquarius on Feb. 15), you have opportunities to make a number of significant changes. First, review what you've been saying you want to do for a long time. What have you resolved to begin, accomplish or change at least five times? That's probably an inventory of two or three goals, which are the ones to prioritize. You may have been involved in a similar process six months ago -- check back to this past August for additional details, and remember what you were striving to do. Notice how much progress you've made (probably more than you think). Spot a few things you no longer want to do, and consciously take those off your agenda, to save energy. One especially bold factor in your astrology is spending more time with other people, in person. That will make you happy.
You may read all 12 signs here.
Moon Phase: Moon is in First Quarter phase and enters Waxing Gibbous phase on Jan. 28 at 12:12 am PST / 3:12 am EST (08:12:14 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Leo on Jan. 31 at 5:27 am PST / 8:27 am EST (13:26:39 UTC).
Corresponding New Moon is in Aquarius on Feb. 15 at 1:05 pm PST / 4:05 pm EST (21:05:07 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Gemini and enters Cancer on Jan. 28 at 10:57 am PST / 1:57 pm EST (18:57:21 UTC).
Sun Degree: 8-9 Aquarius.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
No changes today.
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
-- Venus square Mors-Somnus at 2:35 am PST / 5:35 am EST (10:34:47 UTC).
-- Venus opposite Ceres at 3:10 pm PST / 6:10 pm EST (23:09:50 UTC).
-- Sun conjunct Crantor at 8:25 pm PST / 11:25 pm EST (04:24:30 Jan. 28 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is Jan. 27
(The Day of Precocity) | Aquarius Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
It's time to think differently: consider different factors, goals and approaches to what you want to do. Take every opportunity to break or step out of an existing pattern, expectation or routine and put yourself in unfamiliar territory, without a script and without a plan. Then you will be more inventive, and have experiences you could not have predicted.
Current Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
The Sun and Venus are in your sign, and you're probably feeling a lot better than you have in weeks or even months. You know that positive changes are on the horizon; there's excitement in the air.
Current Aquarius Monthly Horoscope
You don't need a conspiracy theory to understand your life. It's a fact that the elements of your existence have come together by design, most of which was based on your own intentions, choices and actions.
Written in the Planets
With Ceres and Venus hanging out near the Moon's nodes (which are the indicators of next week's eclipse on Jan. 31), there appears to be something foundational about their opposition today. That is, foundational in the sense of choosing between one way of being that opens up into uncharted potential, and another way of being that is familiar but ultimately holds you back. One way to think of this is with a question: what would it take to make your online socializing (which is, by the very nature of digital media, a little chilly and detached) something truly nurturing, warm and heart-feeding? Meanwhile, a square today between Vesta in Sagittarius and Nessus in Pisces brings up a question of passionate devotion versus abusive self-sacrifice. Remember: if you're getting hurt in the process, that's a neon sign flashing the answer and urging you to make some changes.
Eric is busily working on The Art of Becoming, the 2018 Planet Waves Annual; and it's shaping up to be an exciting, information-packed edition. You can pre-order all 12 chapter-length signs here, or you may choose your individual signs here.
Daily Horoscope for January 27, 2018 | By Eric Francis Coppolino
If Today is Your Birthday
It's time to think differently: consider different factors, goals and approaches to what you want to do. Take every opportunity to break or step out of an existing pattern, expectation or routine and put yourself in unfamiliar territory, without a script and without a plan. Then you will be more inventive, and have experiences you could not have predicted. You share a birthday with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Keith Olbermann, and Bridget Fonda.
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- You have the right approach if you want to talk things out; just be sure not to use too many words. You might even start by asking questions. Speak enough to elicit a response from the person you're conversing with, and keep doing that till you know exactly what they're thinking.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) -- Make sure you understand a financial matter before you take action. You may be entirely mistaken about the problem, or you may be overlooking some important facts. Give things a couple of hours, and do a little fact-checking. Make sure you understand every line of any document involved.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) -- You must be truthful about a difficult issue, and encourage others to do the same. There's no point mincing words when something significant is at stake, that thing being your long-term state of mind. Persist in the conversation long enough to bring everyone's position into the open. Then decide what to do.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- Make space for your own feelings, and your inner quest. You may not be an introvert, though you share one trait with them; which is you must invest time into solitude and giving yourself opportunities to recover from all the stress and strain of life. Today would be a great day. So would tomorrow.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) -- One thing that defines your character is that you remain confident when a lot of eyes and ears are turned toward you. If you're hanging out in a group setting, let your sense of humor out. It'll emerge in the off-the-cuff observations you make about people, which can be simultaneously brutal and loving.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) -- You must be your own publicist. Even if others speak for you, they don't do it as well as you do. You have a moment of visibility, and you can command some attention at the moment, especially with boss- and manager-types. Advocate for your projects and your goals. People will hear you.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) -- You may feel like you've seen this all before. And if you have, or if your hunches are correct, you'll know exactly what to do to avoid making the same mistakes again. This is especially true if you're trying to break free of something for which people in your family are famous, or rather infamous.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- So many people lie about sex that just about everyone expects it to happen. If you find yourself with the choice to tell the truth, or to deny or sugarcoat it, consider carefully what you do. You might start by asking why exactly the truth cannot stand on its own, with no apologies.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) -- You may think someone is avoiding you, though first consider if you've sent them a signal that you want them to step back. If that's the case, a simple text message such as, "Thought I would say hello" would he helpful. Or perhaps even be totally rad and invite them to meet for coffee.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -- You know what people think, especially relatives or housemates, though you're under no obligation to agree. However, if you react too strongly, you may bounce and find yourself signing on to something that you didn't like or want in the first place. Therefore, respond thoughtfully.

Aquarius Birthdays 2018:
Pointing Yourself in the Right Direction
"Thank you. I've been a fan for a few years and always feel nourished by every reading -- my own and others. This particular reading hit home and felt like a swoop of fresh air pointing me home. Thank you again."
-- Elaine Sonne
Dear Aquarius Sun or Aquarius Rising Reader:
Some of the most noteworthy astrological events of this year relate directly to your sign. Whether this is exciting to you or slightly intimidating, you can consider yourself fortunate: Eric will be covering the unique opportunities and challenges these events may bring you in his usual grounded, reassuring, inspiring and perspective-shifting way in your 2018 Aquarius Birthday Reading.
Among the events influencing your year are both of your ruling planets in new signs: Saturn entered Capricorn -- the 'hidden area' of your chart -- in December; and Uranus moves into fellow fixed sign Taurus in May.
As your inner landscape and outer environment take on a new flavor, Eric will be guiding through it all. Also of particular note: in just more than a week we get the first of two eclipses involving your sign.
The Jan. 31 Leo Full Moon will oppose the Aquarius Sun for a lunar eclipse; then on Feb. 15, the Aquarius New Moon will also be a partial solar eclipse. Translation: your solar year is getting off to a potentially potent start, the effects of which will ripple out for months to come. Using his signature blend of astrological experience, therapy training, life coaching, and motivational speaking, Eric will cover these major changes to the sky (along with subtler points) in your upcoming reading.
When you pre-order your 2018 Aquarius Birthday Reading, you'll lock in the lowest price we offer on two segments of astrology (each at least 30 minutes long) plus a tarot reading for 2018. You can listen to this reading as many times as you like throughout the year -- to check your progress, or to receive a little extra encouragement, insight and empowerment to tackle whatever's come your way.
"I am listening to it again now, and there are so many more gems coming to me. Profound, deep and so thought provoking...inspired!"
-- Rhonda Benson
Please note that the price increases as Eric nears publication, and then increases again.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
P.S. The 2018 Aquarius Birthday Reading is distinctly different from the Aquarius written reading available in the upcoming Art of Becoming annual project. It covers your key astrology in a different format and emphasis, capitalizing on Eric's more intuitive, improvisational skills. The Birthday Reading also makes a fantastic gift for a loved one!
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Whatever fun you have today and tonight, make sure it's more than a digital excursion. Get into the real world and play. Take your body and senses along. Do something a little daring, and feed your sense of adventure. Stretch your mind and try something you've never done before.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- You can draw on your community, your allies, and the strength of your friends. Whatever you're doing, you're not in it alone. You're recognized as someone who can get the job done. Keep all of that in mind at once, claim your confidence, and proceed with sure and steady steps.
Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
We published your extended monthly horoscopes for January on Thursday, Dec. 21. Your extended monthly horoscopes for
December were published on Wednesday, Nov. 22. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, by Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Client Services: Amy Elliott. Eric's Assistant: Ellen Dockery. Astrology Fact Checker: Len Wallick. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Media Consultant: Andrew Ellis Marshall McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Amy Jacobs, Cindy Ragusa and Carol van Strum.
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