New York, December 1, 2017 | Read on Web
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December 1, 2017 Daily Almanac, With Your Daily Horoscope (see below)
Today is Friday, Dec. 1, 2017
Hebrew date is 13 Kislev 5778
Islamic date is 13 Rabi-I 1439
Mayan Tzolk'in Day is 3 Kimi
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2458089
Today's Birthdays: Marie Tussaud (1761-1850), Minoru Yamasaki (1912-1986), Mary Martin (1913-1990), Lou Rawls (1933-2006), Richard Pryor (1940-2005), Eric Bloom (1944), Bette Midler (1945), Jonathan Katz (1946), Jaco Pastorius (1951-1987), Deep Roy (1957), Vesta Williams (1957-2011), Lisa Fischer (1958), Jeremy Northam (1961), Sarah Silverman (1970), Riz Ahmed (1982), Janelle Monae (1985).
"Even as a baby I quickly learned to crawl out of my crib... They'd put up barriers but I learned how to go over them."
-- Mary Martin
A Story of Mercury and the Milky Way
Dear Friend and Reader:
If you've been following the news, you've probably noticed things getting exponentially more insane by the day. Everything seems to be out of control. And if you follow astrology, you may be wondering what the holy heck is going on. I'm here with some information for you.
We're about to experience what may be the most interesting Mercury retrograde I've ever seen. I've seen a few, and studied them all. There's always some interesting twist, though the one that spans from Sunday, Dec. 3 through Friday, Dec. 22 has many unusual properties. This retrograde process has the distinction of being the fanfare connected to Saturn's ingress into Capricorn, a sign that it rules.
For starters, Mercury retrograde happens three times a year. Astronomically, it's when Mercury passes between the Earth and the Sun. So during a retrograde, Mercury is nearby; it's a planet-sized hunk of iron. Based on one theory of astrology, it's also getting its particular properties picked up by the solar wind, which are cascaded all over the Earth and our bodies.
Not all astrology is based in astronomy, though a giant magnet blowing by is a good candidate. I maintain, however, that most of the effect of retrograde Mercury is on our minds, which are electrical and magnetic devices. This explains how one's disk drive might fail, and one might lose a check between the pages of a magazine that arrived in the same day's mail.
Hence, one might deduce a mental effect, which would be right in line with Mercury (which represents the mind before anything else).
Here's a Planet Waves classic on Mercury retrograde, for all the generalities, some details and some recommendations. Share away!
Moon Phase: Moon is in Waxing Gibbous phase and enters Full phase on Dec. 3 at 7:47 am PST / 10:47 am EST (15:46:54 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Gemini on Dec. 3 at 7:47 am PST / 10:47 am EST (15:46:54 UTC).
Corresponding New Moon in Sagittarius is on Dec. 17-18 at 10:30 pm PST / 1:30 am EST (06:30:20 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Taurus and enters Gemini on Dec. 2 at 1:21 pm PST / 4:21 pm EST (21:20:46 UTC).
Sun Degree: 10-11 Sagittarius.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Venus enters Sagittarius at 1:14 am PST / 4:14 pm EST (09:13:58 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
-- Mars opposite Uranus at 2:05 am PST / 5:05 am EST (10:05:21 UTC).
-- Sun square Rhiphonos at 4:30 am PST / 7:30 am EST (12:30:04 UTC).
-- Mars conjunct Haumea at 10:50 am PST / 1:50 pm EST (18:50:35 UTC).
-- Juno sextile Chiron at 4:05 pm PST / 7:05 pm EST (00:04:40 Dec. 2 UTC).
-- Sun square Orcus at 7:59 pm PST / 10:59 pm EST (03:58:44 Dec. 2 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is Dec. 1
(The Day of Mirthful License) | Sagittarius Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
You could hardly want a better gift than Venus entering your sign on your birthday. This is an invitation to let your beauty, charm and the friendly side of your personality lead the way. Make the choice to feel safe enough to let the love shine from your heart. You're a bold and confident person. You will feel even better living this way.
Written in the Planets
If you're feeling reactive about something in a relationship, you might ask yourself how articulate you've been about your emotional needs. If you've been holding back for fear of rocking the boat or things 'changing', guess what? That creates tension, and tends not to be a recipe for making smooth adjustments with a clear sense of authority over your life. Juno in Capricorn in a sextile to Chiron in Pisces should help raise your awareness of the dynamic in a way that let's you heal some facet of it -- though you'll have to engage the process actively. Luckily, Venus entering Sagittarius today should help everyone to take a philosophical or easygoing approach and move gracefully on from any flare-ups. Feel free to give Venus a hand.
New Features Added:
Videos for 2018 Saturn, Chiron and Uranus Transits
Dear Friend and Reader:
The Art of Becoming is your 2018 annual reading. This is my 20th time at the rodeo! And that's a good thing, because to write about the transits of the coming year will take experience. If you're new to the discussion of this project, I've linked a letter in the last paragraph.
I've added three new features to The Art of Becoming, for those who pre-order all 12 signs: videos that cover Chiron in Aries, and Aries Chiron returns; Uranus in Taurus, and Uranus oppositions; and Saturn in Capricorn, including those two Saturn return groups (first and second). These cover many age groups and sub-generations.
These videos are included if you pre-order all 12 signs. Then they will be spun off as separate products. They will not be included with post-publication orders, or single-sign orders. Each will be offered separately for $37.37 each.
I've wanted to do transit readings like this for years! One distinction about my astrological career is that rather than predicting transits, I've been listening to my clients tell me the stories of their transits for more than two decades.
The current pre-order price is $99, which includes written readings for all 12 signs, plus the Saturn, Chiron and Uranus video presentations. Those will be published before the written readings, by the way.
Delivery is expected in January. That's the time estimate, based on 20 years' experience doing this project. If you're curious to read more about The Art of Becoming, here's a detailed letter describing how I do the readings and what they contain.
And if you have not read your 2017 reading, you may do so here at no charge.
Sign up today. The next price increase will be soon!
Thank you for trusting me as your astrologer, and for participating in Planet Waves.
With love,

Daily Horoscope for December 1, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino
If Today is Your Birthday
You could hardly want a better gift than Venus entering your sign on your birthday. This is an invitation to let your beauty, charm and the friendly side of your personality lead the way. Make the choice to feel safe enough to let the love shine from your heart. You're a bold and confident person. You will feel even better living this way. You share a birthday with Richard Pryor, Bette Midler, and Janelle Monae.
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- Today Venus enters the sector of your chart associated with your long-term plans and highest vision of your life. At the same time, you may be feeling some frustration in your efforts at going forward. You must do something very un-Aries, which is to be patient for a few weeks.
"One's relationship to change is the underlying reality that determines how one handles transits. This relationship counts for a lot now, and you would be wise to bring it to full awareness. What you're currently experiencing is the culmination of six years of nonstop and ever-increasing energy. All of that has been excellent preparation. Now, you're experiencing the actual threshold, the invocation of your new life."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order that here.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) -- The Moon is now in your sign, which will have a calming effect and guide you back into your feelings. With the Full Moon approaching, you may be feeling tense, alert or restless. Put that energy to good use. Venus, your ruling planet, has just entered your house of pleasures of the night.
"You possess actual creativity, actual devotion and a strong tendency to be ethical. If you don't let fear contaminate your mind, you will be able to connect these things in the form of your true vocation. If you are involved in what you consider to be your true vocation, you will have opportunities to go deeper and to bring in something that has the power to change you and change the world around you. That's the mark of truth: it's alive, it's active, it's provocative, and it compels you to establish an ongoing relationship with it."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order that here.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) -- You may feel like you're at the end of your tether or like you're under some pressure you don't understand. Don't add to your own woes. For example, take deadlines in order, and verify that something is a problem before you try to solve it. Sometimes doing nothing is the best approach.
"The two most significant aspects of life -- love, and work -- are coming in at full strength. You're in a moment unlike any other you've lived through, at least speaking from the viewpoint of your astrology. It's all so much that you might not be so thrilled; you may not see the opportunities in the wild mash-up of factors that are influencing your life. To begin with, I am here to remind you that you're larger than it all."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order that here.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- The most important contribution you can make is your good vibes. Use your social skills to smooth out differences, and to avoid controversies. Your actual work counts for plenty, though your loving presence counts for a lot more. People are on edge; your presence will guide them to a more stable place.
"You are the kind of person who must become your intentions and give everything all you've got. You feel better when you do this, even if you're having to stretch a little. Being half-hearted does not suit you. You are a whole-hearted person, you want to feel that fully, and you want to be appreciated for what you do. This is the essence of self-esteem and it's currently one of the most basic elements of your astrology."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order that here.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) -- Venus has just entered your fellow fire sign Sagittarius, which for you represents your talents, your pleasures and your sense of adventure. Though you clearly have important things on your mind, you might want to invest energy in something that just seems new, fun and potentially profitable.
"The more you take a proactive and creative role, the less it will feel like changes are happening to you and the more it will feel like you are working with the incoming forces to create the change that you want. Therefore, pay close attention to just what that is: know what you want to change. I suggest you work with two lists: what you want to resolve or eliminate, and what you want to create. Both will happen as part of the same process."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order that here.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) -- You may be missing one of the great blessings of your life, though you will soon discover it. For now, don't be so quick to complain about your situation, or any aspect of it. Rather, count your blessings and be grateful for what you have, and what you're able to provide for yourself.
"You could say that apart from all the psychological concepts attached to self-esteem, the experience you're looking for is feeling good about who you are. This is a feeling, not a concept. Rather than strive for the feeling, the thing to do is give yourself the experiences that you want; the experiences that will enrich you and help you develop into your personhood. To feel good about yourself, it's vital that you know how to express who you are, and what you feel."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order that here.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) -- Mars in your sign is now opposite Uranus, in your relationship zone. This also describes your relationship to your whole environment. The message is: when you exert energy, force, pressure or aggression you will encounter an equal or greater force, which may take you totally by surprise.
"Your workplace must be not just habitable but truly supportive. You simply must like the place where you work, or you risk your mental and emotional health. Others can get by with jobs they hate, or substandard working environments; you cannot. Therefore, invest the time and energy that you need to have a place of work that supports your creativity, your health and your wellbeing."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order that here.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- Mars, your ruling planet, is now in rare form, and you may be feeling some blend of impulsive, agitated or paranoid. Pay close attention to your dreams. They will tell you what's going on below the surface. You will feel better when you understand your own motives and unspoken needs.
"You must gather with people who share common values with you. You can no longer afford to invest your precious time and psychic energy with people who do not embody the highest vibration of what you desire, and know to be true. You will feel better about yourself when you can speak openly about what you value the most, and spend time with those who share your spiritual goals and your purpose for living."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order that here.
Sagittarius Birthdays 2017-18:
Not What You Think: Your Personal Mercury Retrograde
Dear Friend and Reader:
I know what you're wondering: how can Mercury retrograde not be what you think, when Mercury is, in fact, the planet representing the mind? What I mean is this: Mercury retrograde phases have a bad rap for being nothing but trouble; but used well, they can be incredibly useful phases of time for review and deep introspection.
So, you might say that if you have your Sun or rising sign in Sagittarius, then Mercury stationing retrograde in your sign on Sunday really isn't about 'what' you think; it's about how you think.
The weeks between Dec. 3 and Dec. 22 could actually be incredibly useful for getting to the bottom of certain beliefs and thought patterns you have, among other things.
What does it mean to start your solar year with Mercury stationing retrograde in your sign? Eric will walk you through this and all of the biggest astrological events of the next 12 months in your 2017-18 Sagittarius Birthday Reading.
With Saturn, Chiron and Uranus all changing signs soon, you'll find certain areas of your life changing in tone and emphasis. For example, what will it mean to have the planet of awareness and healing (Chiron) move into your house of play, creativity, adventurous risk, and sex for fun (Aries)?
Eric crafts these readings with the best of his life-coaching, cheerleading and problem-solving skills; the sensitivity of his therapy training; his uncanny knack to help you see challenges from a more empowering perspective; and with the kind of everyday, practical inspiration you can use immediately. You get some of the clearest, most nuanced and jargon-free personal astrology available on the internet.
Best of all, the two astrology segments (approximately 30 minutes each) and tarot reading that Eric records for you are completely different from the written Sagittarius reading that will be part of the 2018 annual edition. The Birthday Reading has a more jazz-like feeling, lending it to Eric's knack for uncanny, spontaneous insights and nuance -- and it's recorded with the Sun in your sign.
You can pre-order the 2017-18 Sagittarius Birthday Reading for the lowest price we offer: only $33. The price of the reading will increase as publication approaches, and then again after it's been released.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
Planet Waves Astrology Editor
P.S. If you know someone with a Sagittarius Sun or rising sign who's been having a rough time this year, consider giving them the 2017-18 Sagittarius Birthday Reading as a gift. We could all use a friendly cheerleader these days.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) -- Venus has entered your birth sign, which hints at the good things that are to come. Yet you'll need to do your part, and make the necessary effort. Most of all, you must be true to your values. This matters the most when those values are tested. But they're your most dependable guide.
"To succeed, your work plan must have metes and bounds. You must choose the things you need to accomplish within a specific timeframe, and these choices must be prioritized. This does not mean that you will follow your plans exactly, and you'll very likely alter your priorities as you proceed. Yet it's essential to start with some organized scheme, so that you have an overview, and you have a first draft to revise."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order that here.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -- Sometimes you need some friendly diversion, like going to a movie or a show. Just make sure you choose a subject matter that's about pleasure and not about aggression. You are sensitive and impressionable right now, and you need to surround yourself with positive vibes.
"You are someone who is more connected to the wider flow of the human experience than you might otherwise be. Even if you're not an official leader, or into politics, you are connected (often rather consciously) to aspects of life that extend far beyond yourself. This connection sometimes comes bursting into your life when you're not vaguely interested. Sometimes you feel it as a direct calling, and you may or may not know what to do with that."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order that here.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Whatever may be going on in your life, you're creative enough to have fun with it, and to turn disagreements into collaboration. You are practiced enough in psychology to do this, though a friendly approach to problem-solving will go a long way this week. Show us how it's done.
"Within the morphogenetic fields of your sign is an inbred rebelliousness of mind. This comes with the refusal to accept patterns imposed by others; the capacity to hybridize one's views and have original positions on social and political issues; which in turn leads to a kind of eccentricity that is very much a quality of your nature. So too is a distinct inventiveness, if you can keep your mind awake, alert and young."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order that here.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Venus has just entered the recognition and reputation angle of your solar chart, which is like getting a star hung on your dressing-room door. Many other factors suggest that you're being seen and noticed. Just be cautious, such as asking someone to read anything destined for public consumption.
"After many adventures, misadventures, developments, challenges and crises, you've integrated the many seemingly separate facets of who you were into someone who you now most distinctly are. I suggest you make a study of this gradual transformation that's taken over your life, and which is nearly complete. Feel the ways in which you've worked out problems that seemed to have no solution. Notice how your confidence level has increased."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order that here.
Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
We published your extended monthly horoscopes for December on Wednesday, Nov. 22. Your extended monthly horoscopes for
November were published on Thursday, Oct. 26. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, by Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Client Services: Amy Elliott. Eric's Assistant: Ellen Dockery. Astrology Fact Checker: Len Wallick. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Media Consultant: Andrew Ellis Marshall McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Amy Jacobs, Cindy Ragusa and Carol van Strum.
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