New York, November 26, 2017 | Read on Web
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November 26, 2017 Daily Almanac, With Your Daily Horoscope (see below)
Today is Sunday, Nov. 26, 2017
Hebrew date is 8 Kislev 5778
Islamic date is 8 Rabi-I 1439
Mayan Tzolk'in Day is 11 Imix'
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2458084
Today's Birthdays: John Harvard (1607-1638), William Cowper (1731-1800), Sarah Moore Grimke (1792-1873), Mary Edwards Walker (1832-1919), Eric Sevareid (1912-1992), Inge King (1915-2016), Charles M. Schulz (1922-2000), George Segal (1924-2000), Adolfo Perez Esquivel (1931), Tina Turner (1939), Davey Graham (1940-2008), Olivia Cole (1942), Marilynne Robinson (1943), Jean Terrell (1944), John McVie (1945), Kara Walker (1969), DJ Khaled (1975), Rita Ora (1990).
"The silhouette says a lot with very little information, but that's also what the stereotype does."
-- Kara Walker
Planet Waves FM Special | Thanksgiving Grateful Dead Extravaganza
In case you missed it, here's Eric's special edition of Planet Waves FM, devoted to the music of the Grateful Dead. Designed to appeal to all audiences, the selections here are designed for easy listening and mindful entertainment. They span the band's full range of styles and most of its history.
Moon Phase: Moon is in Waxing Crescent phase and enters First Quarter phase today at 9:03 am PST / 12:03 pm EST (17:02:50 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Gemini on Dec. 3 at 7:47 am PST / 10:47 am EST (15:46:54 UTC).
Corresponding New Moon in Sagittarius is on Dec. 17-18 at 10:30 pm PST / 1:30 am EST (06:30:20 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Aquarius and enters Pisces today at 12:04 am PST / 3:04 am EST (08:03:50 UTC).
Sun Degree: 5-6 Sagittarius.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Moon enters Pisces at 12:04 am PST / 3:04 am EST (08:03:50 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
-- Sun square Nessus at 2:01 am PST / 5:01 am EST (10:01:19 UTC).
-- Sun conjunct Huya at 2:16 am PST / 5:16 am EST (10:16:29 UTC).
-- Uranus opposite Haumea at 6:49 am PST / 9:49 am EST (14:49:08 UTC).
-- Venus trine Chiron at 1:22 pm PST / 4:22 pm EST (21:21:42 UTC).
-- Pallas trine Saturn at 2:27 pm PST / 5:27 pm EST (22:27:37 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is Nov. 26
(The Day of Distinctive Manner) | Sagittarius Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
Confront any emotional or family challenges honestly, and with an open heart and mind. That's the key to resolving the past and allowing yourself to be fully invested in the present. We all have a history, and we've all been hurt in the past. Yet there's just one way to stop this from running your life, which is to consciously grow, heal and forgive.
Written in the Planets
Each quarter moon is in some way a call to action. Today's, tightly conjunct Nessus and also involving Vesta, looks a bit like someone blowing reveille right in your ear. Recent news events are a clear signal that we all need to do some serious healing work. We need real, honest conversations about how society encourages us to repress and ignore our instincts, and our desires, and to compromise our integrity. The environment is changing. We now have a chance to break down what is not working and remake our culture in a different form. That starts with you refusing any longer to conceal the flame of your truth. It's time to shine.
New Features Added:
Videos for 2018 Saturn, Chiron and Uranus Transits
Dear Friend and Reader:
The Art of Becoming is your 2018 annual reading. This is my 20th time at the rodeo! And that's a good thing, because to write about the transits of the coming year will take experience. If you're new to the discussion of this project, I've linked a letter in the last paragraph.
I've added three new features to The Art of Becoming, for those who pre-order all 12 signs: videos that cover Chiron in Aries, and Aries Chiron returns; Uranus in Taurus, and Uranus oppositions; and Saturn in Capricorn, including those two Saturn return groups (first and second). These cover many age groups and sub-generations.
These videos are included if you pre-order all 12 signs. Then they will be spun off as separate products. They will not be included with post-publication orders, or single-sign orders. Each will be offered separately for $37.37 each.
I've wanted to do transit readings like this for years! One distinction about my astrological career is that rather than predicting transits, I've been listening to my clients tell me the stories of their transits for more than two decades.
The current pre-order price is $99, which includes written readings for all 12 signs, plus the Saturn, Chiron and Uranus video presentations. Those will be published before the written readings, by the way.
Delivery is expected in January. That's the time estimate, based on 20 years' experience doing this project. If you're curious to read more about The Art of Becoming, here's a detailed letter describing how I do the readings and what they contain.
And if you have not read your 2017 reading, you may do so here at no charge.
Sign up today. The next price increase will be soon!
Thank you for trusting me as your astrologer, and for participating in Planet Waves.
With love,

Daily Horoscope for November 26, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino
If Today is Your Birthday
Confront any emotional or family challenges honestly, and with an open heart and mind. That's the key to resolving the past and allowing yourself to be fully invested in the present. We all have a history, and we've all been hurt in the past. Yet there's just one way to stop this from running your life, which is to consciously grow, heal and forgive. You share a birthday with Charles M. Schulz, Tina Turner, and John McVie.
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- Your chart is describing what appears to be a spiritual matter, such as a notion of the truth coming in from a divine source. Yet in order to understand the answer, you must first understand the question. Do not speculate or guess. Ask yourself: what do I need to know? What am I asking?
"The person you thought you were five years ago, one year ago, even yesterday, is not quite the same person you are today, potentially in some profound ways. To the extent that this is shaking up your consciousness and that of the people around you, you simply must develop confidence in yourself."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) -- Make sure how you handle private matters is not colored by how you think you're perceived publicly. For instance, make sure you're honest with a partner even if you would not want that information broadcast all over Twitter. It's cold out there. Keep your loving relationships warm.
"If Taureans are competitive, it's primarily with themselves. You never want to do anything worse than you did it last time. Your next effort has to be better. When this is not driving you a little nuts, it can really work for you; and it definitely works for those who benefit from your devoted efforts."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) -- This week may arrive with a decisive moment in a relationship. You don't need to wrestle with your conscience. You know the history of what you've been through, and you know how you feel today. Listen attentively to what someone says, and choose based on your honest response to what you hear.
"Like an aviator or a sailor or both at once, you must study the weather, within you and around you, and have many skills and tools for coexisting with it. You harness your energy from change itself. Knowing yourself is not a matter of having a fixed concept, but rather an honest and ongoing relationship with who you are."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- You must have faith in yourself, and in the results of your work. It's natural enough to feel like we live in a frozen and hostile era. Yet the laws of metaphysics are never suspended. You do indeed reap what you sow; you find what you seek; what you see is based on what you believe.
"Whatever you are doing, the essential spirit of your chart is that you define yourself. You set your mission; you establish your reputation; you are the master of the experiment. If you want to accomplish anything beyond the routine level of success, that also entails the highest level of self-responsibility and inner authority."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) -- More than you need to talk about what happened to you, you need to talk about how you feel. Why you feel that way is less important; the fact of your inner reality is the most significant thing to focus on. 'Why' is always a matter of opinion. Your actual sentiments are a fact you can acknowledge.
"You are now in a moment where you get to review, rethink and recreate just about anything you want. This may involve any facet of your life. You have the opportunity to work from the roots of your existence upward, and outward. For now, stay close to the ground and work from your core reality."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) -- Sometimes it takes a while for the real issue to come out, and it's likely to do so today. Whether you can discuss it or not matters less than you acknowledging the truth of your situation, and acting on it with an open mind. Go beyond self-preservation. You deserve to be free.
"Let everything point you back to you, as the focal point of your existence. This will enhance your capacity for relationships rather than diminish it. The more solidly you are present for yourself, the more solid you can be for others. But that's really beside the point; focusing your intimacy with yourself is its own reward."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) -- The Moon is back in Pisces, which is your monthly reminder to take better care of yourself. For you, that includes assessing your stress level, and remembering that your emotions and your sense of physical wellbeing are closely related. Pay attention to whether you're being triggered.
"You may have been looking to the people you relate to directly -- that is, partners of various kinds -- for answers about the changes you're going through. The deeper truth is that something inside you is evolving and growing, and changes to your partnerships are a kind of secondary effect. The sum total is that your circumstances are conspiring for you to be highly self-reliant."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- You may be feeling a need to burst free this week, and that is your choice. While you don't need to get permission to be yourself, you do need either to honor your commitments, or change them, or deal with the fallout of any choices you make that might ruffle the feathers of people close to you.
"The essence of this message is that you must express your true self in every facet of your being, particularly in the work that you do. The tangible contribution you make to your community and the larger society is your single most dependable way to develop yourself, and to cultivate respect for yourself, and these angles of your chart are coming under strong, creative aspects this year."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Sagittarius Birthdays 2017-18:
How Will You Apply What You've Learned?
Your reading has given direction and meaning on how to proceed, to learn and move forward in these difficult, unsettling times and at the same time, inspiring me to tap into limitless creative gifts. Thank you, Eric; from my heart to your heart."
-- Ann Cortese, B.S., M.P.S.
Dear Friend and Reader:
Undoubtedly you've experienced quite a process of maturation these last three years or so, as you've responded to the need to bring real discipline to each way in which you express yourself in the world. With all hell seeming to break loose lately, it's possible this has been a painful or scary process for you.
Yet perhaps you've felt more solid within yourself than ever before -- and if you haven't, you still can.
In the coming month, the major force behind that growth process will shift: Saturn leaves your sign next month and enters Capricorn.
You'll get to take all the lessons you've recently learned and apply them in increasingly tangible ways to everything that matters most to you. This includes that most precious of all commodities in today's world: your self-esteem. Then, early next spring, Chiron -- raiser of awareness and magnifier of healing potential -- moves into your fellow fire sign Aries. Aries is your zone of play, creativity, adventurous risk, sex for fun and more.
Being someone with their Sun, rising sign or Moon in Sagittarius, you might feel like you have playful creativity already well covered. But what if it could be even better -- more fun, less guilt or baggage, more fulfilling?
Eric will be exploring the moves of Saturn, Chiron and more (including Uranus entering Taurus) in your 2017-18 Sagittarius Birthday Reading.
Comprising two astrology segments of at least 30 minutes each plus a tarot reading for your year, you can pre-order it now for the lowest price we offer: only $33 for the whole thing. All portions of the reading are recorded in studio-quality audio, and can be downloaded to your favorite device so you can listen as many times as you like throughout the year.
Note that the price of the reading will increase as publication approaches, and then again after it's been released. Planet Waves does not do Black Friday gimmicks, but we do reward you with the best price when you sign on early.
You get some of the clearest, most nuanced and jargon-free personal astrology available on the internet. Eric crafts these readings with the best of his life-coaching, cheerleading and problem-solving skills; the sensitivity of his therapy training; his uncanny knack to help you see challenges from a more empowering perspective; and with the kind of everyday, practical inspiration you can use immediately.
What more do you need to steer your life through the end of 2017 and into a new year?
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
Planet Waves Astrology Editor
P.S. Do you always forget your favorite Sagittarius friends' birthdays due to holiday distractions? Give the gift of the 2017-18 Sagittarius Birthday Reading today, and the thought may count more than ever.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) -- Persist in solving a problem, even if you don't see a possible solution. The chances are you already came up with the answer to the puzzle, but overlooked it because it seemed a little strange even for your tastes. Go back over what you learned the past couple of days. Check your notes.
"You will thrive if you maintain a spirit of exploration and play in the work that you do. You might explore the idea that no matter what you do, you're doing the same thing: expressing your energy and love. If you discover that you don't feel so energetic or so loving, that's the time to consider why you're doing it. However, remember, many facets of your current astrology call for patience."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -- Make an effort to find words for what you're feeling. You might be inclined just to give up, or to express frustration in a way that distracts you from your true quest. Sit patiently, preferably with a pen or pencil, and write out what you're feeling. Then read it back. Then keep doing that.
"One thing to remember is that your integrity is not linked to your being unchanging. In fact, your integrity is about your ability to change in helpful ways, and not to resist what you need the most. As well, you must be honest with yourself and with others about your uncertainty. It's all too tempting, in times of profound change, to attempt to cling to some form of fundamentalism or false security."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- You can crack through a financial issue this week, though it will involve shoring up your self-respect. If you need to ask for help, do so in a way that is positive and dignified. If you're asserting the value of your work, understate your case, and offer a few tangible examples anyone can relate to.
"If you find some material you must confront, summon the might of Pluto to help you work through the details. When you discover that you're carrying around material from one or more of your ancestors, notice what it is, and offer it back to them. One thing you have going for you now is a rather hot spiritual fire burning. This is an excellent opportunity to burn off karma."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Whatever professional breakthrough you experience this week, it was long in coming. You have earned a place in the world, and you must remind yourself that you're not a newcomer or apprentice. You have actually accomplished something, and you must know that better than anyone.
"When you look at these years in retrospect, they will clearly be a 'before and after' time. There are likely to be focal points of that transition; you may have experienced many 'befores' and 'afters', which add up to nothing less than a complete transformation in the form of embodying your own existence. This has taken many shapes, and in truth it's a process that, once ignited, keeps on going."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
We published your extended monthly horoscopes for December on Wednesday, Nov. 22. Your extended monthly horoscopes for
November were published on Thursday, Oct. 26. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, by Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Client Services: Amy Elliott. Eric's Assistant: Ellen Dockery. Astrology Fact Checker: Len Wallick. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Media Consultant: Andrew Ellis Marshall McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Amy Jacobs, Cindy Ragusa and Carol van Strum.
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